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Forums > Social Chat > is anyone from pittsburgh area

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Singed Piper (formerly Mark1)resident bagpiper
342 posts
Location: Vermont, USA

i'm entering CMU and i need a few spinners to hang out with, otherwise i'll be really lonely weavesmiley

Q:What's the difference between the Great Highland Bagpipes and the Northumbrian Pipes?
A:The Great Highland Pipes burn longer.

wouacGOLD Member
183 posts
Location: Iceberg 319, Canada

well nobodies answered u yet and thats not allowed so I'll just say nope sorry

It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potato's.

doug_staasGOLD Member
5 posts
Location: USA

sorry for the slightly late response smile

i'm guessing you might have graduated by now.
i'm a spinner and i know of a few others. just putting it out there in case there's other lonely pgh fire people. we had weekly jams this past fall in frick park and have access to an indoor space. the last few months have been a bit spotty, for getting together, though.

eykanalSILVER Member
7 posts
Location: USA

Well, might as well use the existing topic. Another pittsburgh spinner here, hoping to meet up with some other folks. If there are other folks around here, please post; maybe we can set up something.

doug_staasGOLD Member
5 posts
Location: USA

we've been posting stuff on facebook, through the "pittsburgh fire spinners" group
we've been meeting weekly in frick park, flagstaff fill or posvar hall

eykanalSILVER Member
7 posts
Location: USA

is it a closed group? I can't find it on facebook.

EDIT: are you talking about the "Pittsburgh Fire Arts" group?
EDITED_BY: eykanal (1262210606)

doug_staasGOLD Member
5 posts
Location: USA

my bad... it's the pittsburgh fire arts group, totally open

6 posts

Just starting poi and just moved to Pittsburgh. Looking for company and maybe some help getting better

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