337 posts
Location: London UK

Here's throwing out an idea:

Gyroscopes, the type you wind up with a string and pull, are annoying. However, there do exist gyroscopes that run off batteries and an electric motor. They are relatively small and relatively powerful.

Gyroscopes do wierd things. Counter-intuitive things.

Gyroscopes + Toys. Think about it.

For example, gyroscopes in the heads of juggling clubs. You put the end of the handle on the tip of your finger, the club HORIZONTAL, and instead of falling, it processes round in a cirle.
If you try and throw one vertically, it'll spin horizontally.

You could do crazy things with gyros on the ends of a staff potentially too... Jump in the air, try and yank one end down and you'll spin. Do an indefinite plam spin... foot catches at the ends... lots of possibilities

I mentioned this to a few people today, but they poo-poohed it. I think, with a bit of imagination, some interesting tricks could result...

x X x ß £ Å Ĉ К ß î я Ð x X x

1,015 posts
Location: Austin TX USA

It's an interesting idea, but A) the gyroscopes in question would need to be pretty damned big to have the effects you're discussing, and B) they'd make the behavior of the apparatus really unpredictable and unwieldy.

Laugh while you can, monkey-boy

337 posts
Location: London UK

They don't have to be THAT big. Sort of mug sized ones will do the trick. No heavier than the bigger soaked wicks, anyway!

And the unpredictability part is the idea. And it wouldn't be unpredictable, just... different...

x X x ß £ Å Ĉ К ß î я Ð x X x

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