pitmanSILVER Member
544 posts
Location: swansea, United Kingdom

i just watched the hop fire saftey video and realised how unsafe i am. when it comes to people watching me i am always very caucsious but my own saftey is pathetic.


mausBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
4,191 posts
Location: Sihanoukville, cambodia

I'm pretty sure you're not the only one mate.

Which is why its important for people to watch safety videos etc.

It only takes a very small slip up to cause a big accident sometimes.

I very stupidly didn't check my chains once before a gig at eden, half way through one of them flew off-thankfully not into the audience.
But it has made me a lot more aware of safety!

Kathain_BowenGood Ol' Yarn For Hair
422 posts
Location: Atlanta, GA, USA

Y'know, I watched the video, and I feel like the over protective mother. I've got the keys to my car ready, cell phone out, everyone's insurance info (if they currently have insurance), contact information programmed into my cell, like five routes to our local hospital, two ers, in addition to all the rest of our normal safety routine. But, strangely, the video convinced me to be even more overprotective of my boys.

In fact, I actually feel bad because watching the video just made me do a cursory look at the house first aide kit, and I have sadly realized my roommate has been raiding it and not replacing supplies.

"So long and thanks for all the fish."

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

Shout at them and nag and nag and nag until they replace them smile

Kathain_BowenGood Ol' Yarn For Hair
422 posts
Location: Atlanta, GA, USA

Yeah.... so after really taking stock of everything that was left, I just bought a new one. My roommate is rather.... er... accident proned. I love her to pieces, but I've taken her more times to the local emergency room in the last two months than I've seen my own Mum in last three years. The reception staff is starting to look at me like I do nothing but beat her!

And, in retrospect, it's more my fault than hers. I never really declared it a "fire" only kit, so she just assumed it was for house usage. The new kit has been modified and OVERLY labeled "Fire Only."

I'm kind of mad at myself for it, though. I don't burn; I just make sure my boys don't end up burnt! I became the unofficial "Fire Mom," after people started to notice my anal retentive checks after my cheating ex-spurned me with one of those comments you never make, not to anyone, especially not to someone who spends most of their time hanging out with people who play with fire.

"If [you guys] don't stop burning, you're going to end up in a body bag in two years."

.... for the record, six months since that comment, my crew has had only 1 accident/injury, that involved the very minor singing of nosehair when one of the guys breathed in a little too deep and hadn't choked up enough on a buzzsaw. For the record, again, I don't burn. Also for the record, about a month after the cheating-ex made that comment, he was actually seriously burned do to one of two critical errors depending upon what version of the tale you believe.

"So long and thanks for all the fish."

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