Forums > Expressive movement / costumes and props > Ideas needed! Fire safe circus themed costume for first pro gig

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Voodoo_TuesdaySILVER Member
5 posts
Location: Newcastle, UK

I've been doing amateur fire poi and fans for years and have my first professional gig on New Year's Eve and want to make a good impression. The theme is circus and I have no idea what to wear and what to do with my hair and need help! Normally when I spin it's just at parties and I'm just in jeans and cotton tops and tie my hair up any old how but I need to look knockout so that's not going to cut it.

My only idea so far is to put my long hair in two high tight buns, do leopard print face and body paint and make a leopard print two-piece out of some fabric I have lying around which I think is a cotton Lycra mix (I'll try setting fire to a bit of it first to make sure it doesn't explode) The only problem with this is I'm also pole dancing that night and body paint might make me slippy and I'd like my hair loose for that so any other ideas would be much appreciated!

Thanks in advance smile

adeathlyauraGOLD Member
The Poi Spinning Undead
173 posts
Location: Austin, Texas, United States, USA

I found this website:

They have clothing made from Kevlar and Nomex. Apparently, she will also do custom work so I'd just email her and she what she can do for you. I've never bought anything from her so I can't really say whether or not her stuff is any good. It's very expensive.

Question everything.

adeathlyauraGOLD Member
The Poi Spinning Undead
173 posts
Location: Austin, Texas, United States, USA

If in doubt, go naked! Except.... not really. XD

If you have the money, buy some black Kevlar pants and a tank top. Or see if the website I mentioned can make you a fire resistant leopard print costume.

I would forgo the body paint, to be honest. Just paint your face. If the paint will interfere with your pole dancing, there's no point in wearing it.

Question everything.

Voodoo_TuesdaySILVER Member
5 posts
Location: Newcastle, UK

Thanks for the replies smile that stuff looks fab but you're right it's not cheap! I just went for cotton hotpants and a cut up t-shirt which worked for both

4 posts


Its been awhile sorry for being gone for like 8 months.
but this year i have been extremly busy and now i finally got time for gaming agian..
for the rest of the year atleast. its Vicodin. lol remember me minty? how you been?
do i have to re apply and ect? let me know man thanks.. good to be back on the site. i missed you guys!
Cheap WOW Gold

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