Forums > Advanced Staff moves > Lynx: Contact Staff footwork

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GlåssDIAMOND Member
The Ministry of Manipulation
2,523 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

I promised charles that I’d post it months ago...

1 Staff Contact
With your feet!
Difficulty rating 6.7 out of 11* (but worth it)
Wordy description, but that’s contact for you… I’ll be amazed if anyone can understand this.

1) Stand –feet a bit wider than hip width, plant your staff vertically in the ground on your centreline a bit in front of your toes. Right hand holding the top of the staff.
2) Lift up your left leg so that the staff is against your left inner thigh. Wrap your foot around the staff (clockwise) so that the back of your ankle is on the staff handle.

The staff hasn’t moved yet, so maybe you’re beginning to wonder what the fek is going, on, its ok, it gets good real soon.

3) Simply(!) Push inwards with your left thigh and outwards with your left ankle, and turn your body 1/2 turn to the right (180deg Clockwise) on your right foot, so that the staff rolls over the back of your left ankle (3/4 revolution clockwise in the juggling wall plane).

4) As the left foot goes down on the ground, the staff does another 1/2 turn so you can catch what started as the top end of the staff on the top of your left foot near the end, other end of the staff on the ground, pointing out to your left. (what was the right when you started)

5) Which sets you up for a nice standard kick up, and a catch back into spinning.

I don’t normally name moves, but this one is called Lynx, (unless someone else is already doing this, or knows it by another name??) kinda after the woman who inspired it.

Charles this is one of the ones I promised you a few months back, when I got my camera, I’ve got the camera (and had i fixed), but I still haven’t got round to filming it. Duh, So for now you got to put up with deciphering words.

There a related soft core move where you don’t turn your body and just go for a foot catch left foot left side, staff only does ¾ of a turn but “if there’s a harder way that looks better”…
Rob you might have seen this one at BJC2002,

* “…it goes all the way up to 11”. Spinal Tap

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,749 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both


dat sounds sweet, Ill have to try it as soon as the rain stopd (grrrrr, scotland)

got a sorta picup, place the staff upright one end onna ground on your right hand side

let go

catch in the crook of you right leg (the outside) and wrap you leg around.

Kick strait out and hey presto, flying backwards spinning staff!



This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

262 posts
Location: Edinburgh

yep. got that one there, nice variant also, but gig to go to now...

brain replacement...anyone?

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Thanks Glass, was that promise months ago or years ago

Cool...I guess I need to do yoga or something, as I've tried bounce juggling my staffs (like spinning a barrel on one foot and then the other) but it seems ridiculously hard and thenmy back gets sore.

Thanks for posting this though...and still waiting for the pics/vids...

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[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,749 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

seems thease so-called 'acrobats' have a slight lead in da flexibility stakes

Im gonna start streaching, tomorow.


This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

GlåssDIAMOND Member
The Ministry of Manipulation
2,523 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

no, not flexible at all.

Whiffle Squeekaddict
416 posts
Location: Hartford, CT USA

hummm, got Nix's move fairly easily, but glass, how the hell can you turn quickly enough???

my staff doesnt rotate fast enough, and it winds up smacking me in the shin, any advice???

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GlåssDIAMOND Member
The Ministry of Manipulation
2,523 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

errm, Its pretty slow, everything I like to do is.
chill with it and listen to the legendary
DJ Shadow.
He's the man for staff work

It rolls over the back for your left ankle.

But yea, I didn't fid this one easy to sort out

err which shin, need more detail

Will try to vid it soon, but first i got to repair my stick


GlåssDIAMOND Member
The Ministry of Manipulation
2,523 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

stick number one happyily repaired, but ~I used thicker car inner tube, Instead of the thinner and definatly better energy cycle tyre innertube.
So shes is just adjusting. and clearing out the pat memories of bad polluting and enjoying its newly recycled state.

A mushy pea steve special with big wicks and good vibes for those who are interested

thought I'd regrip short staff too


Trippie HippieBRONZE Member
old hand
733 posts
Location: Bewildered state of nothingness, United Kingdom

Glass, is DJ Shadow your "favourite DJ saviour"
he's mine....

Trippie Hippie- Monty Dons secret love child

Fly like a mouse, run like a pillow, be the small book case.

"Last night i met some pixies and we danced around a stone".

Because dressing up is fun.

JudeBRONZE Member
9 posts
Location: Hertfordshire, England (UK)

Sounds like something I'd like to say I am able to do. When I escape the boring confines of work I shall give it a go.
Cheers by the way....any more for any more?
Anyone got any tips on throws at night, when you can't see the bloody staff to catch it! Know what I mean?

Go Hard, Stay Up Forever!

GlåssDIAMOND Member
The Ministry of Manipulation
2,523 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

I've got this move on video now and some other ripping contact playmoves, now that i've got a new camera toy.
Including my favorite at the moment, rolls from right hand to left foot. Phwoooaaarr. am I happy with that.

just practice, theres no real trick.

Trippy hippy, oh yes. and ive got to ask:
Hey Mr Martial arts fan.
Are you ready to get your guts kicked out?


38 posts
Location: Presently in São Paulo, Brazil

Hey Jude, wrap some white electrical tape around the staff at the center of it.
It really made it a lot easier for me in the beginning with nighttime throws. After a while though you just get the "feel" where the center is and the tape isn't really needed but still handy to have
You can also have bigger wicks since they cast off more light which makes it easier to see the staff.
My style of twirling incorporates a lot of throws. Hit myself silly though the other day when I did a bad catch of a helicopter throw. A pre-occupied mind and twirling doesn't go well together...
Good luck with your throws!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. --Mark Twain

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,749 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

Hand to foot! howhowhow? gimme video contact lovelyness. Wont make Poi in the Park this weekend, sorry. Have fun peeps + drew.


This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

GlåssDIAMOND Member
The Ministry of Manipulation
2,523 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

Nix, ok check that raggedganga thing you got mail. charles you too.

2 posts
Location: UK -- Midlands

Hello there, was wondering; to what sort of contact trick you, (in particular, glass), would rate as a '3.4'? Or would indeed recommend as a connector move?

Mr Kane's Brainwashing Sessions:After one lesson, I realised he is the best -- Ms.Teresa Monie.::ONLY €9.95::

GlåssDIAMOND Member
The Ministry of Manipulation
2,523 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

eh citizen Kane,
I no understand the question
explainy pleasy
I'll probably answer wait for the video to come out at the end of the month anyway.
nice signiture

2 posts
Location: UK -- Midlands


regards sig; thanks

the 3.4 was a reference to the difficulty rating,
but maybe you wouldn't mind describing a simple upper body (no feet! ) contact move.

Some thing a contact newbie might get.

[if you think this is the wrong board, or just can't be arsed, no probs ]

Mr Kane's Brainwashing Sessions:After one lesson, I realised he is the best -- Ms.Teresa Monie.::ONLY €9.95::

GlåssDIAMOND Member
The Ministry of Manipulation
2,523 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

Download the DivX video codec
from (surprise surprise)
you dont need the player, Win mediaplays should do fine, just the codec.
And wait....
That goes for anyone who is into contact staff.
Divx codec is your friend
(or nag me, and check old staff threads, for posts by nix, minero, pozee and me and other contact bods)
I'm on the case.

And if your on modem, a download manager like the one from fresh would be handy too.

hmm totally outta 3.4's I only got a 3.2 and a 3.5 left. .

comming soon, and not in a too narcissistic way (I hope.)

ben-ja-menGOLD Member
just lost .... evil init
2,474 posts
Location: Adelaide, Australia

im trying with little sucess to be uber hard core and catch the staff with my foot and shin with my leg horizontal at the end of the lynx instead of letting it fall to the ground but im finding it really hard to get my shin in the right spot and find the staff just rolls over my foot at the end. any ideas on how to move the leg at the end to catch the staff?

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourself, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous and talented? Who are you NOT to be?

bairie fenlord high king of swingers *(now defunct)**(but will rise again ! !)*
165 posts
Location: wild wiltshire

got a nice kick coming out of the same sorta leg start as drews move ! gonna fang round the garden and come back !

fly fairies, fly high, fly wide and take no prisoners !!!!!!

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