Forums > Introductions > Total newbie from Canada

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jdtBRONZE Member
1 post
Location: Canada

So, I'm completely new to poi. Only first heard about/saw it 4 weeks ago. Thought it looked amazing, so did a bit of research and decided to buy some glow poi (I *know* they hurt more than softer ones - and went for it anyway. Call me a rebel!). They arrived today and I've played around with them for about an hour. Loving it so far!

On to the questionnaire...

Name: Jacquelyn

Location: Winnipeg, Canada

Hometown: Winnipeg, Canada (gave up trying to escape already!)

Birthday (sign?): July 3, 1985 (and Cancer)

Age: 31

Sex: female

Occupation(s): Child Care professional by day, Tarot card reader by night

Favorite Food(s): Pasta, Pizza, and sweets

Favorite Color(s): Purple is my ultimate fav, but love blue and green too

What is the wing speed of an unladen swallow? Yeah, no clue. (Though according to Google it may be 24 mph...)

Toys: In terms of poi? Just one set of LED glow poi so far (hopefully other varieties in the future)
Otherwise, my Tarot deck collection, sewing machine, and camera would be my most-loved 'toys'

Hobbies other than the obvious: Sewing, travelling, photography (very basic stuff though), hiking, reading

Education: College diploma in Early Childhood Education (which is completely different in Canada vs the US - you can't be a teacher with that here!); specialisation certificate in Infant Care

Favorite Book(s): House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski

Favorite Movie(s): The Lost Boys

Godzilla vs. a Star Wars Star Destroyer. Who wins? Why? Ummm, my lack of knowledge here may be showing.
I like Godzilla but actually know very little about him/it. I have honestly never seen a Star Wars film...

Favorite TV show(s): Supernatural

Plans for life in general: (i.e. what you want to do when you grow up); Work-wise, continue working in child care while running my Tarot business part-time. Overall, see and experience as much as I can!

Favorite Music Artists/Composers: I like pretty much everything, but my favourite artists tend to be 80s rock bands.

Do you think these pants make my butt look too big? If you're asking, then probably yes.

Favorite ice cream flavor(s): Butter pecan

Marmite, Vegemite, or Nutella?: I fail this question too - I actually dislike all 3. (will dodge masses of incoming poi now!)

Thanks to anyone who actually read all that!
See you around the forums :)

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