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laudieSILVER Member
52 posts
Location: Dublin, Ireland

Getting some people together with hope of having a poi workshop end of August in Dublin. Its part of another festival, but want to just see response first before I go announcing anything!!
Helpers, teachers etc...Anyone interested??? All levels needed. If you live in Ireland, or will be passing through in August, please get in touch. The more the merrier, could be a really fun day!! weavesmiley

Hope to hear from loads of ya!!
L x

Remember: Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.

DeepSoulSheepGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
2,617 posts
Location: Berlin, Ireland

Hey L
Was talking to you on email all ready. You get any responses yet? I'm sure Farberge'll be along any minute to be offering you love and help. I've other friends I'll mention it too and let you know before I leave.

James hug

I live in a world of infinite possibilities.

_Clare_BRONZE Member
Still wiggling
5,967 posts
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland (UK)

Hey there,
Might be up for that... give me some more details and I might take a trip down round about then.

Getting to the other side smile

FabergGOLD Member
1,459 posts
Location: Dublin, Ireland

here i am!! wave

*hands laudie and large parcel labelled HELP with a generous dollop of LOVE on top* hug

sure, definitely interested bounce2 anything i can do to help, just shout. i'm sure i can drag a few people along.

bounce2 i'm all excited now bounce2

pity you won't be around J frown

My mind not only wanders, it sometimes leaves completely smile

laudieSILVER Member
52 posts
Location: Dublin, Ireland

Wowey guys, loving da help lovely people...!!

James, getting pretty good response. Have put few signs up around Dublin city and people have gotn bak to me thru that. Art and Hobby shp etc..
Any1 who would do the same in their local poi selling shop around Ireland, I'd be much appreciative!! My email address is You can put that on the notice.
So basically its the World Cultures Festival in Dun Laoghaire. I asked them could we have a day for a poi workshop, they liked the idea. Just need to get as many people as possible. We need to make poi for people to practice with. And of course, people who will be around end of August to teach the curious people who wana get involved!!
All levels purleese, duno the situation with fire poi yet cos may be problem with insurance or sumat. Wil probably be there for show, or for people who play fairy poi and wana try fire. Keep suggestions coming....
Anyway, yiz have me email address, if u want more info, or want me to keep u personally informed, mail me. Doncha know....
Faberge and Clare, please giza mail n we kan chat proper bout da whole affair!!!!

smile) xx

Remember: Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.

_Clare_BRONZE Member
Still wiggling
5,967 posts
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland (UK)

Yep, all will be good...
No poi shops up here tho, mainly cos noone's really seen firedancing before.
I've sent you an email Laudie, so you can let me know your plans.
Btw, what do you guys think about getting together to do something on July 11 up this side?!
It might be a silly idea, but July 11 is the night the loyalists light their bonfires for July 12 'celebrations'.
Over the years it's become a fairly negative thing, alot of aggressiveness, drunkenness and fighting - certainly not something everyone and their families can go to.
I was wondering if anyone would be interested in putting on a wee show on the night of July 11 as a kindof alternative for people to go to.
Show people that fire can be used in a beautiful, positive way...
It wouldn't be in any way political, just providing something else for people to go to... so many people, on both sides of political opinion, hide inside their houses on that night.
Anyways, have a think about it... if a group of you are up for it, I'll try to get something organised...
thanks lads beerchug

Getting to the other side smile

laudieSILVER Member
52 posts
Location: Dublin, Ireland

sounds like a really nice idea, something positive on a usually diturbing day.....but i reckon im gona b working down at oxegen this year, n unfortunately i gota go where the bux are rite now frown

Remember: Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.

DeepSoulSheepGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
2,617 posts
Location: Berlin, Ireland

Yea 'fraid I'm at oxygen to.
Laura, I advise you to edit your post and change your email address to this:
loveleylaudie at hotmail dot com or it'll get picked up by spam bots and it'll get sold into slavery.

For Poi, go to Penny's and they sell long knee length boot socks in pretty colours. They're only 3 quid a pop. Then fill a bag with rice and stick that in the bottom. Best poi you'll find. smile

I live in a world of infinite possibilities.

ado-pGOLD Member
Pirate Ninja
3,882 posts
Location: Galway/Ireland


how do..!!!

Count me in for august guys, would even be interested in taken a trip to belfast

Laudie, Anything I can do to help, no bother just give me the nod.

Any any ya'll want my email just pm me!!!

All the very best of everything


Love is the law.

_Clare_BRONZE Member
Still wiggling
5,967 posts
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland (UK)

Oh well, nice idea tho...

Getting to the other side smile

laudieSILVER Member
52 posts
Location: Dublin, Ireland

yo ho ho!

we all enjoying our long weekend?? and sun aswell!! wowey! any1 get up to anything fabulous last few days??


Remember: Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.

_Clare_BRONZE Member
Still wiggling
5,967 posts
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland (UK)

sadly, I'm sitting here in work... wishing I was outside doing poi... cos I really need the practice!!

Getting to the other side smile

FabergGOLD Member
1,459 posts
Location: Dublin, Ireland

hey folks biggrin

just sent you an email laudie re: the world culture festival. let me know whatever i can do to help.

lovely idea firepoise, having a belfast fire-night, but unfortunately most folks down this end will be at oxegen that weekend. come down for oxegen why don't you? it'll be a good weekend! ubbloco

weavesmiley juggle weavesmiley

My mind not only wanders, it sometimes leaves completely smile

DeepSoulSheepGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
2,617 posts
Location: Berlin, Ireland

I was in camping, surfing and chilling in Dingle all weekend tongue I've a tan now too tongue


I live in a world of infinite possibilities.

_Clare_BRONZE Member
Still wiggling
5,967 posts
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland (UK)

Erm, sorry to be stupid... but what is oxygen?!!

Getting to the other side smile

FabergGOLD Member
1,459 posts
Location: Dublin, Ireland

oxegen is a 2 day music festival on the 10th & 11th of july at punchestown near naas, just outside of dublin.

should be good craic, check it out:

My mind not only wanders, it sometimes leaves completely smile

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