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Posted: I know that I saw mentioned somewhere that someone had tried using glow in the dark juggling balls to make poi. Does any one know how to do it? How about glow in the dark paint does anyone know where I could get some. Around 10 years ago I got a hold of some through a friend, but haven't been able to find any since. I was thinking that with glo paint I might be able to simply paint the sections I want to light up and then just charge them under a strong light. Another thing I was thinking is that if I can find the paint I might be able to empty a light stick and then refil it with the paint and reseal it somehow. Has anyone tried this or anything similar? Any comments? Am I on the right track or do I just have an over active imagination? Rain.
SimosBRONZE Member enthusiast 384 posts Location: London, UK
Posted: hey Rain...well you can see the old board for a couple of discussions on what you mention and a lot of ideas (i think they are called 'alternatives to radioactive products' and the 2nd one 'glow in the dark balls'...due to fire regulations and the fact that i usually swing indoors i am forced to use glowsticks as well - i've thought about the things you suggest (as a lot of others have i am sure) and you are on the right track (if there is such a thing) it basically boils down to trying things out and see if they work or not the way you expected them - i've been thinking about this glow paint as well but haven't found any yet and i have this phobia that nearly everything is not bright enough!!! for me two glowsticks at the end of the chain is the minimum brightness i can have, bearing in mind the fact that most of the time there are other lights too in the room; if you are doing an 'one man show' for a few minutes and that's it you can ask whoever is doing the lights to turn them all off which improves things greatly (together with some smoke perhaps ) ...well i think it was Pele that suggested glow paint so if you've used it plz give us a bit more info Pele ? on an insirational moment (or not ) i suggested putting lazer pointers at the end of the chains or inside glowsticks - they might glow enough if you seal the glowsticks afterwards - plz let me know if you try it.if you are not going for any of the 'radioactive' glowing stuff try anything with strong LEDs like Malcolm's beaming poi - if you are making something yourself use LED if you can rather than small ordinary light bulbs (they won't last long anyway )i am trying some ideas myself at the moment, if any of them works out well i'll post it here...happy swinging,Simos[This message has been edited by Simos (edited 15 December 2000).]
PeleBRONZE Member the henna lady 6,193 posts Location: WNY, USA
Posted: Hey Simos...I heard ya!!! Technically the glow in the dark paint we have been experimenting with isn't really glow in the dark, per se, it's neon and we use it with black lights so it does glow quite a bit.No, we have never filled anything with it but instead paint with it....have you ever seen it in the bottles? It seems that all of it in one spot diminishes glow ability or something. I don't know .There are glow in the dark beads though that you could prolly fill a clear plastic ball or christmas ornament type thing with and charge them as Rain said, however I think I would be weary of brightness. On the whole I am a fire person all the way so I have brightness paranoia syndrome as well Simos !!! At any rate, I am in the U.S. so I don't know of stores and such there but the paint, beads and empty balls (oh..that sounds dirty doesn't it? ) can be found at a craft store or at a discount department store in the craft section. We are going to stock up on empty plastic holiday balls when they go on sale after the holidays so we can experiment. Good luck!
Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir "Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall "And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK
Posted: We've tried to paint tennis balls with glow in the dark paint with no success....and no laughing...but i thought it would be a good idea to paint my whole fire staff in glow in the dark paint,,,,until the flames came shooting down the handle!! Beaming poi are about so I bet glow in the dark ones are too. Glow sticks are pretty cool but are expensive......Sammie :-)[This message has been edited by sammie (edited 15 December 2000).]
Posted: Been on a quest...if you're dead rich and famous then you might be able to buy a pair of glow in the dark poi from Dube (NEW YORK!)www.dube.comCan't figure out if they deliver to the Uk though (oh...and can you buy me a set too!!)
PeleBRONZE Member the henna lady 6,193 posts Location: WNY, USA
Posted: Hey Sammie...Dube will deliver anywhere...but not after they take all your money and the arm you shelled it out with and beat you over the head with it ...just to let you know. Thier stuff is good and they are crappy at customer service. I have a set of thier acrylic balls...fabulous but not worth all the hassle, quite frankly.------------------PeleHigher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...
Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir "Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall "And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK
Posted: thanks people, i will defnetly try your ideas. if i have any other ideas or find anything that works well i will b sure to post it. thanks again. Rain
Posted: Cheers ears for the reply Pele So where is the best place for poi that glow or sparkle?Sammie..
PeleBRONZE Member the henna lady 6,193 posts Location: WNY, USA
Posted: I make my sparkle poi out of the holiday sparklers, glue (did you know white school glue actually sets and gets harder when exposed to heat...thank you master mephisto)and fine mesh window wire. I haven't ever purchased glowing poi. Sorry I can't be of more service there.------------------PeleHigher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...
Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir "Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall "And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK
Posted: i know this is a late little adition to this topic but hey.you can cut light sticks open and pour the stuff on anything. doesnt seem to hurt if it touches skin but dont take my word as i have lots of weird stuff like mosqiutos dont come near me.anyway as sammie says glow in the dark paint isnt so good but i think it would be cool under uv.
redragonxmember 73 posts Location: Bentley Alberta Canada
Posted: a suggestion: cut the ends off glowsticks and dump out the used glow stuff. buy a thing of liquid highlighter refil (yellow highlighter glows under UV, incase you didnt know) fill g-stick about 1/4 full of hilite stuff and reseal. (i havent quite figured out how to do this yet, but i will soon. glu gun maybe?)
Posted: With the amount of fire that I see flashed around here I am more supprised to see that nobody has mentioned melting the cut top of the glow stick back on. It would be like a weld, heck I bet it could be done with a good lighter zippo more than likley.
Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"
Posted: mine work great, i emptied some glowstix and filled it with a crushed glow in the dark windchime, dump in some clear glue till its full and superglue a matchbox circle on the bottoms and u can recharge em instantly by holding them near a blacklight.
Posted: One thing I'm thinking of doing, and it will likely work, I just have to do it... is to paint a couple of tennis balls white, and make sure it's an even coat.. near smooth. Then get some clear neon paint from somewhere (there is a company called Clear Neon that makes clear UV activated neon paint, in spraypaint form.. I've only found the stuff online, though) or get some near-white paint that glows a different color under blacklight, and cover the white paint with it.
Now to just do it.. and I have no clue how long it'll take for me to do this, because I'm not ordering anything from online :\
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