sagetreeGOLD Member
organic creation
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Location: earth, Wales (UK)


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my name is sage and im diaboloholic. i have been at it about a month and i am just starting to learn 2 diabolos. i am working on genocides and infinite suicides as well as satellites under both arms and around the body.

some good places for begginers are: - diabolo forum

diabolotricks - huge list of diabolo tricks and flash videos

thediabolo - awesome for learning basic tricks

artofdiabolo - mad french posse - diabology (very good intructional and freestyle DVD)

from wikipedia:
Fundamental tricks

* Toss - the first trick everybody learns is to throw the diabolo up and catch it.
* Trapeze (A.K.A Stopover) - Swing diablo around stick and catch on string.
* Backside - catching the diabolo using the "bottom" of the string.
* Suicide (Stick release) - To temporarily let go of either stick and then catch it again.
* Grind - To balance the diabolo on a stick
* Sun - The diabolo is swung round in a large circle.
* Cradle - The line is tangled to form a shape and the Diabolo itself is tossed on or in the shape.
* Orbit - Diabolo is tossed and caught repeatedly to make it go round,
* Over (bodypart) Orbits (also known as satellites)- Advanced orbits to go around some body part. Primary hand arm and leg are considered the easiest.
* Knot - The line is tangled in a way it creates an illusion that the Diabolo is jammed. It can be released usually with an upwards toss motion.
* Elevator (String climb) - The diabolo "climbs" the string, this is done by whipping the string around the spool and pulling.
* Coffee Grinder - The diabolo is put on the "backside", then a trapeze position is found. From there, the diabolo is tossed multiple times over the stick.

Advanced diabolo

There are hundreds of tricks with thousands of variations which fall outside these categories, these are often more difficult and form the "cutting edge" of diabolo modern routines. Some examples are:

* Genocide - This refers to tricks in which the diabolo leaves the string and is subsequently caught with the string in a suicide.
* Whip (catch) - Diabolo is tossed into air and caught with a whipping motion of the line towards the diabolo.
* Finger Grind - The diabolo is caught on a finger rather than on a stick.
* Infinite suicides - a popular trick in which the diabolo appears to be suspended whilst one handstick orbits it.
* Grandmother tie - a trick were the diabolo is bounced on a tie made by several tricks combained and both sticks put verticaly

Multiple diabolos

Perhaps the most active area of development for diabolo involves tricks with more than one diabolo on a single string. Diabolists have pushed the number of diabolos juggled at once up to 6 (although there is some controversy as to whether this counts as the number of catches achieved is so small). Most diabolists however, stick to two or three. The introduction of multiple diabolos on a single string allows for many new moves. Many are applications of one diabolo moves to multiple diabolos.

* Hyperloop/Sprinkler - The diabolos orbit each other inside a closed loop of string.
* Mini-columns - Two diabolos are manipulated on a string in such a way as to prevent them colliding or orbiting each other.
* Siteswap - A notation borrowed from toss juggling in which the diabolos are thrown in different rhythms based on a numeric description.
* Fan - Two diabolos are spun between the arms in a way which mimics the blades of a fan.
* Sun - The diabolos are swung in a circle
* Knots - Similar to one diabolo knots, but both diabolos are wrapped up


Another advanced diabolo style, that has been developed in the more recent years and particularly explored further in the last few months is Vertax (Vertical Axis) A.K.A Excalibur. This is where the diabolo is 'tipped vertical' by means of 'whipping' and is continually spun in this upright state. Although the number of tricks seems limited, people are finding more ways to perform with this style, including Vertax genocides, passing and many acrobatic moves. It has also been attempted many times to have two diabolos in the vertax style on the same string, although video evidence of this feat is yet to be seen.

Contact Diabolo

A rather new style of diabolo that is on the rise lately which is gaining new popularity. It utlizes the diabolo so that it has little or no spin at all. Then it can be caught and passed and manipulated with different parts of the body instead of just the sticks and string. It has new possiblities and new ideas are arising from that.

so who else does diabolo and what are you working on?

frer3BRONZE Member
42 posts
Location: USA

I've done Diabolo ever since i saw La Nouba. (La Nouba is a show made by the Cirque du Soliel circus company.) I can do a cradle, and a few minor tricks, but I can't seem to master any of the cooler tricks.

Mr ChutneySILVER Member
1,712 posts
Location: Bristol,UK

Nice thread Sage;

Whilst I'm sutre there are some other threads on HOP related to Diabolo, I think you're made a good investment in starting a new reference.

My diabolo is very so-so. I've been desperately trying to get a 2 diabolo shuffle running since last summer and have made little progress- I just don't seem to be very gentle when attempting a wrap start and therefore I never get both spinning stably to then start the shuffle.

One diabolo is all round the leg orbits and few throws and whip catches etc.

Any more info/ advice on starting 2 would be gratefully received.

mcpPLATINUM Member
Flying Water Muppet
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Location: Edin-borrow., United Kingdom

Another diabolo 'form' is to loose the hand sticks entirely and either: manipulate the string with your hands, yo-yo style, or more interestingly: tie the string into a loop and pass various parts of your body through it. Hands, head, torso etc, while keeping it spinning around them.

"the now legendary" - Kaskade
"the still legendary" - Kaskade

I spunked in my friend's aquarium and the fish ate it. I love all fish. Especially the pink ones. They are my bitches. - Anon.

sagetreeGOLD Member
organic creation
246 posts
Location: earth, Wales (UK)

my one diabolo is coming along well. i can do orbits around both arms and around the body. i've been working on infinite suicides and btb variations of moves.

my two diabolo shuffle is pretty stable and i can do wrap accelerations so - so. 2d corrections are coming along. personally the wrap start was the way to go for learning two because you can get the second diabolo spinning pretty fast with the wrap. once you have the wrap down the next stage is to keep the 2nd diabolo up for a few seconds before unwrapping and shuffling under the 1st diabolo, which will come with practice and helps to have a worn in string. the trick for me was to point the wrapped diabolo in towards yourself just a bit because it usually moves outwards when you accelerate it.

i have seen some contact diabolo which looks really nice. where they slow they diabolo down and roll accross their body before coming back on the string. i have also seen some people use diabolos like cigar boxes.

i know what your talking about mcp and it's awesome. i saw a video of freehand yo-yo'er with a yo-yo the size of a small diabolo and i've seen someone hula hoop style a diabolo with a looped string.

i'm looking forward to being able to do suns and sprinklers with 2d.

what diabolos are you using? i have 2 finesse g2 that i am very happy with smile

sagetreeGOLD Member
organic creation
246 posts
Location: earth, Wales (UK)

diabolo tree

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frer3BRONZE Member
42 posts
Location: USA

DUDE... F***IN AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!

73 posts

i love diablo. been doing it for a few months now. i dont get much of a chance to practice as i live in a top floor flat but i can toss, trapez and orbit.

clarence_quackSILVER Member
1,927 posts
Location: over your left shoulder, Australia

Any diabolo people still out there?!

Nutella Brigade Unite!

"Look! I have a rainbow penis!" - Rouge

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DJ AmanSILVER Member
34 posts
Location: Lodi Heights, Michigan, USA

I've been getting quite comforatable with diabolos. I saw a pair of handsticks with a removable cord and thought I could make some diabolos that come together to make a rod... I love grinding. ubbrollsmile It's just the "lazy but still doing something cool" feel. smile

SkattoGOLD Member
Walking on whims...
687 posts
Location: Eastbourne, UK

I Diabolo.

I can do the "shuffle" with two as you say, but I'm finding myself more addicted to using just one.

As such my single Diabolo is pretty darn good.
But my two Diabolo is a bit pants. biggrin I should probably discipline myself and actually learn some more tricks for it.

But I'm finding using a single Diabolo an endless hobby... there's no limit to the amount of crazy tricks you can do!!


"Fly like a mouse,
Run like a cushion,
Be the small bookcase."

For goodness sake, don't aggravate the otters!!!

16 posts
Location: Essex

I got reminded of the diabolo when we saw some at Glastonbury this year, I had one when I was little but it broke after one too many failed catches frown

I'd love to try it again so I'm getting, hopefully before PLAY so I can practise and bring it with me biggrin

Was gonna get a glow in the dark one but I opted for something multicoloured instead so that I'll see it spinning easier.

83 posts
Location: Kiwi land sounds great!

I've tried it. I can speed it up, catch it, have tried under the leg and got it a few times, and can grind with a 90% rate of failure.

It's fun to throw it high and catch it even though I usually miss.

Fire eaters are the most conceited people. Especially when they're on fire. "Help me, save me, put me out, me, me, me..."

-Paolo the Fire Eater

16 posts
Location: Essex

^ That's what broke mine, my ratio of catches to misses was shocking. I set up an imaginary bet with myself every time I tried, I was in serious debt by the end frown

MikefromGlosSILVER Member
985 posts
Location: Gloucester England

hope u alll enjoyed my diablo workshop at play

he he i am mike the amazing gloscircus person who is mike.

Officaly an exception to the Poi Boys are Girls Thing

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
8,738 posts
Location: wombling free..., United Kingdom

 Written by: mcp

Another diabolo 'form' is to loose the hand sticks entirely and either: manipulate the string with your hands, yo-yo style, or more interestingly: tie the string into a loop and pass various parts of your body through it. Hands, head, torso etc, while keeping it spinning around them.

with just a string not tied in a loop this is referred to as 4 or 5A in yoyoing I believe or simply off string and looks awesome biggrin

I need to practice my diablo as it's about the only quality glow toy I have left, the others are either worn out, busted or pinched frown

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

UnclassifiedLeggyGirlBRONZE Member
One day penguins will take over the world
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Location: Derby, United Kingdom

i had a go at diabolo at play this year, and have now invested in one of my own.

 Written by: sagetree

* Toss - the first trick everybody learns is to throw the diabolo up and catch it.

does that mean that mike is a bad teacher?? i didn't learn that, i don't know what it was that i learnt first, i need to learn the names of the moves that i know! lol

ummmm...........anybody have any suggestions as to what i can put here?!

mjk is monitoring your interwebs!

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
8,738 posts
Location: wombling free..., United Kingdom

I broke my diablo on saturday and I have no idea how, I was just doing leg hops missed the catch and the axle went frown I only had it a year and hardly used it ... damn mr babaché

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

SkattoGOLD Member
Walking on whims...
687 posts
Location: Eastbourne, UK

You can just screw it back together, tightly. Happens with one of the Mr Babache Diabolos I have, sometimes the axel comes apart for whatever reason and the cones separate... the finesse allen key ones are sturdier by far, though I like the weight the other one. smile

Or is it, like, properly broken? :-\


"Fly like a mouse,
Run like a cushion,
Be the small bookcase."

For goodness sake, don't aggravate the otters!!!

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
8,738 posts
Location: wombling free..., United Kingdom

nah just unscrewed... my light kit was in the way phew.

and thanks to jake who taught me some magic knots to whip catch to jewicide? and some other groovey stuff biggrin

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

4 posts

Any one tried whip catching? It looks pretty spectacular and gets a few 'whoops'

clarence_quackSILVER Member
1,927 posts
Location: over your left shoulder, Australia

I never knew it was possible to hit yourself in the head with a diabolo stick... Until today. Ow.

Nutella Brigade Unite!

"Look! I have a rainbow penis!" - Rouge

Owned By Steaks

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
8,738 posts
Location: wombling free..., United Kingdom

ubblol I did that on monday doing the move mentioned about 4 posts up wink whip catch, release both handles they came round and 1 clocked me good and proper ubblol infront of a load of kids I was showing diablo moves too biggrin

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

clarence_quackSILVER Member
1,927 posts
Location: over your left shoulder, Australia

Once again, I have developed a new and imporved way to hit yourself in the head with a diabolo while simulatneously tangling the string. I'm so proud of my accomplishments.

Nutella Brigade Unite!

"Look! I have a rainbow penis!" - Rouge

Owned By Steaks

101 posts

cool, a diabolo thread.

"Grandmother tie - a trick were the diabolo is bounced on a tie made by several tricks combained and both sticks put verticaly"
Never heard of this one, i see wiki cant spell 'vertically & combined' haha. This trick sounds more like 'cats craddle'.

185 posts
Location: Dark side of the moon

I was working on a trick where you do a sun but on the inside of your arms, almost hit myself in the face, then it went haywire and scratched my arm instead. Hurt like hell too, speedy diabolo tender skin...equals PAIN.
Then I fell asleep in the courtyard and got burnt...not that that has anything to do with anything. biggrin

Mata Ashita!

Time...Line?? Time isn't made of lines! It's made of circles! That's why clocks are ROUND.

1 post

@HikkaisPuppet I can relate to that. Never wear a short sleve while praticing new suns :P

1 post

HI, nice to be here!!!

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