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poiboymember 22 posts Location: Long Beach, CA, USA
Posted: Hey, sorry to be posting so many questions, but this is the last one.I have poied for one and a half years, all the time anticipating that "Someday, I'll be doing this with fire!"SOMEDAY HAS ARRIVED. I just got my first set of fire poi from the HOP shop, and searched for all the rules concerning how to break in and store them. Keep them stored in fuel, eh? Do you store the whole head of the poi (metal and all) in fuel, or unwrap the kevlar and keep it soaked?That's all I need to know, I'll learn the rest. That being said, I must say that all you people have gotten me to this point; through this website and the discussion threads, I always had good advice. I love you all so much right now *clutching new pois while writing*, and I will make a kickass video right quick to further express my gratitude. No longer will I be a boy, but a man.Noah
Posted: Poiboy, this topic has been discussed quite a bit in the early days of the board. Please do a search. Happy spinning, welcome to the club N8(Point) ------------------Care of other people's approval and you become their prisoner.Live fully, Rave wholly.Fluid are the movements of my strings...
Care of other people's approval and you become their prisoner.Live fully, Rave wholly.Fluid are the movements of my strings...
AdeSILVER Member Are we there yet? 1,897 posts Location: australia
Posted: Poiboy said:"That being said, I must say that all you people have gotten me to this point"surely you're not just fishing for a point off your own post? Ade (who calls point, but is still mightily confused as to what's going on here now.... oh go on, tell me to do a search.... point....)
CantusSILVER Member Tantamount to fatuity 15,967 posts Location: Down the road, United Kingdom
Posted: I can't shake the feeling that you've all got very childish whilst i was away.Maybe you were just making up for the absence of my sillyness.... ------------------C@ntusThere's only one way of life and that's your own.
Posted: //edit bad post... I'll completely change the subject of it Thanks for asking this question Poiboi, I was gettin' lazy and didn't feel like looking around for the previous threads.Kinudin[This message has been edited by Kinudin (edited 13 February 2002).]
Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member still can't believe it's not butter 6,978 posts Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posted: Congrats on graduating to fire, poi boi! I've tried (half-assed, but still tried) to get my lil' sis to light up the pair that i've gotten her for xmas (45cm twine, 2.5" wicks double finger loops) but no banana. what made you decide that it was 'someday'?My day came the same night i learnt staff - evil beach parties are like that i guess =/Luv that sound hey?------------------"He shall know your ways as if born to them"-Fremen prophecy
Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always
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