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DuncGOLD Member
playing the days away
7,263 posts
Location: The Middle lands, United Kingdom


TICKETS UPDATE 11th April 2006


TICKETS ARE NOW ONSALE!! bounce You can follow this link to the online Shop to make your purchase. If you buy a ticket with the forthcoming DVD you will get a £3 discount. Please note that the price of £25 will only be valid until the 13th June

Finally, we have a venue for play biggrin

Thanks for being so patient, the location for PLAY is now confirmed as being at Fordhall Farm, Market Drayton, Shropshire. TF9 3PS

The gates will be open from 10am Thursday 22nd June until 6pm Monday 26th June (yes that's FIVE days biggrin ) and will cost the princely sum of £25 in advance and £30 from two weeks prior to the festival. The tickets will be on sale from Sunday 2nd April right up until the event. The ticket price covers all facilities and events once onsite (bar, food & drink etc excluded of course) all workshops, the show(s), the childrens creche area etc etc etc

A beautiful organic farm set in the countryside (although 5 minutes from the town of Market Drayton) that will make for the most wonderful setting for this years (and hopefully many more) PLAY Festival.

(Please visit the Fordhall Farm website, they need to raise £600,000 by July 2006 to stop this beautiful fertile place from becoming yet another industrial development, if you can help their cause please do so hug )

It has great links to the M6 motorway via the A53 and for non car users we will post all info about the local transport situation asap. There isn't a train station that's particularly close but we will be laying on a PLAY Bus to make collections to/from the station as often as possible to help everyone out. There may be a very small charge for this (ie a quid or two) to cover the cost of the driver etc.

I will keep this post updated and of course keep your eyes on the PLAY Website and forum for the most up to date information.

If you could keep your questions in the PLAY Forum we'd much appreciate it as it will help us keep some control and ensure we answer as many as possible. It'll save Malcolms badwidth a little too.....

Hope to see you all there!

bounce2 ubbrollsmile bounce


Let's relight this forum ubblove

406 posts
Location: Oxford, UK

Some of my photos of the weekend are up here:

The DVD of 2005 is awesome and it made me grin like a crazy man biggrin

"Take that, math!"

AsenaGOLD Member
What a Bummer
3,224 posts
Location: Shatfield, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

Ooooooooooooooo, photos biggrin

jemima (jem)SILVER Member
1,750 posts
Location: london, United Kingdom

Indeed, I love photos ubblove

Never assume
Always Acknowledge

Neon_ShaolinGOLD Member
hehe, 'Member' huhuh
6,120 posts
Location: Behind you. With Jam

Hmmm, for some reason I was inexplicably drawn to the ones of Chaz and G... biggrin

"I used to want to change the world, now I just wanna leave the room with a little dignity..." - Lotus Weinstock

MotleyGOLD Member
434 posts
Location: UK

Yay more piccies please, post links biggrin biggrin


Gayle......!SILVER Member
2,444 posts
Location: Bristol !!!!!!, United Kingdom

I'm awake! after about 14 hours sleep biggrin

I have one huge huge thank you to SKULLY! you rock! Thank you for making the Hyperloop stall a sucess and for spreading the wiggle. I couldn't have done it without you. Eggy bread biggrin

For Sym hug Thank you for all your hard work in making sure everyone was happy. You have worked so so hard and i hope you now get to sleep. Lots.

Meg - you wiggle like a star. Seeing you wiggle in my workshop gave me so many smiles! (can i have a wiggle graemlin please?) biggrin

Chocolate Tree people - thank you for allowing me to steal your sound system and for screening the workshop on your projector. You guys were wicked! hug

Drew - i'm so sorry for derailing you so many times, but I really enjoyed dancing like a twat in your workshop hug

Carpe Ignem Crew plus Cole - you guys kick ass! Cole, thank you for dancing with me in Drew's workshop and i'm looking forward to meeting up and playing with some ideas. Bams - you're warm! wink

Jon, Ro, Bov - as always. Wicked to hang out with you guys. Love you hug

Oli and Si - Thank you for the wiggle. wink

Finally to Laura. hug Wiggle Queen! Thank you for the shout out.

I'm going to skin up now! biggrin


Neon_ShaolinGOLD Member
hehe, 'Member' huhuh
6,120 posts
Location: Behind you. With Jam

Gayle - If at any point that PLAY was gonna get too technical and stop being fun and irreverent (like that's ever gonna happen!) I feel I could always depend on you to drag it back...

Yay for cheese and wiggles. With extra chocolate!

Plus your cone poi were sweet... hug

"I used to want to change the world, now I just wanna leave the room with a little dignity..." - Lotus Weinstock

5 posts

Yay play was excellent, most fun i've had in a long time plus all the people i met were awesome... oh yes and it was really fun doing californai fu

K__BRONZE Member
...join us...
184 posts
Location: Oxford, United Kingdom

Wow Play was amazing! Even though I was only there for Sunday night and Monday, it was completely worth all the travelling etc smile

Massive thanks to Dunc and everyone who organised and ran it all - awesome job!

Everyone was fantastically friendly, and specially thanks to Tom, Steve, Zach, Chris and Emily for teaching me some great new 3 ball tricks biggrin

And Yakumo, thanks for getting me along in the first place, getting me back at the end and everything in between hug

Bring on Play 07!

SkulduggeryGOLD Member
Pirate Pixie Crew Captain
8,428 posts
Location: Wales

I would list a whole bunch of thank you's but I feel that may take too long and I'd maybe leave someone important out and that would never do.

I do want to however want to say a few words about the crew that worked so hard before, through and after the festival.

Thank you Dunc for coming up with the idea of Play and for setting it up. hug

To Sym I want to say thank you for all your hard work and for all your diplomacy that smoothed over a few raw nerves. You made the best of things even when plans went a little bit off the rails, so much so that I don't think most of the people attending even noticed. That's a sure sign you were doing a lot of things right. hug

To Rossco I want to say, way to go with listing, timing and sorting out all the workshops. Not an easy task I'm sure. Thank you hug

Matty B I don't think I once saw you sitting still the whole weekend. You worked like a carthorse from start to finish. It didn't go unnoticed. Thank you. hug

To all those people that donned a yellow crew t-shirt (too many to mention by name) and helped out, Thank you! You cleaned toilets, cooked food, collected rubbish, lifted, carried, built, dismantled, piped in water..... etc. All of which I thank you all for doing. Without you people there would be no Play. grouphug

Gayle and Neal, huge thanks for setting up the stall, running it and making being around it feel so chilled and so much fun. hug hug

Jon you know all I need to say to you ubblove hug Sorry you missed the football kiss

Mech... No perving on my Nieces ubblol Sorry hun, I just couldn't resist. kiss It was so great to finally meet Soph. She really is as gorgeous as you have always told me she is.

My last thank you is to all the people that I had fun with this weekend. To all you people that came to hoop with us and play games Thank you! I hope you all had as much fun as I did. Keep spreading the love of the wiggle!!! hug

Roll on next years Play!

Feed me Chocolate!!! Feed me NOW!

69 posts
Location: Stoke-on-trent (at uni), Ipswich (when at home)

 Written by: funkydred

Well what can you say....STUNNING !!

Everything was perfect and fluffy..(spike)

Staff workshops excellent ...

hehe thats what u get when a spike grows his hair then lives in a field for a weekend, a fluffy spike.

fluffy spikey one

Don't Drink and Drive
Smoke and Fly

GlåssDIAMOND Member
The Ministry of Manipulation
2,523 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

way, dude, totaly awsum biggrin


MCP: great stick routine

Gayle: great wiggling, and dancing in workshop. loved the isloation fondling wiggle action
and thanks for making me smile during the renegade, I'm not sure what was going on, but it gave me a cheaky smile cool


Gabe: great to finally meet you

EVERYBODY: thankyou for such a lovely holiday, such lovely people everywhere.

Mech: Thanks for making me laugh so much, and great pegging.

Mags: you're a legend wink

If anyone has video footage of hangar fun live, we'd love to have it at the ministry. please pm me
<--Hangar fun, video edition, if you haven't seen it already, this should help make some sense of saturday night MoM show.

Dunc and all the team: Thank you

Sorry for being so smelly on the last day wink along with everyone else
You got pegged

Rightous biggrin


twas a fantastic time had, can't get over how nice everyone was. twas my first spinning festival and i can quite truly say you load now how to camp. there was no showers eek i was well smelly at the end, was glas to get home and have a bath, but noe i have done that i want to go back to the feild of hoppers

jo_rhymesSILVER Member
Momma Bear
4,525 posts
Location: Telford, Shrops, United Kingdom

just got back with Matty B. Very tired. Can hardly type... meh!!
Well done Sym, Rossco and that tall old man with the grey hair wink
well done everyone, we did it!
My highlights of play?

Having hot chocolate, tea and chocolate bars with Oli, and smoking lots one night smile

sitting with the girls and giggling over Roman, the topless French staffer

Drew's dancy movementy workshop where i manipulated and danced with my blueberry turnover.

Thanks again Sym and everyone!!



Hoppers are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

StarlyStarBRONZE Member
78 posts
Location: Buxton, Derbyshire. UK

Had a fantastic time smile My 6 year old daughter didn't want to leave and my 3 month old enjoyed her first camping experience smile

Neon_ShaolinGOLD Member
hehe, 'Member' huhuh
6,120 posts
Location: Behind you. With Jam

All these babies on site... Did anyone else have the compulsion to borrow one and start doing contact isolations with them?

Or was it just me? I'm getting broody ubblove

"I used to want to change the world, now I just wanna leave the room with a little dignity..." - Lotus Weinstock

NOnactivist for HoPper liberation.
1,643 posts
Location: ffidrac

wooooo! *still tired, so this is a bit half arsed*

Play rocked... DUDE!!

'k. sleep now. smile

Aurinko freedom agreement reached 10th Sept 2006

if it makes no sense that's because it's NOn-sense.

si_sheffSILVER Member
128 posts
Location: United Kingdom


what an amazing few days!! :-) had the most awesome time down at play and im definately coming back next year..! thanks to all who taught and generally inspired me over the days of workshops and shows, and lots of uberly-fluffy hugs to all those i met and bounced around with, especially the cool peeps i met for the first time :-) i ache so much now from excess cartwheeling and flipping with staffs but i have so much new stuff to be practising so it's all peachy ;-p

one thing would make my overall rating of the fest go from 99.9% enjoyment to 100% and that would be if anyone has got home and realised they have an extra staff or one they picked up by mistake.. its an extra heavy contact staff, metal finish with pinky/purple stripes going diagonally up the length of the staff and only twice-burned wicks so in pretty good condition.

it was put down for a minute before the start of the world record attempt and cunningly vanished so guessing someone borrowed it and forgot about it. if anyone has it please can you pm me on here or on the play site and let me know, for that thing i'd travel to china so dont mind coming and collecting it and seeing a new part of the uk :-) reward is set at a pack of chocolate muffins, a pint and a hug..

that aside, play was amazing and i'm already looking forward to next year!

peace n pineapples


jo_rhymesSILVER Member
Momma Bear
4,525 posts
Location: Telford, Shrops, United Kingdom

oh also, massive thanks to Al (ravehead) for doing all the scaffolding, also to Eddie, Simta and Matty B for that, well done guys.

my favourite job deffo had to be painting with George and Spanner on Wednesday and Thursday, that was such fun! biggrin

are anyone else's hands all chapped and withered?!

Hoppers are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

GothFrogetteBRONZE Member
grumpy poorly froggy
3,999 posts
Location: Nuneaton, United Kingdom

*wishes she had found a staff in her things* ubblol

Life's too short to worry about where you put your marshmallows

GothFrogetteBRONZE Member
grumpy poorly froggy
3,999 posts
Location: Nuneaton, United Kingdom

 Written by: jo_rhymes

are anyone else's hands all chapped and withered?!

Yes and my leg hair seems to of grown uber fast!!!

they were not boots on sunday eek ubblol

Life's too short to worry about where you put your marshmallows

jo_rhymesSILVER Member
Momma Bear
4,525 posts
Location: Telford, Shrops, United Kingdom


Non-Https Image Link

Hoppers are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

YakumoSILVER Member
1,237 posts
Location: Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

aw man, you lost a staff ? frown

I'm sure if anyone on HoP's got it, or knows who might it'll bomerang back... unless it's still in the field somewhere.

I thoguht I'd lost my new sock poi at one point, but they were sat right where I'd left them for over half an hour outside the main tent.

Incidentally I did manage to pickup someones fire poi on saterday night by the bonfire, they'd got mixed up with my catch cans somehow, I handed them into the lost&found at te play stall, and someone I spoke to said they thought they knew the owner, so I hope they got back to them!

EDITED_BY: Yakumo (1151431985)

Blinded by Hyperlights, please donate generously grin

69 posts
Location: Stoke-on-trent (at uni), Ipswich (when at home)

 Written by:

Yes and my leg hair seems to of grown uber fast!!!

they were not boots on sunday eek ubblol

ewwwwwwwwwww leg hair ..... hehe

but they were awsome boots, don't think they would suit me tho. biggrin


Don't Drink and Drive
Smoke and Fly

newgabeSILVER Member
what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls.
4,030 posts
Location: Bali, Australia

Thank you all so much for being so wonderful and welcoming!! I had a BALL and even though now I am clean and in a house I would rather be in a field with all of you!!!!!

Huge hugs to everyone till EJC or next time I see you!

.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....

mausBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
4,191 posts
Location: Sihanoukville, cambodia

Home.....tired....just had my first shower in almost a week! mmmmmmmmmm..........

Will right more when i'm not so knackered.....feckin ace weekend though!

Love you all!x

strugzBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,964 posts
Location: Southampton - Possibly..., United Kingdom

biggrin biggrin biggrin

Super super sweeeet weekend, ubbrollsmile

I soooo need to sleep............

I have about 16 tapes filled with awesome stuff - This time ill make sure you get to see it all again a little sooner wink

oh and before anyone asks, i know nothing about the van ubbangel

*finds peg*




"...We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing......."

Winged AvengerSILVER Member
The official Emma Peel wannabe
226 posts
Location: Colchester, England (UK)

Home now post shower and Asda trip for tea and milk.

Tired but happy.... without sounding too Oscar-ish hugs and thanks to Dunc, Sym,George, Sian, Matty B and the rest of the Play Kru' for everything.

Mega hugs to Guy. I hope you feel better soon.

"Always keep your bowler on in times of stress and watch out for diabolical masterminds" - Emma Peel

[noodles]*Property of Pigeon Wigeon*
893 posts
Location: Locked In Pigeons Chimney

Just seen the Play big top on TV biggrin

Was a BBC Midlands Today article on them trying to save Fordhall Farm and in one shot the big top was in the background.

Could somebody stop the room please... I'd like to get off

Neon_ShaolinGOLD Member
hehe, 'Member' huhuh
6,120 posts
Location: Behind you. With Jam

 Written by: strugz

oh and before anyone asks, i know nothing about the van ubbangel

Tell that to the 100+ people at Renegade... tongue

"I used to want to change the world, now I just wanna leave the room with a little dignity..." - Lotus Weinstock

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