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Profile for pepitaonfire

Registered on: 20th Mar 2010
Total posts: 10

This person has opted to not have a profile page.

Last Forum Posts

hello, fellow spinners! I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas about how best to transport a fire staff by bike. my staff is home made and so does not come apart in any way, and is about...

I've been looking into trying to find cleaner burning fuels than the ones we have available to us now. The cleanest burn you can get right now is probably white gas. do folks have thoug...

yes, yes that was useful. thank you so much for your thoughts! by nature i am an extremely technical person who is struggling to figure out the balance between 'technical spinning' and ...

Follow your Friends

Swords of Passion
Verity Power
Mountain Lights
Triplengs balance
Roller-coaster of Flames
Bending at Backwoods
fiery vicious circles
Abigail and Seaira
The Peak
Mood Hoop
Flow with Flowers
Share the Fire
Love the poi shaps..
Spinning in fire
leg burn off
happy hooping
Fire in the sky
Temple to Music - Roger Williams Monument
Strobe Frame
How many hoops?
Partner Play in the Park!
Medieval Flames
Circle of Light
Sock poi
The Searing Samurai
Fire Show on the beach

