19 posts
Location: london uk

Hi ,I want to add some weight to my wicks, I use cables and would like some variation on speed. I don't want bigger wicks..just heavier. Any advice??

Mark PBRONZE Member
old hand
1,031 posts
Location: Bath, England

Hi kama, adding weight is fairly easy.

If you are using a fire set then you really want to use something metal - things like lead fishing weights could be easily added or even some large nuts (I will wait to see how many crude replies we get to this comment )

I know woody made a practice set when I had a really heavy set of doubles and this just consisted of a loop of string with about 25 large nuts on it!! - really heavy, nice and slow but you didnt want to get yourself in the shins with em!!

Mark P

GlåssDIAMOND Member
The Ministry of Manipulation
2,523 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

have you tried increasing gravity?
its currently running at 9.8
round here
but if you went to spin on jupiter,
it would be bucket loads more.

that'd solve your problem in a trice.
Glad to be of help
half full or half empty?

DioHoP Mechanical Engineer
729 posts
Location: OK, USA

Is it just the wicks you want heavier?

If it's overall weight you're lookin at, a heavier gauge chain (or cable in your case) is a really good way to go about it. I made a pair of "workout poi" along those lines using a chain thicker than the normal ones I was used to. Sure makes the lighter ones go faster when I use em

What hits the fan is not evenly distributed.

Mark PBRONZE Member
old hand
1,031 posts
Location: Bath, England

heavier chain is another good idea but I find this has slightly different effect on the handling of the poi.

With light wires I find I tend to to spin a little faster but with heavy chains it gives the poi more overall momentum which I find a lot easier for doing things like stalls and they are definately nicer for wraps.

I think the main point to take away from this thread is that there are a lot of different ways that you can vary weight/feel of your poi and the only way that you will find what is perfect for you is to try lots of different methods. A good way is to go to a meet and ask to have a try with other peoples poi - most will let you and it is nice to see how they have theirs set up

Mark P

19 posts
Location: london uk

Thanks guys,
I don't want to change my cables..I like them..I'll have a look at some lead weights. Maybe weight could be added during construction of wicks?
Glass..space travel is a bit difficult at present,maybe at the weekend.

1,015 posts
Location: Austin TX USA

Don't use lead weights. I've tried it. Learn from my mistake. Even with a lot of foam padding around them, they're really painful when they strike you.

A friend has started making dummy wicks for practicing that are basically pouches filled with lentils. Easy to customize the weight, and they don't hurt when they hit you.

If you want heavier fire wicks, then get/make bigger ones. Adding loose weights to fire wicks just sounds like a bad idea in many ways.

Laugh while you can, monkey-boy

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Centrifugal dynamics!
you want to increase the centrifugal 'work' of your poi.
the 'work' = 'mass' x 'distance'
(ie. the heavier and more distant the load, the more energy required)
yes, an increase in mass results in an increase in work.
but it will hurt like the clappers.
an increase in distance will also lead to an increase in work.
in other words lengthen your poi chain/twine if ya wanna increase the percieved weight of your poi without the risk of leathal weighting.
It forces you truly refine your path work - hand wrap ya chain when it comes time to buzzsaw, leg tuck or bodyroll.
I twirl heavy flames short poi and light flames long poi in a simliar if not fearful fashion.

Star Trek taught me all the physics i need
/fondles medical tricorder

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

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