poismylovepoi addict
196 posts
Location: cali

I was wondering if there is a good way to write down choreography for a poi performance? I have trouble remembering such stuff in my head, so if i could write it down and look back to it for practice until i have it memorized that would be awsome.

any ideas?

to spin or not to spin, that is the question.

FearpigSILVER Member
member - tee hee "member"
279 posts
Location: Bethnal Green, London, England (UK)

If you need to write it down then you can either story-board it (like a cartoon strip) with notes underneath. Write it as a list broken down into sections.....

1st verse
- windmill x4
- wave arms x4
- jump on spot x3
- windmill x4

- Matrix x2
- Halo x2
- Fishtails

2nd verse
- windmill x4
- wave arms x4
- jump on spot x3
- windmill x4

- Matrix x2
- Halo x2
- Fishtails

- funky never seen before move of Doooooom
- apply plaster to ouchy
- fishtails

- Matrix x2
- Halo x2
- Fishtails

Then you can concentrate on each section before sticking them together.

Hope that makes sense and is a little helpful!

"Whats wrong with the cat?" - Mrs Schrödinger

Sister ElevenGOLD Member
owner of the group property
1,277 posts
Location: Seattle, WA, USA

Also just a couple of threads below this are the threads 'MCP's Academy of How to Make a Routine to Music Good and Do Other Things to Music Good Too" and "Choreography building fundamental techniques" that have some decent tips.


poismylovepoi addict
196 posts
Location: cali

wow im blind i never even saw those sorry >.< ill check em out.

and yet that helps alot fear, i will definitely try that smile

to spin or not to spin, that is the question.

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