Forums > Social Discussion > warning anti-religion/school rant

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thegreatBJWoman! Not gay Man!
332 posts
Location: Hull...ish

i want to make it clear that im not against other peoples religious views and that what i say here is just my opinion... i am not saying its right im just saying this is what i think

i was waliking my sister home from her primary school today and she told me that a preist had come into the school and given them a talk on haloween... and had told them its evil

its bad enough that schools insist on teaching christianity as though its right and other reigions as though they are exotic and strange things (wich is what a lot of schools still do) but now they are making kids scared of fun holidays

haloween is something i feel strongly about, ive always loved it and getting dressed up and going out but this MAN has now ruined it for some kids, because you can gaurentee that in a school of about 360 kid there will be a few that take it to heart and wont enjoy haloween because of it

i think its awful that the school would allow someone to ruin what is usually lots of fun for children.....ok maybe im exageratting a little but im really pissed off about this


9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Is this a catholic school?

If so, isn't that their job? I mean your parents must be paying to send them to school to get a catholic education right?

At least that's how it works in my country.

I'm about as strict on religion as one can get, and I'm a public school teacher (That means any old kid and paid for by taxes in my country). But if a parent chooses to pay to send a kid to Catholic school then I see no problem with them preaching Catholicism.

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[They do not move.]

Fine_Rabid_DogInternet Hate Machine
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Does the kid believe it?

Probably not.

Don't worry about it.

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MunkustrapBRONZE Member
21 posts
Location: Canada

Are you sure he wasn't a dentist?

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SeyeSILVER Member
1,261 posts
Location: Manchester, UK

BJ - Dont worry. Just tell the kids that priests are evil and that they are to ignore the wiered man with his crazy idea's should they see him again.

Also as FRD wisely says - were the kids really listening?
I went to a CofE school for a while. I'm the most athiestic person you will ever find. None of it ever rubbed off on me.

Just tell your sister the truth. In time she'll be able to see just how ridiculous it is to say that a day or a festival is evil.

fluffy napalm fairyCarpal \'Tunnel
3,638 posts
Location: Brum / Dorset / Fairy Land

NYC - a lot of comprehensives (no fees) here are also religiously-orientated. That means a lot of local schools, that parents don't choose or pay for, have a religious direction. It is not necessarily payed for.

Also, 'public' means the same as 'private' (don't ask why!?!) which means you pay fees. Government schools are called 'comprehensives' to differentiate from Grammar Schools and Public/Private schools.

Not really a helpful post but it's on topic-ish! smile

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ben-ja-menGOLD Member
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Location: Adelaide, Australia

i went to a catholic school for a few years *shudder* and i think ALOT more atheists came out than christians, i wouldnt worry to much smile

i completely understand your frustration though the church has no place in the education of young minds imho

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BirgitBRONZE Member
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If it was in religious education, then the priest was right from that point of view, in that halloween is a pagan tradition and therefore not approved of by catholics. If it wasn't, then telling all kids something like that is just wrong.

He should also warn them that Christmas trees and easter eggs aren't exactly catholic, but somehow I doubt he'd do that. But maybe he'll come in again before the next Harry Potter comes out to say how evil witchcraft is...

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Tao StarPooh-Bah
1,662 posts
Location: Bristol

Posted:'s easy for them to tell kids that hlloween is a pagan festival, but do you think he'll tell kids that the only reason xmas alls when it does is that it was a pagan festival, and the y put it there to make people go to church instead of getting drunk?

doubt it! lol

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jeff(fake)Scientist of Fortune
1,189 posts
Location: Edinburgh

I went to three state primary schools here and there is a big difference in the way that religion is taught. In my last primary school we had a minister in every week but his messages were more moral than religious. He was one of the good one I guess.

In my mother's school the first thing she did when she ascended to head teacher was to remove the compulasary teaching of Christianity outside of RE classes. Before the kids were made to pray but now they say 'thank-yous' to people like the school cook and their teachers. Rather touching I though.

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thegreatBJWoman! Not gay Man!
332 posts
Location: Hull...ish

NYC no its not a chatholic school, its the same primary school that I whent to and my mum isnt paying for it (I wish we could afford it) so under the law here (in england) it should teach no religion at all or it sould teach all of them... the way the school seems to be getting round this one is, like I said in the origional message, teaching other religions like something exotic to be studied and not believed in.

and ben-ja-men I think religion does have a place in school, religion is and important part of life, but I think the spin they put on religion in most primary schools is wrong.... it should be taught as a choice and childern should think that all religions are equal and should be respected and that they can choose from the religion they most agree with

and the preist as far as I can gather the preist didnt even mention Paganism and isntead told the kids that its derived from a night when por people whent begging at doors and if the occupants of the house wouldnt give them money they would kill them (deamonising Pagans or what!)


Tao StarPooh-Bah
1,662 posts
Location: Bristol

wow, yeah, that's abit bad....paganism always seems to be left out of this stuff (well not always, but often)

my school was very good at religious eduation. we were taught by a christion, but she gave an incredibly unbiased module on all the major religions, includionnegative & positive points...not christian biased at all. But we didin't have any lessons on paganism frown

i know you can't cover every single religion & cult in school, they tend to stick to the main ones...but seing as there are actually quite a lot of pagans in this country (also me being in the class!) i was dissapointed about that. it would have been nice for the members of my class to understand what i believed in seeing as i was among them!

i don't know, because obviously i know more pagans than the average person, but it seems that sometimes that pov isn't given because people don't actually se it as a religion.

just my observation...

I had a dream that my friend had a
strong-bad pop up book,
it was the book of my dreams.

burningoftheclaveySILVER Member
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i went to a catholic primary school and when i was young i went to church, but when i moved up here i stopped, and whilst christianity was still taught throughout the school, i never really thought of myself as a christian. and im not. i respect all religious beliefs as long as they arent forced onto me, i prefer to make up my own opinion.

my RE teacher in Secondary school was great, and im really glad i had him as a teacher. my first essay for him was written about wicca and he accepted it, and knew alot about it, unlike the previous teacher, she wouldnt dream of reading it.
he was so good because he made you think, and not just accept everything as fact. and he made lessons interesting at the same time, and tried not to follow the loops of like only learning about christian jewish and muslim...i respect him so much and ive been out of school a few years now...

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thegreatBJWoman! Not gay Man!
332 posts
Location: Hull...ish

it is amaising how many people are pagan now.... i know loads.... and not all of them are what is "the type" you'd normaly think of as being pagan but still everyone thinks it is strange and involves lots of evil things.... its amaising the power the catholics once had over people and that its still being felt today

I have a pagan aunt (who is ace and who taught me the weve by the way) and even the other members of my family call her "the witch" jokingly


linden rathenGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
6,942 posts
Location: London, UK

hmm i think i can kinda see the point of halloween being evil

from one view thats kinda the point - its the day before all hallows day (all saints day) and some believe its the day that evil is strongest

from what i remember - ill go look it up when im not knackered its actually ment to be when good spirits return to earth but this kinda got lost.

another bad aspect is how far some people take it - there are OAPs who actually lock themselves in on halloween because of the havoc.

despite this i think the priest was being a tit - if taken the right way its fun and harmless

i had a similar expierence a minister came in and this was is message (well a summery but not exaggerated)

Written by: bigoted minister at school once

"Spiritualist [picture of buddist looking holy man] these are nice people but are useless to the real world as they dont act"

"aiethists [picture of man at pc] these are the people who cut up babies for no reason [this was sortly after the scandal where a doctor was found to be dissecting unborn babies with out permission] they make all sorts of things but are no good because they dont care"

"christians - we are the good people"

firstly in no way is this a relflection of my own views.

secondly this is in no way ment to demean christians - i think on whole it does people a lot of good

thirdly - this is pretty much what he said not exactly as he spread it over a 10 minute assembly but it is the gist of it


DrudwynForget puppy power, Scrappy's just gay
632 posts
Location: Southampton Uni

I went to a Catholic private school, and I was born to Catholic parents, so from a very young age, right through until I was 15 I was taught religion. However, my RE class included a couple of buddhists, a Sikh, a couple of Muslim guys, me, and the rest of us were Catholics. Our RE teacher taught all religions, including Wicca as equal and valid belief systems.

So not all RE is bad. I think it does have a place in school, but only from an educational view point. However, religion is particularly volatile, as it's a belief system and therefore the education of it is going to be biased heavily by the teachers beliefs. It takes a very special teacher to be purely unbiased.

That's where it gets difficult. Finding those teachers. However, children will find their path for themselves eventually, regardless of the religious teachings they've undergone, so therefore it's (from my viewpoint) ok to teach children religion.

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thegreatBJWoman! Not gay Man!
332 posts
Location: Hull...ish

Drudwyn you are seriously lucky.... not many people get that kind of religious education, I'd have loved to have had something like that (all I ever did in RE was make christian and spiritual posters most of wich were titled things like... what if god were evil? or Where will I be in 10 years?)

n i actually have to laugh at that one linden.... this guy sounds like a comedian! n yea it goes stupedly far in some places but for gods sake this is Englsh suburbia and its primary kids were talking about (as in aged 7-9 because they do the assemblies with 2 year groups at a time) there not exactly gonna run about egging old womens houses and causing that much trouble!!

DAM PREIST MEN! (but not the fair nice ones that dont ruin things for me or my family)


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