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Forums > Technical Discussion > Recipe for making fire diabolos... anyone know?!?

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5 posts
Location: Victoria, Australia

Hey guys... I've been spinning diabolo's for quite a while and I feel the need to add a new element. It seems to me that fire is the next step! I'm reluctant to buy a fire diabolo because twirling/spinning should be fun, and draining my pockets puts a dampner on things. I have heard it is possible to make them, but I wouldn't have a clue how to start! Any ideas?

Thanks people!

~*~Be invisible...

337 posts
Location: London UK

They aren't that expensive..! And if you buy you're fairly certain to get a good quality one...

But if you do make one, don't forget to get fire resistant string. Something people forget... the first time, anyway...

x X x ß £ Å Ĉ К ß î я Ð x X x

8 posts
Location: reno, nv usa

renegadejuggling.com(may want to check the spelling on that) has a fine assortment of fire dioblos. if you don't want to buy one the pics may give you some idias.

it happens

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