kitemanFlying high!
245 posts
Location: At the beach.

I can't believe after all these years I've finally needed something I learned in maths but I've fogotten how to do it.

I can remember SOH CAH TOA but thats all. confused plus I don't have a caculator with those buttons on it. frown

I'm building a canopy and need to know the lenght of x and y

Hyp = 4000m
angle = 5 degrees

. . . . . .5
. . . . . ./I
4000 / .I x
. . . ./__I
. . . . y

If everything seems under control, your not going fast enough!

It's not the size of the wave, it's the length of the ride!

flidBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,136 posts
Location: Warwickshire, United Kingdom

the calculator in windows xp has those buttons if you switch to scientific mode

you wanna use sin and cos:

4000 sin 5 = x
4000 cos 5 = y

I think! (no guarantees if i'm wrong) I did engineering maths modules at uni and i'm not sure how i passed wink

kitemanFlying high!
245 posts
Location: At the beach.

Thanks for that.

I didn't know about scientific mode on the windows calc. that saved alot of hastle.

If everything seems under control, your not going fast enough!

It's not the size of the wave, it's the length of the ride!

Fine_Rabid_DogInternet Hate Machine
10,530 posts
Location: They seek him here, they seek him there...

If I had a scientific calculator near by, I could do it for you... but I dont

But I was trained heavily on this subject... hehehe....

Who would have thought trig would come in useful?

The existance of flamethrowers says that someone, somewhere, at sometime said "I need to set that thing on fire, but it's too far away."

41 posts
Location: Perth, Australia

isn't it:




SOH stands for: Sin Opposite / Hypotenous (or however the one opposite the right angle is spelt)

CAH - cos adjacent / hypotenous

please excuse the spelling, I'm a mathematician not an english teacher
EDITED_BY: J-J (1121932360)

"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by" - Douglas Adams

flidBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,136 posts
Location: Warwickshire, United Kingdom

yes, you are right, i was fooled by the ascii art. The lengths will be correct thou, and should be pretty obvious which is which wink

LycanthropeThe original drunk/stoned/vegetarian shapeshifter
209 posts
Location: Blackhill, Australia

awww i saw this thread and got all excited cause i thought it was one of those impossible integrals...........

Lycan:are you a citrus fruit?
Lycan:dam, i wanted to make citrus fruit pie.
*Lycan walks off completely unaware he has once again been outwitted by the intellectual orange*

GelflingBRONZE Member
Watcher of 80s cartoons
665 posts
Location: Chepstow & Bristol, United Kingdom

Are you sure that it is 4000m? That would mean that it is 4km wink

x = 3984.779
y = 348.623

JJ has it right the right way round with his calculation.

(got my girlfriend to do this one as she is a maths teacher)

>What do you think about the state of the Earth?
>I'm optimistic.
>So why do you look so sad?
>I'm not sure that my optimism is justified.

LavatwilightGOLD Member
old hand
834 posts
Location: Wellington somerset, UK

ok if dy=cos^3x

then what does y equal (∫cos^3x)

ok so its not compleatly unsovalbe but it is fun! :P

Drawings by chalk minds, strech between the stars

Kyle Mclean-
Contact without dance is like sex without wiggling.
A) it does feel as good
B) it does not look as good on film

flidBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,136 posts
Location: Warwickshire, United Kingdom

I did engineering maths at uni, I'm very happy to say I've forgotten practically all of it. Imaginary numbers and the operator j are distant memories smile

vanizeSILVER Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,899 posts
Location: Austin, Texas, USA

weird shape and size for a canopy - what are you making it for?


Wiederstand ist Zwecklos!

41 posts
Location: Perth, Australia

Written by: Gelfling

JJ has it right the right way round with his calculation.


ahem! That would be her calculation

"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by" - Douglas Adams

GelflingBRONZE Member
Watcher of 80s cartoons
665 posts
Location: Chepstow & Bristol, United Kingdom

Sorry J-J - but in my defence you have no intro thread and it says not telling in your profile. In the UK JJ is short for Jason-John.

>What do you think about the state of the Earth?
>I'm optimistic.
>So why do you look so sad?
>I'm not sure that my optimism is justified.

Matty_BSILVER Member
1,314 posts
Location: Blu's Pocket, United Kingdom

** wanders in wonders why I read it as Matts help, very confused, not going to be a good day **

Yep the maths looks ok to me . . . canopy - I guess this is reference to a kite of some sort then ?

** wanders out dazed and confused **
EDITED_BY: Matty B (1123575571)

MiGGOLD Member
Self-Flagellation Expert
3,414 posts
Location: Bogged at CG, Australia

4km kite? that thing'd lift you off the ground...

"beg beg grovel beg grovel"

"There was an arse there, i couldn't help myself"

Matty_BSILVER Member
1,314 posts
Location: Blu's Pocket, United Kingdom

Yep it would be . . . though I am not sure there are many beaches, big enough and i reckon you may need a dumper truck to carry it

might be 4000mm, 4m ?? but it has nothing to do with me so I have no idea. . . . smile

VampyricAcidSILVER Member
1,286 posts
Location: My House, United Kingdom

if it was 4000mm, then it would be 5mm too, so it would still be a very odd shape

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Are You Sniffing My Mitten?

Matty_BSILVER Member
1,314 posts
Location: Blu's Pocket, United Kingdom


x = 3984.779mm
y = 348.623 mm

the 5 is degrees and that doesn't change with size

or have I got this all ass about tit

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