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Profile for hamamelis

old hand
BRONZE Member since Jan 2006
Registered on: 4th Jan 2006
Total posts: 756

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Last Forum Posts

Not exactly midlands, but there's a LOT of spinners in Bristol- not too far away.

There's not really a standard weight- most hoops sold seem to be around 400g-700g (14-25ozish, if you're in the US), but there's a lot of variation. Really, the best way is just to try...

Hi! Good choice in learning to hoop- sure you'll have fun with it!Common advice is that your first hoop should be up to about the height of your navel, but you might find this is a bit...


Face Paint Glow in Dark  
11th August, 2009
Yay! Glowing stuff!
"Pretty fun paint and you don't need to paint it on very thick for it to give a nice funky glow (when barely visible under room lights you still get a glow when you turn 'em off)- the only slight issue is the glow doesn't seem to last all that long before you have to recharge.. It's easy to find if you lose it too."
Hazel, England (UK).   [Verified Buyer]
BRONZE Member since Jan 2006

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Great Wall Flags, China
Lady Phoenix
GEISHAs hidden sorrow
Phoenix Hoop Bliss
Trails in the Night
Electric Chrome
podpoi at the lake
Sexy face. The destroyer of ghetti.
warrior goddess
Happy haunted
Circus waterfall sleeve
Twisty wisty
Perth, Australia, Cityscape fire tunnel
chemical burn
Cody chance at seven lions
litle fire
Selki poi
A antispin of ice and fire
Buzzsaw Balance of the Elements
The Beauty In Life
Glimpse of Happiness
XO Kisses n Hugs
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