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margitaSILVER Member
.:*distracted by shiny things*:.
3,777 posts
Location: brizvegas, Australia

according to hop time, it's tomorrow already!! so in that case...

bounce2 bounce happity berfday miss leah!!! bounce bounce2

i hope your day is wonderful & full of fun & you don't have to go to work so that your hubby can spend the day abiding by your every wish!! biggrin wink ubblove beerchug

& i made you a cake!! enjoy!! hug

Non-Https Image Link

do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good to eat!

if at first you do succeed, try not to look too astonished!

smile! :grin: it confuses people!

~Leah~GOLD Member
584 posts
Location: Sunshine Coast, Australia

mmm, tasty cake. You're very clever miss Gita!

I went to work today but that's fine because I spent most of it on the the trapeze learning a new trick. biggrin So now my hands are really sore and torn, legs are sore and I'm sure by tomorrow my upper arms will not have anough strength to change gears in the kombi! I'll be feeling all those muskles that I didn't know I had tomorrow. Woot!!!! clap bounce bounce2 bounce bounce2 clap

thankx for the birthday wishes hun. Mwah. hug

Never hold your farts in! They travel up your spine, go into your brain and that's where shitty idea's come from.

Stained_WhisperGOLD Member
Lighting up the darkness, one performance at a time
161 posts
Location: south africa

clap clap clap clap

You are the only problem you will ever have
and you are the only solution

2,303 posts
Location: Brisbane

Trapeze, what is this trapeze that you speak of..... umm

:admires giant wooden aeroplane: Its about time trees were good for something, instead of just standing their like jerks!!! ubblol ubbtickled

Homer rocks!!!! ubblol ubbrollsmile

SkattoGOLD Member
Walking on whims...
687 posts
Location: Eastbourne, UK

Don't really know you as I'm a mere newbie around these parts, but Happy Birthday!!
Have a good'un!!

ubblol beerchug sunny


"Fly like a mouse,
Run like a cushion,
Be the small bookcase."

For goodness sake, don't aggravate the otters!!!

~Leah~GOLD Member
584 posts
Location: Sunshine Coast, Australia

flying trapeze at work, like in the circus Paul. I now have a sprained ankle! O(w. ubblol

Never hold your farts in! They travel up your spine, go into your brain and that's where shitty idea's come from.

2,303 posts
Location: Brisbane

Yeah but since when have you been working around such fun tools!! ME wants a turn at the trapeze

:admires giant wooden aeroplane: Its about time trees were good for something, instead of just standing their like jerks!!! ubblol ubbtickled

Homer rocks!!!! ubblol ubbrollsmile

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