lauz the caterpillagoddess of all things slimey and an interchangeable insect!
2,443 posts
Location: nottingham - the land of opportunity lol!

ok so i've been smoking for about 2 years now and have kept it quiet from my parents.
i was poi-ing in my back garden just now and also had a cigarette and my dad opens the back door. i fling my fag really quickly in hope he doesnt notice but he had to have, or otherwise he must be stupid.
i dont know what to do if i'm confronted about it as my parents will probably do worse to me than what they would if i came home pregnant because of their religous values and personal things.
i'm so scared.

Shhhhhh! the boobies are trying to sleep.
owner and the property of noddy.
*i was a caterpilla last night wink* - libby_tuesday

SNOOPoiCarpal \'Tunnel
3,380 posts
Location: At the bottom of the garden with the fairies...

quitting is good. but only when you don't need a fag biggrin

Liz_Ard: Ouch!
SNOOPoi: Thats just not the sound of someone doing it right!

lauz the caterpillagoddess of all things slimey and an interchangeable insect!
2,443 posts
Location: nottingham - the land of opportunity lol!

hehe ubblol

Shhhhhh! the boobies are trying to sleep.
owner and the property of noddy.
*i was a caterpilla last night wink* - libby_tuesday

GelflingBRONZE Member
Watcher of 80s cartoons
665 posts
Location: Chepstow & Bristol, United Kingdom

My best friend Danny (I've known him since we were 8) is a Mormon and he was awesome to go to pubs and clubs with as we were growing up - a mate who will be sober at the end of the night and can therefore look out for us.

My other friends and I tried not to put any pressure on him as we respected his beliefs. It was clear to Danny that should he wish to try the stuff we were trying could ask but we never offered it to him or asked him to try stuff. It was amusing as I needed to buy a packet of teabags for his family’s house when I was 14 as they don't drink the stuff.

As with all the Mormon families I have met they were very strict with all of their children (all 7 so a small relatively small family) and Danny got thrown out quite a few times and so we would go camping and the next day he would be invited back. I once asked if his sisters would ever be kicked out for the same reason as Danny and the answer was no since they didn’t want their daughters to be raped.

From what I’ve read in this thread it sounds as though you are very confused and you should do some soul searching – which the more important to you: your family and religion or your tobacco habit? Keeping the truth from your family any longer is not an option as this will weaken your relationship and imagine how hard it will be for them to respect you if they need to talk to you about it before you can show them how mature you are and follow Doc Lightning’s good advice.

As for people telling you to carry on lying they are being short sighted. Sure by coming clean now you will get into to trouble but that trouble will be worth it compared to the rift that will develop due to constant lying. Lying is continual hard work that is worth giving up for a day or two of family hassle.

Good luck in whatever you decide,
Stoo hug

>What do you think about the state of the Earth?
>I'm optimistic.
>So why do you look so sad?
>I'm not sure that my optimism is justified.

strugzBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,964 posts
Location: Southampton - Possibly..., United Kingdom

me - but i wont be coming out of curiosity......... ill probaly leave via the front door smile

"...We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing......."

lauz the caterpillagoddess of all things slimey and an interchangeable insect!
2,443 posts
Location: nottingham - the land of opportunity lol!

well mormon is not my religion i dont agree with it and i got kicked out to which was rather amusing. my family are important well my immediate family cant really say i like the rest (my mums side the mormon lot)
they seem to fault me on minor things like i dont like house work but never praise the good things i do which is rather alot of stuff well to me it is. but thats off topic.
who knows if i'll quit but truthfully i dont think about doing so.
i still have mormon friends and i never try to get them to do things they dont want to but they try to pressure me into going back to church- they get it that i got kicked out and do not feel welcome and find there parents all to be stuck up hypocrits.

Shhhhhh! the boobies are trying to sleep.
owner and the property of noddy.
*i was a caterpilla last night wink* - libby_tuesday

SNOOPoiCarpal \'Tunnel
3,380 posts
Location: At the bottom of the garden with the fairies...

lauz i praise you for all the good things you do! like... um... well... you no... i can't think of any now ubblol

if you ever decide to go back can i come, i think it would be kinda funny. your mum would practically wet herself with excitement and think I'd given up my life of sin ubblol

Liz_Ard: Ouch!
SNOOPoi: Thats just not the sound of someone doing it right!

lauz the caterpillagoddess of all things slimey and an interchangeable insect!
2,443 posts
Location: nottingham - the land of opportunity lol!

lol ubblol
that would be amusing ubblol

Shhhhhh! the boobies are trying to sleep.
owner and the property of noddy.
*i was a caterpilla last night wink* - libby_tuesday

JauntyJamesSILVER Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,533 posts
Location: Hampshire College, MA, USA

I'm kinda embaressed to admit that even though I'm fully aware of what you're talking about, I still snigger to myself every time the word "fag" has been used in this thread.

Used in the other conotation it's quite amusing.


"How do you know if you're happy or sad without a mask? Or angry? Or ready for dessert?"

Fine_Rabid_DogInternet Hate Machine
10,530 posts
Location: They seek him here, they seek him there...

*mutters something about lousy americans* wink

This is why I'm glad I don't really smoke biggrin

The existance of flamethrowers says that someone, somewhere, at sometime said "I need to set that thing on fire, but it's too far away."

Arty FartyBRONZE Member
I wear yellow on monday
551 posts
Location: Farnham Ahoy, United Kingdom

Written by: sparkey!

I still snigger to myself every time the word "fag" has been used in this thread.

Are you really serious!!!! are people still using this word as a put down? MY GOD!! i find it ridiculous that you actually sniggered to yourself when someone wrote fag, but to actually post such a thing, well!!!

and you people that keep telling us that smoking is dirty and disgusting and bah bbah bah. dont you think we know that. but really, the girl needs help here with her parents and all that malarky, and all you can do is tell her how disgusting her habbit she is!!

phew, rant over redface

anyway lauz, keep us updated on whats going on. lots of people have put serious thought into your situation and we all wanna know how it pans out for you. im guessing nothing yet, as at your age i certainly wouldnt have told my parents something that would make me in trouble with them. glad your mums out of hospital, and you and your dad are getting closer, i didnt get that till i moved away, bizzare.

take care, and remember to eat ample cabbage so one day you can turn into a lovely butterfly......., or a moth. x

You'll find me on the dance floor

blu_valleySILVER Member
fluffy mess
197 posts
Location: Brighton, United Kingdom

hear hear! Smoker and loving it, have been for 8 years now. I dont find it disgusting, I cant smell it often and when i do I find it pleasant,it gives me more breaks at work, it keeps my hands occupied,its warm,it gives me something to suck on, it keeps me quiet,it makes me happy. I respect those who do not smoke, good for them, I also respect those that do smoke,good for them too.It is a life choice. I have never tried to quit, I wouldnt want to, it maybe due to something phsycological,but I dont really care,I like smoking.It's fun.And I think it tastes great.

I'm a rolling-tobacco smoker myself,and if anyone starts to badger me with anti-smokism I quickly change the subject to politics or religion and then turn my back.
Yes I cough sometimes,but only when I get a cold. My room smells fine to me,I smell fine to me,and if other people dont like the smell, tough, you dont have to come to my house. I think a living room looks incomplete without an ashtray in it. blah blah blah

Thank-you for not smoking? Nonono Thank you for holding your breath while I smoke.

I guess I was quite lucky because I never hid the fact that I smoked from my parents, I started,decided I liked it, went home and told my parents, like with everything, I was always honest and open with them. They knew that I would not lie to them about anything, if I decided to do something I entered into discussion with them,telling them the cons that I was aware of and explining the pros as I saw them before presenting them with the final decision I had made.Be cleaver about it. If you do decide to tell them ,which is advisable as it does strengthen trust (although I wouldnt say how long you have been doing it for because that defetes the point) tell them wisely, prepare your view on the matter. Why did you start? Pressure, rebellion? These reasons will not stand you in good stead.Sticking to their rules while under their roof is the way to go, what you do outside of it is nobodys business really but your own.Otherwise, hold out for a little longer, get a job, get a flat and live by your own rules anyway.

Good luck with it..

"I want to know if you can see beauty even when it's not pretty, every day,and if you can source your own life from its presence.." - Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Arty FartyBRONZE Member
I wear yellow on monday
551 posts
Location: Farnham Ahoy, United Kingdom

totall ditto i think what youve just said is perfect.

rolling rules, smoking is one of my most favourite things, and any of you you have an issue with that can ask yourself how dangerous are your habbits. anyone play with fire round here?

You'll find me on the dance floor

squarexbearSILVER Member
....of doom!
585 posts
Location: Hastings, UK

lol blu if you've never heard 'i smoke a lot' by K's Choice i think you should get it.

blu_valleySILVER Member
fluffy mess
197 posts
Location: Brighton, United Kingdom

I think I may just do that, it sounds like my kinda song!

"I want to know if you can see beauty even when it's not pretty, every day,and if you can source your own life from its presence.." - Oriah Mountain Dreamer

lauz the caterpillagoddess of all things slimey and an interchangeable insect!
2,443 posts
Location: nottingham - the land of opportunity lol!

well this is nice. two people that dont complain about my actual smoking smile
nothing has been said and i think i will keep in the quiet for now.
i had a great time at falmouth. who was there that i didnt say hello to?
hug for everyone.
thankyou so much for all the advice and its helped me feel less stressed about the whole situation.
i love you guys

Shhhhhh! the boobies are trying to sleep.
owner and the property of noddy.
*i was a caterpilla last night wink* - libby_tuesday

Arty FartyBRONZE Member
I wear yellow on monday
551 posts
Location: Farnham Ahoy, United Kingdom

and we love you Lauz hug hug hug hug hug

wink wink wink

You'll find me on the dance floor

lauz the caterpillagoddess of all things slimey and an interchangeable insect!
2,443 posts
Location: nottingham - the land of opportunity lol!


Shhhhhh! the boobies are trying to sleep.
owner and the property of noddy.
*i was a caterpilla last night wink* - libby_tuesday

blu_valleySILVER Member
fluffy mess
197 posts
Location: Brighton, United Kingdom

hug biggrin hug

"I want to know if you can see beauty even when it's not pretty, every day,and if you can source your own life from its presence.." - Oriah Mountain Dreamer

lauz the caterpillagoddess of all things slimey and an interchangeable insect!
2,443 posts
Location: nottingham - the land of opportunity lol!

well if it does crop up soon i shall use all the advice given and come running back to you all as your all great kiss

Shhhhhh! the boobies are trying to sleep.
owner and the property of noddy.
*i was a caterpilla last night wink* - libby_tuesday

1 post

i'm a mormon & was trying to find the "extreme mormons" tv show that my nephew can't stop laughing at. he's a mormon too (13yo). and since most mormon couples have mormon kids, its interesting that you don't seem to be a mormon. anyway, i understand your plight. and i agree that you should talk to your parents. if that is too much, then talk to their bishop. if your dad is the bishop then you could talk to his stake president. if your dad is the stake president, then talk to the bishop. everything you discuss will remain absolutely confidential and disclosure to your parents will not occur unless you expressly agree. sounds like you enjoy smoking and don't want to stop so it will be good for you to negotiate terms with your parents or through their bishop so that you can continue smoking without being booted out of home. if your parents are like me (i have a 17yo daughter) then they will be so happy if you share this situation with them as this will allow them to give you the support to cope with quiting, or with the stigma of smoker. just wondering if you are my niece coz your dad sounds like he has the same schedule as my brother in law and pois? well i think my people invented them. all the best. if your feeling bad. well, you're supposed to. its your conscience encouraging you to be honest with yourself and others. redface

lauz the caterpillagoddess of all things slimey and an interchangeable insect!
2,443 posts
Location: nottingham - the land of opportunity lol!

i dont want to talk to the bishop as he in an arse excuse my language he kicked me out of church for going in the young single adults lesson even though it was his wife who kicked me out of the lesson for my age group. i like the stake president he is a real nice guy but talking to them would seem pointless as i'm non religious and if someone says something i disagree to i express my opinion. i think eventually i will tell them but i need time to work out the right way to do so.
its nice to hear a mormons opinion on this and i'm glad your nothing like the ones i know hug
thanks for the advice.

Shhhhhh! the boobies are trying to sleep.
owner and the property of noddy.
*i was a caterpilla last night wink* - libby_tuesday

_Aime_SILVER Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
4,172 posts
Location: Hastings, United Kingdom

last weekend was great.

Was at mums fiancés flat, looking at what is going to be my new room. It has a door which opens to the patio in the garden. Mum says "look aimz you can sneak out here and have a crafty fag without anyone knowing wink".

I threw back her comment with

"If we're being so open about it can we stop off at the garage, I need to pick up some cigs for the party/festival thing this weekend"



each opened door of honesty leads to an oppurtunity to open another smile give it a go hug

lauz the caterpillagoddess of all things slimey and an interchangeable insect!
2,443 posts
Location: nottingham - the land of opportunity lol!

thanks hun hug

Shhhhhh! the boobies are trying to sleep.
owner and the property of noddy.
*i was a caterpilla last night wink* - libby_tuesday

Gayle......!SILVER Member
2,444 posts
Location: Bristol !!!!!!, United Kingdom

Aimee, can your mum adopt me?

Lauz, I don't really know what advice to give as i understand that although you seem to want to be honest - the religion thing is standing in the way.

My advice would be:

Say no more about it and do NOT smoke near the house. If you want a smoke make sure you have somewhere you can go - somebody else's house or up the street. Do you have a smoking friend or a friend's parent that smokes. If you get asked then you've bumped into them.

When you move out (and i suggest the sooner the better to everyone) then the situation with your parents WILL improve. Once you're out and not living under their rules you can do as you please. They won't be able to stop you. But when you're in their house, live by their rules. At my parents i'm only allowed to smoke in the garden and i would NEVER smoke in their house. It's their house.

Good Luck and i hope things get better.



lauz the caterpillagoddess of all things slimey and an interchangeable insect!
2,443 posts
Location: nottingham - the land of opportunity lol!

i wouldnt ever in their house either.
i would move out but i cant right now unless anyone lives near my college and wants to take me for free ubblol
i'll definately move out when i'm 18 as i'll be going to university and want to go outside of nottingham as this place is pretty crap.
yeah i have smoking friends and do use them as an excuse but i cant keep it up forever.
i'll have to see how things go hug

Shhhhhh! the boobies are trying to sleep.
owner and the property of noddy.
*i was a caterpilla last night wink* - libby_tuesday


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