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Posted: I've asked a few times already, ANYONE know about these???? Sounds very interesting, would like to hear from someone who has played with them... Is there anybody out there???? Happy Turkey Day!!!! Dinah-mite
LurchBRONZE Member old hand 929 posts Location: Oregon, USA
Posted: We had one when I was a kid... its just like a flimsy hollow tube that whistles when you spin it.. sounds kind of eerie, but we never did anything besides spin them around and hit each other with it, so I wouldn't know how to actually *use* them
#homeofpoi -- irc.newnet.net Come talk to us we're bored
Warning: Please Do Not Jump On The Seals
UCOFSILVER Member 15,417 posts Location: South Wales
Posted: er. yes. we use them occasionally. mostly for kids workshops tho cause its difficult to get enough variation to make them interesting. .
spin them like clubs tho, noones got round to putting handles, wiehgts to make hem more poi like tho.
Holistic Spinner (I hope)
becBRONZE Member member 521 posts Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Posted: hello...*
I've played with them lots in the past... we used to perform with Sarah Hopkins, (the musician who produces them...) When we were performing with her, we would cheat a bit and cover the ends of the ones that were actually being twirled and a couple of other performers would play the music with them using simpler patterns so they could completely control the pitch...
They are definitely heaps of fun for something different & kids do *love* them - we always take a bag of them out for festival workshops... and you can get some yummy kind of strobing illusion under certain types of lighting... and it's delicious twirling in the middle of a kind of musical vortex .:*:. ...you can use them heaps like poi, some moves are a bit different and others impossible but you can work around that for the fun of having the sound...
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