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Posted: has anyone played with gyroscopes and fire??? was thinking might be a nice backdrop if you had some wheels lit up that were spinning and if you only held one side of the axel then they would turn in a circle, add a motor to keep it going for as long as you like and you got nice toy.
There are 10 types of people, those who understand binary and those who dont. Enjoy - A
squarefishSILVER Member (...trusty steed of the rodeo midget...) 403 posts Location: the state of flux, Ireland
Posted: Ajtag, If you do a search for firewheels you should get acouple of old threads on this topic. YES they look great YES they can be passed easily from person to person YES they can be balanced on your head/foot/hand YES they should be used more often YES I have some pics which I will try to post as soon as I can figure out how to do it!
Posted: sweet, i just thought that fire wheels were more hand held than that. done some searching but have to do the old directory too... thanks.... might go buy a bike wheel to try yay!
There are 10 types of people, those who understand binary and those who dont. Enjoy - A
Posted: Well, this is my first time so here goes! Ajtag, I've been playing with fire wheels for over ten years now thanks to the infamous 'Pyrogyro' or Mark Wheel (as mentioned in a previous thread on this subject) There is a little bit of fire wheel footage on the net. It takes a bit of looking for but it's worth it. Check out 'www.cosmosjugglers.co.uk' go to 'holidays' then 'lauriston hall' then 'lauriston hall gallery' ! If you scroll down the page you will see a photo of a fire wheel in action and also two wheels on a fire sculpture. On the downloadable movie you can see me and my wheel in action just after the ring juggling also check out the moving fire wheel sculpture. Phew, have fun
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