the.fee.fairyBRONZE Member
12 posts
Location: Essex, United Kingdom

Hello everyone.

Um...i used to be a memeber of this forum, with a very similar name, but i forgot all my sign in info.

So Hello again!



'Even though i miss your are as real as your t*ts' Ville Valo 2004

Arty FartyBRONZE Member
I wear yellow on monday
551 posts
Location: Farnham Ahoy, United Kingdom

are/were you the tea fairy?

anyway welcome my friend. wave wave wave wave

why dont you tell us secrets about yourself. failing that anything will do, so we can establish a mental image of you in our heads.

Arty xx

You'll find me on the dance floor

BirdGOLD Member
now available in "advanced"
6,086 posts
Location: Cornwall, United Kingdom

Hello, welcome back to HoP!!!

wave weavesmiley

My state of mind is not yours to define!

There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."

the.fee.fairyBRONZE Member
12 posts
Location: Essex, United Kingdom

i think i was either the fee fairy or thefeefairy

i can't remember.

hmm...secrets...i can't think of any.

I'm not that great at poi, i can't weave without injuring myself, but i do a mean butterfly!
I've been spinning for about 2 years, my friend got me started when she bought me a diablo for my birthday, i looked up how to do it...and found poi and stilits and juggling and fire. I liked the fire, so i spent about 6 months reading a practising without flames, and then finally lit up.

I want to learn staff next. i went to China in April and learnt some staff Shao'lin style, which was fun. They told me that usuallt females have trouble twirling the staff properly, so i was pleased with myself!

um...mental pictures...i'm about 5'11" tall, not slim, unnaturally red hair, piercings everywhere except my eyebrows.

Umm...any more info wanted? just ask ubbrollsmile

'Even though i miss your are as real as your t*ts' Ville Valo 2004

mausBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
4,191 posts
Location: Sihanoukville, cambodia

what colours your toothbrush!?
welcometo hop!!

the.fee.fairyBRONZE Member
12 posts
Location: Essex, United Kingdom


Um, its grey and white. what colour's your toothbrush?

'Even though i miss your are as real as your t*ts' Ville Valo 2004

Arty FartyBRONZE Member
I wear yellow on monday
551 posts
Location: Farnham Ahoy, United Kingdom

well im going to jump on the bandwagon here.

mine is purple and blue, and my electric one is just white.

what is your favourite tree. ( it can be a personal tree you have named or previously climbed in)

You'll find me on the dance floor

the.fee.fairyBRONZE Member
12 posts
Location: Essex, United Kingdom

i found a new favourite tree tonight actually. I live near Hatfield Forest, and in the midst of taking the dog out and nearly breaking my ankle, i saw this beautiful tree. Unfortunately, its dead, looks like it got hit my lightning, or fell over in wind, but it just looks fantastic. When its not getting dark/i'm wearing shoes/the dog's not with me, i'm going to take a closer look.

My old favourite tree got pulled down about 6 years ago, it was a beautiful Oak, about 200 years old. I could see it from my bedroom window, but then they built houses near it and it got 'accidentally' set on fire frown

What made you take up poi? do you have any other such hobbies (i like stilt-walking - this year i'm going to make some new strap-on stilts, and staff work).

'Even though i miss your are as real as your t*ts' Ville Valo 2004

57 posts
Location: Chelmsford, Essex

Hello fee fairy.

I was almost in tears to hear aboout your favourite tree :'-(

What's your favourite colour?

RyGOLD Member
Gromit's Humble Squire
4,496 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

Hi and welcome feefairy! wave Yeah that's a terrible thing to happen to the tree.. sorry to hear.. 5'11? How's the air up there? biggrin

Adya MiriyanaGOLD Member
6,554 posts
Location: Adelaide, Australia

heya miss fairy! welcome! hug

the.fee.fairyBRONZE Member
12 posts
Location: Essex, United Kingdom

I really should come onto this forum more often...

I got out of Poi when i got a new job, but then i went to Big green gathering and got back into it all again.

Still can't weave.

And my hair and toothbrush are both purple now!!

'Even though i miss your are as real as your t*ts' Ville Valo 2004

Fire_MooseSILVER Member
Elusive and Bearded
3,597 posts
Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA

hows the staff skillz coming?


Owned by Mynci!

the.fee.fairyBRONZE Member
12 posts
Location: Essex, United Kingdom

ok actually! I've been practicing, and i'm not sure whether i've improved or not.

I did, however, watch the video back from when i was in china, so i'm relearning some of the moves i was shown there.

Still haevn't got a fire staff yet, or lit my fire poi...

'Even though i miss your are as real as your t*ts' Ville Valo 2004

LizzybethLizzy hearts sunshine hoop
272 posts
Location: midlands!

oh! do it do it - its great fun smile i love the noise fire poi make. and yeah biggrin i forgot to say hello! so hi biggrin

if i could be a busy busy bee...

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