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SupermanBRONZE Member
829 posts
Location: Houston, Texas, USA

As the majority of you know i am still a fire spinning virgin. I have been spinning a smidgen over a year and nver attempted to light something on fire. Ive thought about it, ive dreamed about it <> but ive never sacked up and did it.Well im tired of waiting and i have decided to order my wicks and purchase me some chains. I will pratice with the chains and unlit wicks to get use to the weight difference.Now on to my question. I did a search on it, but i didnt get the exact answer that i was looking for. Most likely i will spin with a spotter present. But i think that is one of the problems holding me back. I figure if just get up and go somewhere alone, i will do it with no excuses.i think i have all the basic safeties down:100% wool towel (damp)no loose clothesbucket of waterspin off the extra fueldont do it next to a gas stationI printed out about three pages of precautions.BUT one question was never asked.What is the safest way to light the wicks by yourself. I figured id ask. i assumed id light one them bump them together. wish me luck...Super'------------------"When a Man Lies He Murders Some Part of the World These Are the PaleDeaths Which Men Miscall Their Lives All this I Cannot Bear to Witness Any Longer Cannot the Kingdom of Salvation Take Me Home"

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear--not absence of fear.

- Mark Twain

81 posts

EDITED_BY: Auger282 (1429499556)

SupermanBRONZE Member
829 posts
Location: Houston, Texas, USA

cool beans.....thats what i thoughtthanks dude.."S"------------------"When a Man Lies He Murders Some Part of the World These Are the PaleDeaths Which Men Miscall Their Lives All this I Cannot Bear to Witness Any Longer Cannot the Kingdom of Salvation Take Me Home"

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear--not absence of fear.

- Mark Twain

Girl From Marsmember
168 posts
Location: Liverpool, NY, USA

sup super? i found a good way to light them is to light one first the pick up the other(after both have been soaked and swung off) and hold it next to the one already lit. then your good to go. do forget not to do it on a really windy day. and practicing unlit for a little bit to get use to the weight is a good idea, they are very much different when they are heavier till you get use to them. other than that i think you are ready to go. i wish n8 and i were there to see your first burn. tell us how it went when you finally do it. ------------------the music feeds my soul that glows and grows with every spin i take.

the music feeds my soul that glows and grows with every spin i take.

spritieSILVER Member
2,014 posts
Location: Galveston, TX, USA

Well, Super, seeing as how you are in Houston and all, you could get together will the rest of us next Friday night (Oct. 12) at the Mausoleum and spin with us. It is a club in Montrose where the owner allows us to do as we please in the backyard (very laid back, but we definitely have all the safeties in place). In fact, that was where I had my first burn with poi less than 2 months ago. If you'd like more info, let me know. -spritie

SupermanBRONZE Member
829 posts
Location: Houston, Texas, USA

thanks Martian....i wish i could have a bunch'o hommies there with me too. "If" i can get someone to come with me ill get pictures. grin im getting gitty------------------"When a Man Lies He Murders Some Part of the World These Are the PaleDeaths Which Men Miscall Their Lives All this I Cannot Bear to Witness Any Longer Cannot the Kingdom of Salvation Take Me Home"

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear--not absence of fear.

- Mark Twain

DJ DantanaBRONZE Member
1,495 posts
Location: Stillwater, Ok. USA

I don't want to sound like a wet blanket, but I recomend wearing safety glasses or wrap around sunglasses till you feel "comfortable" with fire...I did. But no big deal as long as you have practiced right?

we eat and we drink and we smoke and we try!

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

I just left them in one hand and hold a flame under them with my other. Once it catches in a little flicker I take away the flame and behold I say let there be flame!Good luck brother...may you burn brightly and safely!------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Yeah BABY! You go boy! You can light one wick with a lighter, then pick the other one up and light wick two off wick one. A surprisingly few people think of this.My advise to you:*All are IMHO*Don't spin alone. Isn't that what significant others are for? smileLamp oil is the safest fuelPractice with the wicks for a while so you get the weight downDon't try any new tricks with fireDon't try wraps until you're comfy with fireFigure out EXACTLY what you're going to do if you tangle/wrap/etc.If you mess up, DROP THE POI! (Again, surprisingly few people think of this!)Don't be disappointed. No really, you've heard quite a bit of talking and have been waiting for such a long time. It's going to be just like regular poi, except louder, brigher and hotter. You won't see God.I wish I could be there to spot you dude, but I don't think my car would make the trip.You'll be fine, trust me. And then you'll be hitting yourself for not lighting up sooner.

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

1,015 posts
Location: Austin TX USA

The safest way to spin fire by youurself is to have a friend present as a safety. I'm a hardass about this. Don't compromise your safety, *especially* for your first light-up. You don't know yet whether you will freak out or react calmly if you tangle. You don't know whether you'll set your clothes or hair on fire (I've done both).I will put in a mention for a nifty little product I found at Walmart--it's like a tiki torch, but it's a steel sphere the size of a bowling ball. It is perfect for a big firenight when lots of people need to light up--takes little fuel to burn for hours.

Laugh while you can, monkey-boy

57 posts
Location: Sydney

A candle.

pozeeBRONZE Member
old hand
887 posts
Location: san diego, USA

YEAH! he is finally going to do it. the first time i did it was by myself in the middle of an apartment complex. not too safe at all. definately go with torch fuel, i think citronella oil is the best stuff because it is hard to catch stuff on fir with that. personally i hold them both with one hand, whip out a lighter light it up, put the lighter back in the pocket(or else i would lose it in the sand) and then just go at it. have a blast man, and dont worry, it is just fire not kryptonite right. wink

anyone got a light?

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

yeah sups...good luck and best wishes for your first burn smileand hey man? when are you gonna return my email?Josh

12 posts
Location: Caulfield, Melbourne, Australia

My favourite way to light up is using matches. I find if you get some kero, or any sort of flammable fluid in the lighter, it simply refuses to work until the stuff dries off.Matches mean you have a singular point of flame that you can just drop if you need to, and not search for later.For me - I just wrap the two poi up in one hand, till they're is about ½ to ¾ of a foot of chain and light the things, but I have no major fear of fire, so this might freak you out a little if you're not used to it.The major thing I can think of is if you have long hair. I used to have long hair, and very quickly learnt the lesson of having it tied up. If you're chains have anything in the way of a non-closing link, or even anything that is likely to catch, leave your hair out. The last think you want is a flaming poi caught in your long hair as you struggle to rip it out of you head.But above all - no matter what happens, stay calm. If you freak out you are more likely to get hurt. Generally speaking the flame isn't really that hot, and you would have to leave a part of your body in there for serious pain to set in. (That being said, the metal is darn hot, and watch out for it). Hmnn.. i think I just covered everything I can think of wink Have fun twirling wink nothing quite like having the balls o' fire whooshing around your head.Neurotic

CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

So your dreams will finally come true then ...Youpiiiiiiiiiiiiii as we say in french !wish i could see that!!You should bring your lady with you cause she'll be impressed and as a superman/macho you can only be pleased to impress your woman, uh winkShine onCassandra

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

439 posts
Location: Oceanside, California, USA

HELL YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!That's all I got to sayEric------------------_ _WILDFIRE_ _ P.B.K.___ "RePreZenTin'"

Its about talent, not make up or costumes.

97 posts
Location: Round Rock TX , US

Good luck!!!!You will love it!!!!

Fire Princessmember
130 posts
Location: London/Brighton, UK

The first time with fire will be pretty damned good. Hear the roar of those flames whizzing past your ears!Oh yeah, remember to keep your hands in the right position even if you get scared... I bet you've seen beginners who are scared doing the weave etc. so they stick their arms out to take the poi further away from them and hit themselves/get tied up etc. The closer your hands are to your body, the further the fire is from you (with centripetal force and all that).Not to worry anyway, Superman can stick his hand in a fire and not get even a small burn!Good luck, man.This will be a memorable experience. You have the blessing of the Princess winkMmmmm, the smell of paraffin...the heat of the fire...the warm glow from the flames... :-)~ *drools*

SupermanBRONZE Member
829 posts
Location: Houston, Texas, USA

Hey thanks guys...My significant other??? No offense to her but she's the last pewrson i want spotting me. Hee hee. If i did have an accident, shed freak and wouldnt know what to do.. She is mildly impressed with my spinning skills. Im not as lucky as N8 in that respect.My only concern is the weight difference. Ok .. i talked to my good friend and he said he would come a be my spotter. I should be ready in a week or so.i have no fear, im goo to go

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear--not absence of fear.

- Mark Twain

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Well, if you're goo to go, then goo luck, Go Bless, and most of all have a goo time, goo buddy. wink

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Good luck on your burn! I remember my first time...hey Adam, where at walmart did you find that steel tiki torch ball? what is it called? I've been trying to find some sort of cauldron for live shows. --Thanks!

KatincaSee my vest.... see my vest...
693 posts
Location: Adelaide - South Australia

Hey Sups,Good luck and you will LOVE it.And I think you should get your other half into it too. It's always fun to spin together.I know I get a kick out of it when I get to do it with Josh. smileLove and Light------------------ ~*~ Katinca ~*~[This message has been edited by Katinca (edited 05 October 2001).]

Love and Light

~*~ Katinca ~*~

spritieSILVER Member
2,014 posts
Location: Galveston, TX, USA

perla,we call the steel tiki torch ball adamrice was referring to a "smudge pot". I will agree that they are absolutely fantastic to light poi or a staff off of.

93 posts
Location: ringwood,nj usa

you only thaught you were addicted before winkenjoy

Better to Burn out than Fade out, Baby!

audaxBRONZE Member
freelance bum
286 posts
Location: Upstairs, Australia

I first spun fire after 20 mins practise. I hit myself straight away and it was no problem. Have confidence my friend. It's all good. I've always used kero or citro lit with a match or lighter. If someone else is there twirling, light from their toy.Bring it on. grin


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