Forums > Social Chat > These bunnies are good

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Wyrd SisterBRONZE Member
53 posts
Location: Wellington, NZ, New Zealand

Check out this site

The Shining re-enacted by bunnies in 30 seconds. Go to the home page for other gems such as The Exorcist, Alien and a coupla others. Needs sound though biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin

Redrum!!! Redrmu!!!

What we play is life. -- Louis Armstrong
Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff. -- Frank Zappa

PyroWillGOLD Member
HoP's Barman. Trapped aged 6 months
4,437 posts
Location: Staines, United Kingdom

ha ha thats classic!

An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind

Give a man a fish and he'll eat 4 a day hit a man with a brick and you can have all his fish and his wife

"Will's to pretty for prison" - Simian

Mags The JediGOLD Member
2,020 posts
Location: Cornwall, UK


"I believe the cost of life is Death and we will all pay that in full. Everything else should be a gift. We paid the cover charge of life, we were born."

Bill Hicks, February 1988

Fire BunnySILVER Member
1,260 posts
Location: Now in the land of Oz, Australia

im not sure that i was expeting that....

What if we think the jokes on them,
But really - the jokes on us....

and also... i wuv Rougie *snuz*

PyroWillGOLD Member
HoP's Barman. Trapped aged 6 months
4,437 posts
Location: Staines, United Kingdom

to be honest i dont think anyone was, i like the other clips too

An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind

Give a man a fish and he'll eat 4 a day hit a man with a brick and you can have all his fish and his wife

"Will's to pretty for prison" - Simian

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

i havnt watched them yet, cant be arsed, but i will 1 day

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