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Profile for phoenix45000

Registered on: 22nd Aug 2006
Total posts: 7

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Last Forum Posts

I am doubtful there is a large scene in york (though I have seen some street performers using fire juggling occasionally) So I'd be interested in anything else in the north yorkshire ar...

I am not too keen on the idea of biodiesel, now that I have read Pele's view on it I am even more against using it. Anything that can make my torches difficult to use is not something ...

Try and find a camping store, they usually do big five litre drums of the stuff for about £6, I've used their stuff for fire breathing and experienced no major trouble.

Follow your Friends

cosmic karma arco jump
Fire Catching Ladies
Night snake
A face in the fire
Circus Fire Eater
Pretty flowers 🌸
Fire couple
Poi on the Coast
fire, walk with me.
Swirl & Surf
Watermelon hypnosis
Druid Buugeng
Ever Changing
Bonding with hoops
Contact Poi with view
Flying in Silk
Dream Fire
Fire Flowers
The Burning Belles
Coming Full Circle
Sky above me; Earth below me; Fire within me.
3 poi
circuspunk manipulator
carters wedding poi
Beats and Swing LED Madness
Christmas Palm Torches

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