Forums > Other Toys > Fire Contact juggling??

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_Chris_GOLD Member
93 posts
Location: fallowfield manchester, United Kingdom

I really want to do fire contact juggling but not sure what there is. Ive seen the fyrefli glovless fire juggling balls and was wundering what they are like for contact. i saw at play a guy with kevlar gloves and a fire contact ball wich looked pretty gud. ive heard of ppl using wooden balls or something with 'white fuel' or something but would like to no more about that. any suggestions?

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nonenonenoneSILVER Member
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Location: none, United Kingdom

there is a thread around about fyrefly juggling balls, we had no problem with them but many people did.
However (im no expert, by a LONG way!) i really would not reccomend them for contact juggling, they arent exactly that easy as they arent exactly round, and the cages can get hot, but then again, as i say, im no expert! lol.

animatEdBRONZE Member
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Vik is right. The balls you mention are a bit crap.

But then, Fire Contact Juggling is a bit crap too, IMO... I did it at Falmouth three, and never did it again...

If you watch the Fal3 video, you'll see me set my hand on fire... Yay!! umm I used a monkey fist wick that had come off a set of poi. That's the roundest thing I've ever used, although the normal babache Fire Juggling Balls might be a bit better...

If you're gonna do it, wear some sort of protection on wherever you're rolling the ball, and prepare to burn yourself very easily. I wouldn't soak the ball too much either, otherwise it'll burn forever and your hands will get too sensitive to the heat before it's anywhere near going out...

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The FadeSILVER Member
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i dont think theres really any balls around that are ideal for fire contact that you can just buy. the only ones ive seen that looked remotely decent for contact juggling were some home made ones that looked like a baseball that were made from a monkeyfist wrapped in kevlar sheets and then sewn around with something that wasnt kevlar but somewhat similar.. i could find out what it was and get picks if you really want me to.

But personally i agree with LTC: "Fire Contact Juggling is a bit crap" and not just for the danger. it just doesnt look that cool. but thats only my 2c

good luck

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GelflingBRONZE Member
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Sure - it may not look that good - but its so much fun (luckily Ed stopped it from not being fun when he noticed that the bucket I soaked my gloves and sleaves contained paraffin instead of water). My fire balls are monkey fists wrapped in kevlar wool (to make them rounder) with a kevlar outer shell. All stitched with kevlar thread.

>What do you think about the state of the Earth?
>I'm optimistic.
>So why do you look so sad?
>I'm not sure that my optimism is justified.

53 posts

Well, I do a bit of fire contact juggeling. I use pretty much the same gear as the guy who taught me. Wooden spheres and no gloves just keep the thing moving and you won't get burned. Before persuing anything like this though I'd strongly suggest that you get very very good. Long stalls are also bad. Probably didn't have to tell you that but just in case.

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
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yeah, i *heard* on here that woden balls with white gas is the thing

but i recon if you want to juggle fire you should pass torches, and leave contact and ball juggling for the daytime crowd.

nothing quite like having a flaming torch heading toward your head....

T wave

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

_Chris_GOLD Member
93 posts
Location: fallowfield manchester, United Kingdom

hmm, this all helps alot thankyou smile

i think ill get a wooden ball and giv that ago first. i may try and design a new one later.

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KnoxiousGOLD Member
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Location: United Kingdom

I saw One Ball Paul doing fir contact in Amsterdam with one of those juggling balls that is a spiral with the flame in the centre. As the fire always goes up you don't get burnt. It didn't look amazing but it was his highlight of a contact street show so it was all in the build-up.
Sounds like a better idea than with a monkey fist (ouch!)...

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,749 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

yeah, ive seen that act, tho i recon the tennis racket is more impressive.

hi gayloard!

T wave

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

albotrossSILVER Member
52 posts
Location: nsw, gunnedah, Australia

if it was dark, woodnt it just look the same as holding the ball and moving it? i mean, i think contact is great, but, in the dark, it seemed a bt boring. unless you were doing it with 2 or 3 balls. then its cool.

The nite is nearly over, day is almost here. Romans 13:12

Stick ManBRONZE Member
37 posts
Location: Nh, USA

I’ve started using a 5” wooden ball soaked in white gas and sometimes a white gas/kero mix for fire contact. Straight white gas makes a much more impressive flame than the mix, but doesn’t burn as long. Pros & cons of using a wooden ball soaked in white gas for fire contact.
1)The only 5” wood balls I’ve found are made of multiple pieces of wood glued together which makes them very poorly balanced for contact ball and causes them to separate at the seams form the heat.
2)Fuel WILL be transferred onto your skin. This presents 2 problems. It will be absorbed by you body, which is not healthy at all, and it could possibility ignite on your skin, leaving cool looking tracers that could burn you quite badly.
3)It really only looks cool at dusk, in low light. During the day the flames don’t look that impressive, even if they are, and at night you cant tell what going on.
It makes people say, “HOLLY SIHT!” regardless of how technical the moves are.

There is some fire contact in this video.

I ain't been around the world, but I've been around the block. I ain't seen everything, but I've seen enough to talk. I'm not a prophet, I'm not the 2nd comming of christ. I'm just a mason with a will to build and a little advice.

YakumoSILVER Member
1,237 posts
Location: Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

love the summary smile

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YakumoSILVER Member
1,237 posts
Location: Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

wow, and that's a really nice video too, hadn't seen the move where the ball seems to float down with your hands swapping side to side before, though it's similar to one Irinus was trying to teach me.

very very smooth, very nice smile

Blinded by Hyperlights, please donate generously grin

2 posts



Stick Man

I wanted to get in contact with you.

I am doing exactly what your doing. Nice 6 inch wooden ball... firewater ( i had methanol but i think that [censored] is way too toxic and actually a friend gave me the firewater.. im not even sure whats in it) and i dont have any form of protection on my skin.

Thing i want to know...... Will i die from doing that??? you know like cancer or some [censored] like that with my skin in like 5 years from now???

See im kind of a masochist and the pain actually turns me on. Now ive only been doing this like 3 times and im already starting to have scars all over my arms ( indeed they are very cool looking) now i want to do street shows doing this.. i just need to know if this is dangerous when my body will absorb the gas that leaks on my skin. I mean.. im a freak.. but i dont want to die.. or turn blind (apparently its a risk with methanol) im doing extended searches on the topic but im not going anywhere.. nobody does that and when i ask people they just stare at me thinking im a freak...

So yea.. maybe you can help. Cuz i would be doing it a lot and in a kind of hardcore way.

But i love life... i dont want to die grin

P.S. oh and props for the vid on youtube btw... your the only one i saw who actually makes fire CJ looks cool.. the other are lame as hell
EDITED_BY: MadScyan (1244037220)

FelexSILVER Member
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Location: In my own head, United Kingdom

It depends on what effect you want. Also how confident a normal juggler you are.


At first use fire proof gloves or a good pair soaked in water. Soaking your hands in water helps for a short time
As you get better you can louse the gloves but you need to be good its all about the way the heat transfers.
The one’s that Knoxious suggested is what I started with. Juggling several they look cool, and if the people watching you haven’t seen it done before they will be very impressed.

At the end of the day its practice and experiment until you find something you like.

FelexSILVER Member
Destroyer of worlds and ooo shiny.
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Location: In my own head, United Kingdom

Very cool vid. Hes very good contact juggling. It will of Hurt! Getting that good.

XiuhtecuhtliSILVER Member
79 posts
Location: Guanajuato, México

Contact juggling is really beautifull,
Fire is even more beautifull
it's just something that has to happen...

Would a wooden ball with tiny pores in it drip?

XiuhtecuhtliSILVER Member
79 posts
Location: Guanajuato, México

hehe, gess what i found...

a kevlar ball

JayKittyGOLD Member
Mission: Ignition
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Location: Central New Jersey, USA

Wow... HoP near stops amazing me, lol. Aren't foot bags a bit small for contact though. I know about 3 inches is standard for one ball contact, foot bags are maybe half that and all squishy. Nice find all the same.

Don't mind me, just passing through.

diffrentcopyBRONZE Member
21 posts
Location: USA

there is a ball sold here,

heres the ball in use, looks cool.

Tad GuntonBRONZE Member
1 post

in case any one is still wondering about this i have recently taken up fire contact juggling and found one for sale at RenegadeJuggling Fire Contact Ball
I have used it with 70% isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) without gloves. lost a bit of hair on the backs of my hands but ovther than that was fine. wil take getting used to. only recomendation would be to wear a long sleave t-shirt if you have hairy arms

EDITED_BY: Malcolm (1420486600)

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