erikaMishBRONZE Member
33 posts
Location: washington d.c., USA

hello... i wasn't sure if i should write this on "other toys" so i'm guessing it's better if i ask for help!
first of all... i'm sorry if there is already a thread on this. i searched but couldn't find anything.

i can't find white glowsticks anywhere! i looked in several stores and on line, but no one seems to have them anymore. plus, every where i've asked, people tell me "yeah... i don't think they make them any more" confused why would they stop making a certain color? i don't think that's it.

if anyone knows where i could find them, please let me know! thank you! biggrin

originalsmitSILVER Member
469 posts
Location: nottingham, england. cornwall wales denmark or pra...

i got some last week from just a local headshop
they are still around for sure.
try out
for all your glowstick needs.

my original signature was tooo long.
this one is shorter

MikeIconGOLD Member
2,109 posts
Location: Philadelphia, PA - USA

I also got a few fairly recently at a dollar store in the mall.

Let's turn those old bridges we crossed into ashes.
We'll blaze a new trail,
and torch the rough patches.


GidgBRONZE Member
Super Gidg!!!!
8,506 posts
Location: Portland Oregon USA

Same here ICoN. I saw some at my local party store.

hug hug wave wave

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is NOT.
Proud member of the HoP DPS.
Sanity is a highly overrated state of mind.
I'm normal ... it's everyone else that's crazy.


leeeaaaaaaSILVER Member
2 posts
Location: Tennessee, USA

I got one in a 4 pack from Walmart in the car section. However, that's probably a really inefficient way to collect them. They still make them thought. Good luck.

_Poiboy_PLATINUM Member
bastard child of satan
1,113 posts
Location: Raanana, Israel

a couple of good glowstick sites

site one

site two

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