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Posted: Howdidoodi?It has come to my attention that some poi people think that by putting together an act or routine will limit them in some way!?!Creating a show can only feed your skills and increase your abilities. Improvising or winging it means you have to keep thinking of the next move (ugly faces and shoegazing).Create a show, get an agent, make money from doing what you love, there are very few better buzzes!Improvisation can be fun and useful and What if you belived that putting together an act is perhaps a faster and better way to learn!Let me know wot u fink!Axis.
Mystaddict 439 posts Location: Oceanside, California, USA
Posted: I think putting a routine together is a great idea. I'm personally in the process of doing this myself. Not for money though, for raves. I think it may take the nervous heat out of my stomach if I know what I'm going to do next. I also won't be stuck doing a weave or a butterfly while I think about it. In no way will it limit what I do, If I think of a move that's cool, I'll just add it in at the end or make it part of my routine. Leaving me with something to practice, not just a bunch of moves, but a big combo.Eric------------------If you don't want to be an addict, don't ever start spinning.
Its about talent, not make up or costumes.
Plazmamember 73 posts Location: The Land of Tokomak
Posted: Myst, let me help you a bit! i gave one of my biggest performances ever this week and everyone loved it! why, it's b/c i DIDN'T really have a routine! i find that making one is too much trouble for me, yeah, you should now basically what yor going to do in the performance and when, but don't plan out actuale moves b/c it's too much to remember! What i do is just embrace the music and i let my arms become symbols of it's fluidic beats! just go with the flow man! i know it sounds crazy at first b/c that's what i thought too, but once the crowed starts cheering, it's all good and you'll just pick it up! they're also the best performances b/c you'll NEVER see another one exactly like it! oh, and one other thing! just remember that even if you f*** up bad chances are when you tangled um, it looked really cool, so no matter WHAT you do the crowd will always love it! another trick i use is teach a friend to do it so if you to get tangled or f*** up, they can come in and cover your ass while you get unwrapped! peace to ya!------------------My World is a world of one, and in being one they Rave! My World is a Godly World and I am its master![This message has been edited by Plazma (edited 09 June 2001).]
My World is a world of one, and in being one they Rave! My World is a Godly World and I am its master!
Mystaddict 439 posts Location: Oceanside, California, USA
Posted: That sounds cool, But I have a fear of gatherings. I'm making a routin for a bit cause I am extreamly nervous when I spin, it hurts in my stomach. I have no problem spinning in front of friends, it's just at raves. I'm spinning tonight at a rave No routine, if it works out, I may not have to make a routine. I think I'll make one anyways though, just so I can have a sick performance that I can repeat when I get in a tough spot. It's kinda like a Kata(pardone the spelling) a series of moves put together so they come natural when someone striks at you.Eric------------------If you don't want to be an addict, don't ever start spinning.
Posted: Well, if you plan to swing at a rave I think it'd be imposible to have a routine, because the idea of swinging at a rave is to swing with the music so unless you know every song that will be played at the rave, it would be hard to have a routine. But thats just my opinion
Mystaddict 439 posts Location: Oceanside, California, USA
Posted: No, impossible it's not. You can have a routine and slow it down with the music or speed it up. I had a great time last night though without a routine but i'm still going to make one. I even got over my fear of spinning in front of people. SO GREAT. The idea is to spin with the music, there you're right, but you don't always have to let the music control you. I like to go off in slow parts sometimes to change the mood. Like in some fight scenes in movies they have slow music but crazy fast fighting, same effect with my strings. laterEric------------------If a nuclear bomb went off, we'de all be giant glowstix, think about it, spinning with your two best friends would have a whole new meaning.
Posted: Sounds like you've had a wicked time Myst What was it specifically that you did to make your show so good, having done it what are the most important things to learn and take from it, so that all your future shows will be even better!I guess im trying to say that its good to have the choice of using a routine or just winging it, but im sure you already know that!I find haaving an act is invaluable for stage shows, it enables you to perform at cabarets, in circus shows and even in adverts and outdoor spectaculars!I would certainly not feel as confident without an act, specially when all the focus is on me, between 100 - 4000 people (200 - 8000 eyes!)Creating an act enables you to perform at all sorts of venues - why not broaden your horizons? Why limit yourself to raves? Axis.'The meaning of your communication is the response you get'
Posted: Our group in Florida went to a neat beach with good vibes and flowing energy a couple weeks ago. We hadnt even thought of getting an act together before then. Each time we went we met a performer though. One juggled fire on a 9 foot unicycle, and the other was a fire dancer. So our brains got to working... and that is what we are all working towards in the near future. When we thought about it, the potential that we could achieve is just too much to ignore. The fire dancer used each one of us in his show, and there were so many people watching us... it was a great experience!------------------We are not physical beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a physical experience.~Edgar Cayce
Mystaddict 439 posts Location: Oceanside, California, USA
Posted: Axisthere was nothing, specific, everything just flowed. It was great because it was a small rave probably about 200 people tops. I decided when I walked in that no matter what, I was going to spin. I had about 6 friends with me so I started to give them a show, then before I knew it, basically the whole party was watching me. Some lost interest when I whacked myself in the leg or got caught up in a BTB weave but the rest were amazed. It was nice to have people come to me and tell me that I was the best they'd seen. I just told them i'd only been spinning since the middle of march and that they should really take time and look for someone who's been spinning longer to see what amazing is. The most important leson I took from it was, everyone will make mistakes, thats why you practice and practice and practice some more. I learned to control my breathing so when I get nurvous i don't start spinning all fast and fuck up. And thats why I'm making a routine, it would be nice to have a choice, I'm sure I'll only break down my routine and use parts of it when I'm spinning at a party. well later AxisEric------------------If a nuclear bomb went off, we'de all be giant glowstix, think about it, spinning with your two best friends would have a whole new meaning.
Its about talent, not make up or costumes.
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