do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good to eat!
if at first you do succeed, try not to look too astonished!
smile! :grin: it confuses people!
Never hold your farts in! They travel up your spine, go into your brain and that's where shitty idea's come from.
You are the only problem you will ever have
and you are the only solution
:admires giant wooden aeroplane: Its about time trees were good for something, instead of just standing their like jerks!!!
Homer rocks!!!!
"Fly like a mouse,
Run like a cushion,
Be the small bookcase."
For goodness sake, don't aggravate the otters!!!
Never hold your farts in! They travel up your spine, go into your brain and that's where shitty idea's come from.
:admires giant wooden aeroplane: Its about time trees were good for something, instead of just standing their like jerks!!!
Homer rocks!!!!