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HeadSwimGOLD Member ...curiously lost 580 posts Location: at my PC....obviously!, United Kingdom
Posted: Hi all
I have been looking through the HoP forum for several days but have been unable to find a meaningful explanation for extended lock-out sequences. I first saw them in some of the vids in the Videos section but have been unable to pull one off after trying for a few days......
Now that I am fed up of dinging myself in the head I am finally giving up and asking for assistance! The move I mean is not (from what I understand it to be) a Flower but is a series of lock-outs that goes through 3 locks then some sort of turn and then another 3 on the other side etc etc.... The lock-outs start as you unwrap the Poi during a weave turn and continue via a turn/twist into more lock-outs instead of going back into the weave after 3 sets. I have seen this done several times in a cycle so it must be something that can be done endlessly right?
Any help would be greatly appreciated and if this has been already dealt with I apologise but I was unable to find it through the search function.
Cheers guys in advance,
Nothing is easy.......until you can do it!
HeadSwimGOLD Member ...curiously lost 580 posts Location: at my PC....obviously!, United Kingdom
Posted: Cheers for the extra ideas guys
I think I have the weave flower down fairly neat in both directions and was trying to do the turns that I originally saw but went straight back to hitting myself again!
I learnt something else instead for a while....not sure what its called but its when the are spinning in butterfly pattern and you fold your hand back on itself wrapping the poi behind it. As it does you push your arm back to the side making the poi spin a small circle in front before they unwrap in the other direction. I saw this on Oli and Co. Productions video thread at 4:26 in the "strange things happen" video.
I will however go back to the open flower today and let ya know how I'm getting on. Again many thanks for the walkthrough in simple terms ICoN....and Richee too (though I didn't really follow that yet ).
Nothing is easy.......until you can do it!
oliSILVER Member not with cactus 2,052 posts Location: bristol/ southern eastern devon, United Kingdom
Posted: the move ros dose at 4:26 on strange things happen is a type of thru wrap. do a search for thru wrap and you should get loads more ideas. but the principle is the poi wraps around your body part on one side of your body and then you flip the body part to the other side of your body and the poi unwraps.
Me train running low on soul coal They push+pull tactics are driving me loco They shouldn't do that no no no
HeadSwimGOLD Member ...curiously lost 580 posts Location: at my PC....obviously!, United Kingdom
Posted: Ahhhhh thats what they are called! Think I knew that somewhere in the back of my mind but couldn't put it to the image.
That vid is my current fave for inspiration as is so jam packed with moves I haven't seen before. I love all the little stops and releases but I think my fave things in there are the oh-so-casual little kick stops Ros uses throughout!
I really love spinning by the sea to but its a bit of an effort to get to any decent ones from here living smack bang in the middle of the country Oh well one day I'll move to the Devon/Cornwall area and all will be well!