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Posted: hey yallI have my first performance coming up for halloween and Im twirling to Michael Jackson's Thriller and I hvae no idea what to do. Does anyone have any kweel combo's or ideas that they would willing to share??? pllllleeeeeeeeeeease? If you could I would very appreciativeEs------------------
Posted: No combos to share, just pick a bunch of random moves and put them together. Though, to really make the audience laugh, learn the moonwalk and bust that out in the middle of your session. That would be swweeet!------------------[]Dhuong-Vu Truong==== []Dhunky ====
catboymember 167 posts Location: leicester, england
Posted: i wreckon you need to get involved with some firey crotch grabbing too.. maybe the splits, and definitely that kind of zombie dance from the video!
you can take the cat out of the jungle, but you cant take the jungle out of the cat
Auspoiboymember 219 posts Location: Melbourne Australia
Posted: apart from that, you could do some plastic surgery change your skin colour and wear one glove.Just do what feels natural......in everything!!
Good on usGood on us all
DaRk aBeRmember 19 posts Location: Fallbrook, CA , USA
Posted: 4its all about having your style, you need to be unique in your technique, you dont want ppl telling you how to do their combos, you should make up your own
Posted: phunky...that was great..I think I will just for laughs ..hehe thanks.Dark, I do realise that it is all about my own style, but when you're stuck in nowhere land, there's no one really to comment and help you improve your style. I've been twirling on my own since I started learning, so getting idea's from others helps me to improve my style, do things I never would have thought of on my own. I wasnt asking for your own style ...just some ideas on combo's I could use but I guess that was a lil too much to ask ..sorry.catboy hehe ..though I think the splits would be a great idea but alas I dont have the dexterity for that LOL Auspoiboy, will definately get the white glove but I think I'll pass onthe plastic surgery and the color change ..hehe...well ..maybe I'll color my hair instead thanks for everyone input
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