Forums > Technical Discussion > Where to buy exciting chemicals?

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337 posts
Location: London UK

I can find the more common ones like boric acid, but getting hold of stuff like strontium chloride is a nightmare, as it doesn't really have normal a household use.Everyone's like... what's it for... and I'm like "A flame colourant..." and they're like "Um, sorry, we only sell, like, pills and shit here. Sorry."No chemists will sell it, goddamit!And I really don't want to try and convince my school science department to order me some.Any chemists in London anyone know of that will whip up some for me?------------------"O! for a muse of fire, that would ascend the brightest heaven of invention." - William ShakespeareCheck out my Online Gallery!ß £ Å Ĉ К ß î я Ð

x X x ß £ Å Ĉ К ß î я Ð x X x

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

I'm at a loss dude. I order it, it comes to my school. I'd try a chemical supply store, maybe someone will deliver it. I don't know what exists out there... sorry!

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blue_flameBRONZE Member
33 posts
Location: Amherst, Massachusetts, USA

hey NYC- or anyone else that can help... grinhow do you order chemicals through your school...i assume i could do the same if i knew what to do which would be awesome...thanksChris

Defy Gravity!

22 posts
Location: Auckland New Zealand

Being bi-polar helps me with lithium carbonate smile

81 posts

EDITED_BY: Auger282 (1429499045)

CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

I'd go and talk to your teacher. But not saying : "how ca I get this or that chemical stuff" instead I'd ask him / her for his advice on "how to change the colour of a flame bla bla bla."they'll feel like they came up with the idea + think you are a passionate student (and not one of these pyro freaks wink )and chances are high they'll want to help because they'll feel part of this adventure..know what I mean ?shine onCassandra

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Now that's the way to do it Cassandra!I was about to suggest the same thing myself but it looks like you beat me to it.And there's no need to pretend you are interested in the chemistry side of fire, as confirmed pyros, we should all be taking a few more lessons.Let the man make some suggestions, if he doesn't come up with the right stuff (very unlikely) wait a few days, and say you found on the "net that strontium chloride..."And so on, let them help you, instead of just being the middleman.------------------Charles (INFERNO)newdolbel@hotmail.com

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9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

I went to and seemed to be able to buy anything I wanted. I know nothing about them and have never heard of them before but it's worth a shot. I also looked up Boreal (my supplier) but they seemed strict about only shipping to schools. Perhaps they get tax breaks if they only work with schools or something. There's got to be a way to get what you want. These are not particularly dangerous/crazy chemicals. The lithium isn't safe for eating anyway so I don't know if they'd be worried or not. I really don't know why y'all are having such trouble but if you DO work in/near a school you should be able to order it to the school and just put it on your personal credit card.I don't know the legality of this all as I'm not a civilian. wink

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