Forums > Advanced Staff moves > continuous halo-neckwrap-halo. help?

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alex alexstranger
6 posts
Location: Vilnius,Lithuania

Hey everybody.I'm Alex and i spin staff.
So there's this move which is kinda like a "pivot" --->
,but instead of going neckwrap-halo you start with a halo and then turn into a neckwrap-back into halo etc. Like the pivot only vice versa. I hope you understand what i mean.
So anyway,i thought i can do this move (sometimes i even do it poser style with my hands on my hips),until i tried doing more than 2 repetitions. That is - moving in a circle (or a line) ,doing this move continuosly non stop. That's when i realised,that even tho i've known how to do this move for a while,and it's pretty clean for 1.5-2 repetitions,after that it kinda flops and the staff goes all over the place. I've tried moving my body in a circle,then in a line,then just sorta randomly flopping about in all directions:],tried keeping my hands up and using them to sorta push the staff along and not let it fall,but none of that helped much.
So,um. Can anyone please give me any advice on cleaning it up ,except for "have more practice"?

EDITED_BY: alex alex (1278189330)

mcpPLATINUM Member
Flying Water Muppet
5,276 posts
Location: Edin-borrow., United Kingdom

Oh that's an old video. eek!

You wanna look up the halo 360... it's the name of what you're doing. I call a different move the pivot now.

Anyway: linky:

It's definately possible to do more than two. Yes it does take practise. It will be easier to learn at 45 degrees, and obviously in horizontal when it becomes continuous back of the neck spins.

A line or on the spot turning would work, but it's again all about keeping your body under the staff and not pushing it out of plane with your turn.

Catching the Halo Roll part behind your head is a nice exit, as is a behind the back catch.

Sorry I can't be more help, it's been a few years since I've trained this move.

"the now legendary" - Kaskade
"the still legendary" - Kaskade

I spunked in my friend's aquarium and the fish ate it. I love all fish. Especially the pink ones. They are my bitches. - Anon.

36 posts
Location: belgium

Work hard on this, this is for me the base of the vertical contact staff. But you can try to do it horizontaly it's more easier then when you have really understood it, let's go on the vertical one. Maybe you must just work a bit on th both 360 vertical shoulder stall and understand when put your head into the staff rotation or doing the 180 body rotation. If I say that you can "push" the staff with your outside shoulder ( just where you've trouble wink ) , it can maybe help you. Difficult to explain body displacement by writting :s
Have a good work

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
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Location: wombling free..., United Kingdom

Try doing it frontside over the throat, I find I can get far more repetitions on the chest than the shoulders wink also leaves a nice chin trap reversal back into halos on the back (jesus stylee) makes you dizzy though

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

alex alexstranger
6 posts
Location: Vilnius,Lithuania

Hm. the idea that it's easier in horizontal is interesting...thing is, i started to practice this after coming up to Linda Farkas on KFF and asking her how she spins contact while rolling around on the ground. She explained to me some basics,but upon my realisation that ,obviously,before even trying to go down on the ground you need a really solid continuous back of the neck spin for this (duh),which i haven't got,one of the tips she gave me was to try it vertically (as in this halo 360 thing,thanks ,Mcp, for the proper name) and then to eventually tip the plane into horizontal. So now i'm confused which approach is harder-from vertical to horizontal or from horizontal to vertical:] but i feel that this might turn into three separate topics:]

Gumop: what is a 360 vertical shoulder stall? i am intrigued:]

Mynci: that approach is like eleventy hundred times more difficult for me. i'm okay at throat wraps and such,but pretty crap at chest roll type tricks;/ but i'll try ,of course:]

DentrassiGOLD Member
3,045 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

didnt we used to call the super-nintendo or something?

in the early days of contact staff, it was generally taught from the vertical plane.

back in '03 i think Ben-ja-men had a couple of seperate vids of the vertical halo and verticle SNS move - put the 2 together and voila!

But Kyle had the more organic approach tends to teach from a staff already nicely balanced on the shoulder, and then skewing the staff around via continuous body movement rather that 'tricks' which does lend itself to more flowy style more suited to groundwork.

If your having trouble - this does require constant body rotation to keep things moving, so keep on turning the same direction that the staff is spinning. Its slows down the staff relative to you, making things easier, looks awesome, and teaches you to move.

Both approaches have benefits so work on both - then youll have an even greater repetoire to play with.


"Here kitty kitty...." - Schroedinger.

Fire_MooseSILVER Member
Elusive and Bearded
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Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA

Yer thinking of the SNES, this move does not wrap the shoulders (Shoulder Neck Shoulder)

Holy crap! Meg's got new tutorials up!


Owned by Mynci!

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
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Location: wombling free..., United Kingdom

continuous vertical halos are pretty tricky to get good at, although it is sometimes easier to enter them via a SNES. continuous neck spins however (horizontal) are much easier as gravity is no longer an issue because the staff is supported. As Meg said do it at 45 degrees to stop the staff sliding down your back, fully vertical will take a lot longer to perfect as the staff has very little to actually balance on.

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

36 posts
Location: belgium

Gumop: what is a 360 vertical shoulder stall?

Hum it's a staff balance on your shoulder with a 360 body movement (and so the staff turn with you ) basicly horizontal you can do it on the vertical.

"If your having trouble - this does require constant body rotation to keep things moving, so keep on turning the same direction that the staff is spinning. Its slows down the staff relative to you, making things easier, looks awesome, and teaches you to move." It's the same that Dentrassi said. But you can do it vert or hor.

alex alexstranger
6 posts
Location: Vilnius,Lithuania

hm,now i understand a bit more,altho i wouldn't call that movement a stall.if done in the vertical i imagine it would be a shoulder one-beat? mm,terminology is confusing.describing movement with words is confusing:]
Tried doing something nether vertical nor horizontal today,i guess it was sorta like 30-45 degrees. in this position the staff starts wobbling kinda like a seesaw,very interesting and actually has a stabilizing effect. I keep forgetting then remembering again that Linda also showed me that the horizontal spin is easier to stabilise if you sorta move your body up and down a bit,kinda like a slow springing movement (if that makes any sense.springing? like a spring?) while turning,because that keeps giving the staff momentum at the right time.

damn. i think i forgot my english.

Anyway,yeah,i sometimes start the vertical movement with a halo,sometimes with a neckwrap,sometimes with a snes entry. it doesn't really matter that much where you start,when you think about it,if done continuosly it still ends up halo-neckwrap-halo-neckwrap-halo-etc.

mcpPLATINUM Member
Flying Water Muppet
5,276 posts
Location: Edin-borrow., United Kingdom

Oh yeah, you can do continuous neck wrap neck wrap neck wrap neck wrap in vertical also, but nobody ever does that. Which makes me sad.

Plus remember, if you have a question that you think you need to come back to the internet to get an answer, you should probably just try the trick ten times in a row. If you examine what you are doing and what is going wrong, you'll probably get the answer. Ten times!

"the now legendary" - Kaskade
"the still legendary" - Kaskade

I spunked in my friend's aquarium and the fish ate it. I love all fish. Especially the pink ones. They are my bitches. - Anon.

Fire_MooseSILVER Member
Elusive and Bearded
3,597 posts
Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA

I have gotten up to 5 continuous neck wraps....all the way around. I start it with a front side and it just seems to reset itself perfectly for the next front side neck wrap.


Owned by Mynci!

mcpPLATINUM Member
Flying Water Muppet
5,276 posts
Location: Edin-borrow., United Kingdom

Oh I didn't mean neck-wrap throat-wrap neck-wrap throat-wrap. I mean continuous neck wraps vertically. No halo rolls, no throats, just the back of the neck.

"the now legendary" - Kaskade
"the still legendary" - Kaskade

I spunked in my friend's aquarium and the fish ate it. I love all fish. Especially the pink ones. They are my bitches. - Anon.

Fire_MooseSILVER Member
Elusive and Bearded
3,597 posts
Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA

do you use yer hands?


Owned by Mynci!

mcpPLATINUM Member
Flying Water Muppet
5,276 posts
Location: Edin-borrow., United Kingdom

Er, no? That's why it's called contact staff...

"the now legendary" - Kaskade
"the still legendary" - Kaskade

I spunked in my friend's aquarium and the fish ate it. I love all fish. Especially the pink ones. They are my bitches. - Anon.

DentrassiGOLD Member
3,045 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

its almost as hard as doing the figure 8 really really fast....

"Here kitty kitty...." - Schroedinger.

Fire_MooseSILVER Member
Elusive and Bearded
3,597 posts
Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA

I want a video Meg, I can't picture it.


Owned by Mynci!

alex alexstranger
6 posts
Location: Vilnius,Lithuania

i second that:]

mcpPLATINUM Member
Flying Water Muppet
5,276 posts
Location: Edin-borrow., United Kingdom


At one point I think I actually do it wrong, and it's a halo 360 but otherwise all the slow motion ones are correct. You can see how fine a difference it is, but it never does a halo roll.

"the now legendary" - Kaskade
"the still legendary" - Kaskade

I spunked in my friend's aquarium and the fish ate it. I love all fish. Especially the pink ones. They are my bitches. - Anon.

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
8,738 posts
Location: wombling free..., United Kingdom

so the difference is basically that there is never a point where the staff points down your back like a halo, the ends are always in FRONT of the shoulders.

Yep I see the 1 beat of halo - very clever of you meg putting that in to show the difference, that's forward thinking wink

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
8,738 posts
Location: wombling free..., United Kingdom

Has found he can do this with a pen and his thumb laugh3

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

Fire_MooseSILVER Member
Elusive and Bearded
3,597 posts
Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA

WHOA! You just blew my mind Meg!



Owned by Mynci!

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