Forums > Beginner Poi Moves > 'infinite' beat weave .. hehehe

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AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Firstly, DAMN. DAMN DAMN DAMN. It really sucks learning heaps of new moves just DAYS after sending a video to malcolm. Anywho..I'll try and describe this for the right handers (i'm a lefty)...Start by doing a normal weave - either direction, but i find forwards easier.When the weave is on the right side of your body, and the right hand is about to cross back to your left, the left hand should be underneath the right arm.Instead of bringing the right hand back to the left side, keep it spinning at a normal pace (or speed it up for the HARDCORE amongst you wink )..This would normally cross your wrists into a 5 beat.. instead, use your right arm as a hinge point for a THROW with the left hand.. let go of the left poi and it should swing round your right arm, near the wrist, catch it with your left after it comes back over the top.Repeat this throwing process and you have an 'infinite' weave. (ok ok, it's not really is it, but it looks like one kinda.. grin )I hope I've explained this properly smile

Whiffle Squeekaddict
416 posts
Location: Hartford, CT USA

:stares dumbfoundly and thinks about how to even start lerning that move:

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

phunkyold hand
877 posts
Location: Edmonton, AB

Hey it works, wicked conceptthats funny, i was dreaming of a move last night similar to what you explained... an infinite weave. But instead of wrapping and letting go you would pass the poi over to one hand and do one rotation then pass it over to the other hand, keep it on the same side and do another rotation. Just like spinning a staff. In theory it should work... gonna go try it now.------------------[]Dhuong-Vu Truong==== []Dhunky ====

81 posts

EDITED_BY: Auger282 (1429498949)

22 posts
Location: Saratoga, CA, USA

Whoa, that's pretty sweet.. Now if only I could catch the throw consistently.. smileAnd yeah, seeing a video of someone doing this move well would be very cool.

397 posts
Location: Brunswick, Ohio

I got some insane beat weaves when I did a normal weave and then lined my hands up perfect for the chains to not touch me. Then gave one a little extra push befor I couldn't control them and let them twist up for awhile. Then you whip them to your other side at just the right moment normally after like 12 beats and then if your slick you can keep them split apart for the full unwinding on the other side.------------------We are all in the cosmic movie. That means the day you die you watch your whole life repeating for eternity. So you'd better have some good things happen in there and have a fitting climax. --Jim MorrisonMost Memerable crowd saying "Hey look that dude's gonna set himself on fire again!"

We are all in the cosmic movie. That means the day you die you watch your whole life repeating for eternity. So you'd better have some good things happen in there and have a fitting climax. --Jim MorrisonIt's going to come from a direction you didn't predict at a moment of chaos which you didn't see coming. -- NYC

Mark PBRONZE Member
old hand
1,031 posts
Location: Bath, England

For the Gymnasts out there!How about just starting in a 5-beat weave and then on the 5th beat when your wrists are twisted, doing a forward filp, thus untwisting your arms ready for another couple of beats followed by another flip??Quite tiring I could imagine tongue ------------------Mark P (the mad chemist)

Girl From Marsmember
168 posts
Location: Liverpool, NY, USA

yea to bad front flip require some arm power to help ya pull one off. for any of you that can do a front flip without any use of your arms. more power to ya. ------------------the music feeds my soul that glows and grows with every spin i take.

the music feeds my soul that glows and grows with every spin i take.

Mark PBRONZE Member
old hand
1,031 posts
Location: Bath, England

lol, I cant even do one with the power of my arms! . o O (was just one of those silly pie in the sky ideas tongue) If someone does manage it though make sure you get it on video cos I reckon it would be damn impressive grin

81 posts

EDITED_BY: Auger282 (1429498700)

EmanSILVER Member
18 posts
Location: Albany,New York, USA

Auger282,finally someone that spins near me!!! im from clifton park and ama always looking for new peeps to twirl with. i know alot of people who went to saratoga high. let me know if your interested in getting together or something.robaato mikaru,Ok, i tried to visualize this move but its just too damn hard. i thinkg i know what youre getting at, but this is a bump move and when your hands go into the 5 beat you bump your left hand off of your right arm, or do you bump your right hand off of your right arm?? help!!!

Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connait pas

81 posts

EDITED_BY: Auger282 (1429498715)

53 posts
Location: auckland

Posted: need to think about 5 beat the normal 3 beat weave.on your right hand side, when your left hand is going under the right, the right is normally coming back across to the left.don't.keep it on the right side, and throw with your left hand, using the right arm as a centre of rotation.the string of the left poi will come up and over the right arm, where you catch it and repeat this basically the right arm is just spinning at your right side while the left arm is doing continuous throws around it...hope that helps smilei had to reverse all these instructions 'cause i'm left handed :/

DJ DantanaBRONZE Member
1,495 posts
Location: Stillwater, Ok. USA

back on subject... wink Another variation of an "infinite weave", I haven't actually tried this yet, but...Do a regular 3-beat weave, and as you go to one side, twist you body sideways...while you spin a "360" only your hands will spin the same plane as the poi, but your lower body will do a regular upright 360. (kind of like those flexible ratchet tool attachments!) I belive you could even spin faster than the poi and thus keep going into a weave on one side of you body and never on the other side of you body!!! What cha think?

we eat and we drink and we smoke and we try!

phunkyold hand
877 posts
Location: Edmonton, AB

The move works. I do it once in awhile, but spinning that fast for that long you won't keep your balance. You can probably do 3 rotations before it catches up, or you get too dizzy. I figured it out by thinking about the quad-corkscrew and how you can make it suspend in air by spinning the same direction as the poi. The quad-corkscrew is essentially a horizontal version of a 5-beat weave so why not give it a try.------------------[]Dhuong-Vu Truong==== []Dhunky ====

DJ DantanaBRONZE Member
1,495 posts
Location: Stillwater, Ok. USA

COOL! I'm glad I'm not crazy...errr...strike that, what I ment to say was "glad it realy does work!"

we eat and we drink and we smoke and we try!

42 posts
Location: about 30 min from NYC, New York, USA

lefties rock!!!!!!!!

3 posts
Location: Albany, NY

two wows go out...first for the move and second like eman, that they're some people in the capital, sounds pretty advanced...I just started spinning about a month ago...

EmanSILVER Member
18 posts
Location: Albany,New York, USA

ahhhh, sounds like such a complex move, yet looks so simple!!! i just got that move last night and it has given me a few more transitions to go into without turning!!! looks pretty good when done smoothly!!! after you have the move down, try bumping the poi again on the underside of each arm, on each side, it gives a nice smooth effect.

Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connait pas

1,015 posts
Location: Austin TX USA

Santana2--I think you'll see Sage doing something like this on the CoL2 video, except I think it's more like a 180° turn, then a weave-rotation, repeat. Oh, and of course she's doing it btb...

Laugh while you can, monkey-boy

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

My friend discovered another variation on this...He uses thick matierial for his poi-strings (like 1.5cm wide but flat - a large shoelace?) and he discovered that you do a 3 beat and then stick your two index fingers out and let the strings wrap around them - obviously you can't do it forever as the strings runs out but you can get quite a few if your quick. Then bring it back on to the other side to un-wrap.Looks good

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,750 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

Originally posted by Knagi:
I got some insane beat weaves when I did a normal weave and then lined my hands up perfect for the chains to not touch me. Then gave one a little extra push befor I couldn't control them and let them twist up for awhile. Then you whip them to your other side at just the right moment normally after like 12 beats and then if your slick you can keep them split apart for the full unwinding on the other side.
Is this perhaps the erliest recorded instance of a hyperloop?

The callange is on!


p.s. I bet UCOF will make some silly post about my spelling of challenge

[ 07. August 2003, 10:51: Message edited by: +) ]

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

is a callange like a kettle?

if so...mines a milk with 2 sugars...cheers.

53 posts
Location: auckland


this thread was made by me, before i bothered registering.

DJ DantanaBRONZE Member
1,495 posts
Location: Stillwater, Ok. USA

And this thread was replied to by ME about two years ago.... looks like "Nix?" was using a search?!?!?!?!

Actually this may be the first recorded instance of an "airwrap" because technically, the latin word "hyper" means soemthing like "faster" or "bigger" or "outside". A "hyperloop" is not bigger, but it is faster.

An airwrap, by the central USA deffinition, is wrap occuring close to the handles. A "hyperloop" is a wrap occuring in the middle of the chain.

PS I saw you on the COL4 preview... NIX? YES!!! awsome energy!!!

we eat and we drink and we smoke and we try!

MikeIconGOLD Member
2,109 posts
Location: Philadelphia, PA - USA

You can also do infinate beats on each side of an isolated weave. Ive been messing with this a bit in the past week or so.

Let's turn those old bridges we crossed into ashes.
We'll blaze a new trail,
and torch the rough patches.


138 posts
Location: Aotearoa

Yea , or you can do ...say a 6 bt weave and as u un-weave like your going to come out of it, when you get back to a 4 beat u can turn and go back into the 6 bt and keep doing that (4bt -> 6bt -> 4b ->...)which is totally cheating but it works.
So your hands never untangle, just get more tangled and then less tangled.Also works with 5 and 7.

Its all just smoke and mirrors

85 posts
Location: Bangkok

You can also do infinate beats on each side of an isolated weave
eerp, no. Then it is not an isolated weave (Both poi circling around ONE center, which is in the case of isolations not the hands).

But you can keep the weave infinite between your arms. Sadly I think it has already been discovered and named

colemanSILVER Member
big and good and broken
7,330 posts
Location: lunn dunn, yoo kay, United Kingdom

taniwha - we call those 'goofy' or 'offset' weaves here in the uk horrible looking and silly but loads of fun to play with and it means you can really mess with the speed and timing of turns.

poibox - it is possible to put as many rotations as you like in at the side of an isolated weave.
eg. right poi on outside on the right hand side (rhs), left poi between body and right arm on the rhs. you can keep this arrangement with the poi spinning round a common center for as long as you like (or can manage ). its like isolated buzzsaw with one poi outside.

nix? - that's what i thought an airwrap was for *ages*. tony touch showed me it when was i was just a poi nipper - way after that post still though. well spotted mate

i'm @ work
i should be in denmark

"i see you at 'dis cafe.
i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
- tim westwood

85 posts
Location: Bangkok

@ coleman: If one is outside and one inside it aint a weave anymore; otherwise you could do it unisolated infinitely as well ?!? (+ the poi have to be short enough)

colemanSILVER Member
big and good and broken
7,330 posts
Location: lunn dunn, yoo kay, United Kingdom

fair point andy - if you consider all beats of a weave are outside then no, this doesn't count.

i have been mixing up beats inside and outside with isolated weaves far more than i ever did with normal weaves.
i think the effect is a lot more like adding beats to an isolated weave than it is when its not isolated though - kinda looks like you're winding up into the isolated weave crossover...

...or maybe its just cos i'm crap @ isolated weaves at the moment!

"i see you at 'dis cafe.
i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
- tim westwood


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