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Kombi guyBRONZE Member HOP OM 225 posts Location: HOP Central, New Zealand
Posted: Name Kombi Guy or Chris.
Sex Male
D.O.B: 20/8
Location: New Zealand, just outside of Christchurch city, cruizy country living.
Favourite websites: This ones proving to be quite an adventure so far!
Favourite Toys: Poi, Staff, Volkswagons, and juggling equipment in general, .
Been twirling for: Ive been playing with fire off and on and juggling etc since about 1994.
Occupation: I am part of the Home of poi Team, My job is funky product design and development, customer support, straight jacket provider and idea bounce erroffa etc etc etc
Hobbies/Interests: Twirling & Juggling as you can tell, camping, festivals, tramping, hassling my dog, blending with nature, reading, pottery, music etc
Music: A wide variety really, from Tool to Bob Dylan and a range of styles inbetween.
Favourite Colour: Blue and Purple.
Favourite Quote/Saying: ...etc Heres a few, for different reasons:
An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. (gandhi)
The true mystery of the world is the visable, not the invisable. (Oscar Wilde)
We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. (Sir W.Churchill)
Those are my principles & if you dont like them well... I have others. (Oscar Wilde)
Thats enough rambling from me for now, so greetings to you all. Looking forward to meeting ya and always up for a spin.,
Happy twirling,
EDITED_BY: Kombi guy (1124156538)
Kombi guyBRONZE Member HOP OM 225 posts Location: HOP Central, New Zealand
Posted: Cheers guys and girls, Skully age is a state of mind , and as for you your just a spring chicken merrily bouncing through a field of daisies compared to some of us here.......UCOF yes the straight jacket thing again, dude you dont give up eh....To enlighten you on that one it dates back to my very first day working at HOP where Malcolm mentioned to me that part of my job description was providing a straight jacket in times of complete insanity, as can happen at most places of employment from time to time.
George it seems like just the other day we were wishing YOU a big welcome to HOP, oh how time flys.