Light and dark on river sand uploaded by Marinko Vampatić

Final results

Light and dark on river sand

Picture was taken in Croatia on beach of river Drava in town Osijek during summer camping with friends. Sand felt great under my feet and it was very challenging to preform, turn and dance with the poi when you are stuck into it. But this resulted with nice ridges and shapes of sand that play between darkness and light.
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Submitted on 2022-04-17 Views:1148
Light and dark on river sand

As picked by HoP
1. Fire burning and fire fans entered by totiofire
2. Dragon Staff Manipulation entered by Sabin Necula
3. circle of fire entered by eko.antispin

No. 1
Fire burning and fire fans
No. 2
Dragon Staff Manipulation
No. 3
circle of fire
No. 4
Kitty slicer
No. 5
Fire spin KBH
No. 6
Alab Hunk Poi Benjamin
No. 7
No. 8
Fire master
No. 9
Light assassin
No. 10
Nha trang city Vietnam
No. 11
Light and dark on river sand
No. 12
No. 13
Dragon Fire

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