Pink...?BRONZE Member
Mistress of Pink...Multicoloured
6,140 posts
Location: Over There, United Kingdom

Ok. my mate Chris was teaching me the fountain and he said it was like, overhead butterfly, low weave, butterfly, type thing. reading some posts on here seems it isnt. will someone please tell me how to do the fountain in SIMPLE terms (as i'm often slow and grasping onto an idea).

Never pick up a duck in a dungeon...

406 posts
Location: Charlotte, NC, USA

Dude, breaking out with a question like this is the one sure way to get an "Aww, Man! Come on!! Search!" from the peanut gallery.

This has got to be the single most discussed topic on this board.

Sorry, didn't mean to flame you, but it has been argued since before I joined this board, and there are currently several recent topics that discuss it.

Malcolm, maybe along with the shiny new topic divisions you have, you could add a "Frequently Asked Questions" section.

FREE TIBET!!! (with the purchase of a 44 oz. drink)What do you want to be when you grow up?I want to be a kid again!I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.~~~J~~~

106 posts
Location: Gloucester

If you can do the REVERSE weave and change between fwds and bwds quite easily then you are well on the way!

Also if you can do the windmill it helps lots too.

Basically, it is a series of 6 circles around the body - 3 across the bottom and three across the top that link to become a beautiful flowing pattern.

The bottom half is basically three circles one to the right of the body, one in fornt and one to the left mad by alternating between the fwds and rvs weaves. Start with fwds waeve to the right and then move into the rvs on the left with a circle directly in front of you linking the two. just do it and youll know what i mean. Try and keep them all flat to the vertical plane as much as possible.

The upper fountian is basicallty the same principle, except performed at shoulder height. The center of the trhee circles is the same as if you are doing the windmill or the overhead weave- NOT THE BUTTERFLY!!!

To put them together start on the right in a lower fountain ans swing across to the left then up over the left shoulder perform the windmill type circle in the center and then down over the right shoulder to where you started - a weave to the right hand side.

I hope this might help you. If not then please email me and ill see wot else i can do to help.


master sodiummember
536 posts
Location: carson city, nevada

I dunno glo, I think the sparkly poi is brought up more, with 5-beat weave a close second. but I haven't been here too incredibly long.

you can't have a war against terrorism because war IS's not about worshipping fire. its about making the fire want to worship you.

406 posts
Location: Charlotte, NC, USA


Fountain: 135 topics found
5-beat weave: 95 topics found
Sparkly poi: 70 topics found

FREE TIBET!!! (with the purchase of a 44 oz. drink)What do you want to be when you grow up?I want to be a kid again!I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.~~~J~~~

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