pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

so with all of the recent talks about the hazards and safety involved with all of our fire arts that we share here i have a simple question!.

Who else thinks that it would be a good idea to have a saftey video at the end of the next col video???? confused

dont have enough time to post right now but thought thta i would ask away whilst i have the time to write... just this little. wink

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

why not at the beginning?

or at the beginning and at the end?


onewheeldaveGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,252 posts
Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

Excellent idea PK; that would be a really useful extra for those who are pretty new to fire.

A problem is going to be that it's extra work for Malcolm/HOP.

Perhaps interested people in the HOP community could make safety vids and submit them- best one gets on the DVD?

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

"Last of The Lancers"
AFC 32

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

Why not simply a message displayed on the screen?

Whats that? 1 minute to thk kwhat to write, and then a further minute to type it up?

I would do it if it is too much trouble... confused

ben-ja-menGOLD Member
just lost .... evil init
2,474 posts
Location: Adelaide, Australia

lol what message would u use to sum up fire safety?

"dont play with fire!"


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourself, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous and talented? Who are you NOT to be?

onewheeldaveGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,252 posts
Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

UCOF- a message is a decent idea, certainly better than nothing. A video may have the advantage of being more likely to get the message across

These days everything seems to have a token disclaimer, generally to protect the maker from being sued rather than any sincere concern for the safety of others- a vid would show that at least a segment of the fire community does care about getting the safety message across.

And, on HOP, people do care; we're well past the days when talk of safety was swamped by a$$hole jokers bleating about 'political correctness gone mad' and generally trying to undermine the sincere efforts of those who do take this stuff seriously.

HOP as a community comes across as having a sensible stance on safety issues e.g. the automatic fire breathing link, the articles on procedures and the fact that many of the community recently devoted a chunk of their signature space to a safety link rather than using it to wind up other members.

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

"Last of The Lancers"
AFC 32

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

onewheeldaveGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,252 posts
Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

incidently, UCOF that last comment wasn't directed at you, it was directed at Ben; and, on reflection, it was a little harsh so I apologise.

But I'm going to leave it up just so people can see how stuff like-

Written by: ben-ja-men

lol what message would u use to sum up fire safety?

"dont play with fire!"


can really p*ss off people who are normally quite calm and placid.

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

"Last of The Lancers"
AFC 32

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

what i was origionally thinking was to have a little 5 minuite video of maybe some one showing how you check and repair equipment, shake off proceedures, reusing fuel [menik style], introduction if the various safety equipment eg: fire blankets, buckets and extinguishers, tips on what would be necessary for a first aid kit on hand, other safety people involved ie: people watching each other!.

not like your generalised comment ben! wink you know where im coming from with this.

I think that it will just be a good idea and to show what a safe community we are and what we DO expect to see. I remember in col4 there was the video of the two girls that won!, did you see that state of those split rings.. might have been col i cant remember off the top of my head now!, but there was a close up and i was appalled that it was even shown as they could have broken during the filming.

TheWibblerGOLD Member
old hand
920 posts
Location: New Zealand

I know that people in USA seemed to give a lot more thought to safety than people in uk. The performances i saw all had qualified people with fire blankets and extiguishers. Lots of fire proofing on the stage.

I rarely see this level of saftey at gigs in britain. I once saw a fire show in a club where they didn't even spin the excess fuel off before lighting. By the end of the show the wwhole stage was covered in parafin and it was increadibly slippy. They even had guy breathing fire so high it engulfed the lighting rig!!!

So i think a little saftey vid would be a very good idea.


Spherculism ~:~ The Act of becoming Spherculish.

ben-ja-menGOLD Member
just lost .... evil init
2,474 posts
Location: Adelaide, Australia

Written by: onewheeldave

incidently, UCOF that last comment wasn't directed at you, it was directed at Ben; and, on reflection, it was a little harsh so I apologise.

But I'm going to leave it up just so people can see how stuff like-

Written by: ben-ja-men

lol what message would u use to sum up fire safety?

"dont play with fire!"


can really p*ss off people who are normally quite calm and placid.

hehe sorry didnt mean to rub u the wrong way, i guess what i was getting at was that theres alot of safety information and if u wanted to do it properly u could quite easily need an extra dvd especially if u want to cover things like burns and how to treat different types of burns. things that should be on safety thing would include

different burns and treatments
what to do if u accidently wrap your poi around a body part and suddenly have fire handcuffs
different types of fuel specs
explaining the difference between explosive and flamable (ive had ppl tell me they use petrol .....)
all the nasty side effects of fire breathing/eating
what to check in your equipment ie screws are tight, types of chain, 3 piece connection types and how to test that one end isnt going to go flying off (as some concentrates staffs ive seen have)
how to burn off/spinn of safely, epecially with regards to in really windy situations like at the beach where the direction of the wind can change and make u toasty warm if u dont burn off correctly, but more importantly how to take wind etc into consideration so
u dont spray other ppl
how to actually use a fire blanket
how often u need to have ur fire extinguisher checked
what your duty of care/legal responsibilitys are when u let someone use your equipment
how playing with fire affects the lungs of children
how to detox your system
things like rinsing your mouth out with water and blowing your nose to remove the soot thats otherwise sitting on the muscus linings
how to do wire wool "safely" and what to do if u get hit with a glob of molten metal
a list of big no nos like walking through a group of ppl sitting with a flaming stick dripping fuel
what to do if there are unsafe/drunk/high people spinning, especially regarding people not noticing the fire and walking into it as its legally your fault
how to spin in a big group safely/being aware of other spinners around you
how to hold your stick so that the flames dont creep up and burn your hands if u have a descent amount of wick
what to do when u stuff up a trick so that you dont stay in contact with the fire for long (a good friend of mine when he did if first burn off the stick came towards him and he tryed to get away from it and ended up falling onto the ground with the wick on his back)
what to do if someone redunks a stick thats burning and the fuel tin catchs on fire (mainly how not to get excited and kick it over, while calmly dropping a top on it)
fire whips and what to check to ensure a nice big bit of flaming rope doesnt go flying of into the audience (especially home made ones they scare the sh!t out of me)
what do to if u hit yourself in the head with a beamer and what u shouldnt do in case of a concussion
coloured flames and the hugely toxic gases they give off
what sort of clothes to wear and not to wear
what to actually do if u catch fire
what not to have in your hair
having a word other than fire to communicate to people that they are on fire
speed of spinning in relation to how close you are to your audience
what to make sure u have with you if your spinning alone

im sure that theres more that im forgetting, theres alot of stuff there and to do it properly and in such a way that people dont miss important bits is going to take much more than 5 mins imho

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourself, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous and talented? Who are you NOT to be?

ImmortalAngelSILVER Member
578 posts
Location: Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

A quick thought came over my mind, but I am weary to bring it up as I know it is very dangerous...

maybe for some of the things like "what to do if you catch fire/handcuff etc...." you could have a short video of it happening in a controlled enviroment, IE, someone deliberaty goes into a wrap and doesn't spring it back and the safety puts the wicks out etc...
It's like how fire fighters light small fires to train on...of course it is all in a controlled enviroment and they minamize risks...

/me awaits the most probably negative responses biggrin

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> STAY SAFE! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/hug.gif" alt="" />

thorFlaming Lesbian
181 posts
Location: Portland, Oregon

imangel: i'm not sure about that idea. on one hand, it's highly dangerous. on the other hand, it's a good way to show someone that if they're tangled and on fire, there's not alot they can do but calm down and call a safety. i'm very good at untangling myself, but when my legwrap went bad last month, all i could do was hop on one foot and wait for a fire blanket. if i had panicked, i would have gone away with alot worse than hairless (but silky smooth) legs.

i'm all for this safety dvd, i'll support it in any way i can

Lights dancing off my skin as chains wrap round it.
Pain is in a little box and I'm so glad I found it.

TheWibblerGOLD Member
old hand
920 posts
Location: New Zealand

The most commn reason i've found for wraps getting caught on clothes is badly designed components that have little wire loops in them ~ perfect for catching a passing sleeve or trouser leg. Fix the design to maximise safety.

And ben you forgot one improtant safety rule ~ don't spin fire if you're a numbnuts smile

Spherculism ~:~ The Act of becoming Spherculish.

SpitFireGOLD Member
Mand's Girl....and The Not So Shy One
2,723 posts
Location: Calgary, Alberta Canada

Immortal, how about a demonstration WITHOUT fire? Show what the spinner should do, and what the safety should do, but without fire so that it's a bit safer??

thor...I really hope that someone who is doing safety is paying attention, and doesn't need to be called over.

Solitude sometimes speaks to you, and you should listen.

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Actually, Malcolm and I had thought of this awhile ago and we had posted it in a couple of threads a few weeks ago.

I am being sponsored to Home of Poi headquarters in New Zealand in the end of April beginning of May where I will be working with Malcolm to make a seperate fire safety dvd that will be given out, free of charge, as well as, I *believe*, included with the COL's and also available for download off this site. (correct me if I am wrong Malcolm)

Just to let you know it is something that has already been planned out and is being done.

However, there are fine lines when it comes to dealing with legal issues and medical issues on video, because each case is different. Legal we will not be covering because it comes with too much liability and differentiation between countries and locals. Obviously the whole insurance and such will be mentioned.

Medical. Again for the sake of liability we will only be covering the basics.

The rest, well, trust me, it will not be 5 minutes. I had been asked years ago to write a manual on fire safety. Everything that was planned in that will most likely be on the video.

And I think I am also going to subject myself to being interviewed about my accident and I will be showing the world my scar from it, which is a pretty big thing for me.

So, as far as I am concerned that is the plan. Please add or correct anything Malcolm. smile

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

ben-ja-menGOLD Member
just lost .... evil init
2,474 posts
Location: Adelaide, Australia

its such a worthwhile project, maybe something to consider possibly having it so that people who run regular meets are able to recieve multiple copies to lend out/distribute to new comers

just out of interest whats the estimated run time for it? if its less than 60 mins it wont cost any more to fill the rest of the dvd up to 60 mins perhaps it could contain some previews from all the other videos on the site? or maybe just a set of some nice spinning showing a whole burn done safely

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourself, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous and talented? Who are you NOT to be?

NucleopoiBRONZE Member
chemical attraction
1,097 posts
Location: Ilkeston, Derbyshire, England

Maybe the DVD could be a good investment for fire safety officers, group organisers etc. as well.

That sounds proper cool.

TheWibblerGOLD Member
old hand
920 posts
Location: New Zealand

Great idea pele,

You should see if you can compress it on to 1 cd instead of 1 dvd. Lose a fraction on pixel size but the quality will still be fine.

That way it would be super easy to copy and distribute by everyone who gets a copy.


Spherculism ~:~ The Act of becoming Spherculish.

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

On the purposely doing handcuff fire wraps and showing how to properly get out of them, Im up for it.

I have asbestos skin anyway (*grabs his wicks*), but I also have skin tight kevlar welding gloves and gauntlets that go all way up t'arm t'elbow.


So it wouldnt hurt me
Im invincible,
You're a looney,

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

i look forward to seeing the outcome of this project.

thanks malcolm and thank you pele for giving up your time to support the community in this video.

Elemental666GOLD Member
45 posts
Location: Bville, OK, USA

hey um, just a silly question...

since this is going to be available for free download and the like, would it be kosher to DL it, burn off say 100 or so copies and hand them out before/during/after a burn, to people that show interest in getting involved? I would of course make sure its printed on the cd that its from HoP and give out the HoP addy with them. But ya know, people see you spin and are like wow that's kewl I'm gonna go do it, and then have a bad accident and all...

so uh yeah, is a status update on this safety vid, I'm all anxious to see it....


*pounce pounce lick n kiss*

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Written by: pk ....:™

thank you pele for giving up your time to support the community in this video.

*w/ hand to forehead drama queen style*

It's so traumatic having to take two weeks off from my life, fly aaaaaaallllllll the way to fabulous NZ and spend time with some of the loveliest people I know. It is such a sacrifice! Woah is me!

*sneaks a look around serious-like*

Shhhh...don't tell anyone PK, but the pleasure is all mine! wink

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

fraggleSILVER Member
94 posts
Location: denver, colorado, USA

maybe just a disclaimer

dance your cares away
worries for another day
so let the music play
down in fragle rock

pounceSILVER Member
All the neurotic makings of America's lesser known sweetheart
9,831 posts
Location: body in Las Vegas, heart all around the world, USA

i think it's awesome that you guys are doing this, and it's particularly noteworthy that you're planning on giving it away for free, as i'm sure there will be a decent amount of cost going into for production. as such, i'd like to donate some money for the project because i don't think it should be all out of your pocket, malcolm. keep an eye out for a PM.

I was always scared with my mother's obsession with the good scissors. It made me wonder if there were evil scissors lurking in the house somewhere.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

Malcolm loves all.. "all hail malcolm"

i cant wait to see this project.

flidBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,136 posts
Location: Warwickshire, United Kingdom

nice vid, but malcolm, i never knew how dangerous you are! eek

There was no mention I saw of what a towel should be made of. Personally i don't use that method for putting poi out (heh, my first HoP meet up was nothing like that vid, i was one of the few people semi sobar about a gazillion miles away from anywhere), but lots of towels here are made from synthetics. I wouldn't wanna put some flaming poi onto a polyester towel.

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