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69 posts
Location: Boston, MA USA

Well I had always been happy to say that I dont have any burns and that Poi are really not that dangerous, but that is no longer true. I have a new set of Poi that were just made for me, and I took em outside tonight for a quick test.Damm, this flame was much bigger and hotter and heavier. Also I was using Ball chain which I dont have any compliants about, I have used Chain and Cable before and find the Ball Chain completely acceptable as well as unusually silent compared to the chains. So I was trying some inside the arms work by shortening chains through a wrap around the hand. I must have hit myself 3 times in the left arm, nearly the same spot so now I have Poi "Battle Scars"I wanted to stop trying the trick but I had a crowd of Kids and concerened neighbors watching so I had to look good you know?Oh lastly I ran on down to Osco Drug and picked up these latex dressings. Awesome, you open the packet and there is a thin piece of paper inside, Looking at it the middle of the piece is completely transparent, Strip one side off and apply to the burn or cut and remove the rest of the paper which is all on the outside. At this point you can hardly tell there is anything on your arm unless pretty close or the light hits it right. They last for days and allow the wound to breathe while still protecting from dirt water and germs. I feel like someone should be paying me for this, I'm off to shoot some Pool. If anyone comments ill just say its a Nicotine Patch. Code128For reference I switched from a circular wrap style to a cathedral wick, big difference.Also the dressing is made by 3M and is called a Tegaderm under the brand name of Nexcare. Only $7.99 for a box 8Call now


9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Great tip! What kind of fuel were you using? I hit myself with lamp oil/torch fuel often and have yet to burn... Especially with cathedral wicks that don't have much exposed metal.

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Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

69 posts
Location: Boston, MA USA

I was using a type of Kerosene that I picked up at a Home Depot (Discountinued from the HD line now though)I think it was made by Exxon something like ClearLite, burns very clean and doesnt seem to smoke much at all.But if as a bastion of "Scientific Wisdom" you are saying that hits with Lamp Oil in a cathedral style wick have been kind to you, I think Ill try to pick up some of the good clean burning Lamp Oil. What is the name of the stuff you are using NYC ?Later AllCode128Bye the way I saw a Girl at the Pool Hall tonight with a "New York" Tube Top type Jersey. I asked her if she knew a guy back home who spins fire, but she didnt seem to have any idea what I was talkin bout. I think NYC that you may need to spread your name around a bit more. I mean if I were to call myself Chicago, I would expect that most Chicagins would know of me, right??The Cathedral Wicks were of a very high quality design and had no exposed Metal other than the Circular Welded Ring on the top of them and the Connection to the Ball Chain. [This message has been edited by Code128 (edited 31 August 2001).]


9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

I've been using lamplight farms lamp oil and citronella torch fuel. It shouldn't matter what brand, they all burn about the same. Any "Lamp Oil" or "Torch Fuel" should be fine. It burns longer and not as hot. It's also not explosive so it's a bit harder to light. I actually like that better.And HA! I take great pride in my privacy. The day most of the millions of New Yorkers know me is the day I'm moving to Chicago! Heck, I'm just a little fish in both the science and fire world. I'm just one of the few in both. wink

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

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