Juggling Jack FlashGOLD Member
1,207 posts
Location: Free falling through time, United Kingdom

Hi all,

I've been working with Cirque du Soleil in Auckland NZ and have been invited to join them when they go to Canberra in early March. I was wondering if anyone new of somewhere I could stay for a while whilst I find somewhere to live.

After that they are heading to Melbourne, opening on April 19th, then to Adelaide opening July 5th and finally Perth on August 17th.

If anyone would be willing to loan a couch for a few days in those areas they would be my new best friends biggrin



EDITED_BY: Point_Blank (1170368181)

Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you land among the stars

jessfaerieSILVER Member
37 posts
Location: Bungendore...near Canberra, Australia

hey ummm..I'm from canberra...theres a few youth hostels around, how long are you staying for? theres a good one in civic, good location and from what i hear pretty good accomodation too (as in its not dinghy and diseased)

anyway, its worht doing a quick internet search to have a look around, umm..if youre staying for a while i know the ANU (australian national university) website has plenty of ads for people needed for sharehouses, with relitively cheap rent...

hope that helps smile

"...life is like John Howard- too short to waste time worrying..."

Juggling Jack FlashGOLD Member
1,207 posts
Location: Free falling through time, United Kingdom

I'll be staying for a while as I'm working at Cirque du Soleil, the show starts on march 15th and runs until the 8th of April before heading to Melbourne.

Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you land among the stars

jessfaerieSILVER Member
37 posts
Location: Bungendore...near Canberra, Australia

ahh kay. what exactly is it youre doing when you say youre workinf for the cirque du soleil?

just curious

"...life is like John Howard- too short to waste time worrying..."

Juggling Jack FlashGOLD Member
1,207 posts
Location: Free falling through time, United Kingdom

not performing as yet, but am team leader for Food and Beverages, just joined them when they got here on the 3rd, and am touring Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth with them. If I can learn french before they leave for Europe, I'll hopefully be going with them there as well.

Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you land among the stars

Juggling Jack FlashGOLD Member
1,207 posts
Location: Free falling through time, United Kingdom

*Bump* Just checking to see if anyone's listening tongue

Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you land among the stars

GnorBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
5,814 posts
Location: Perth, Australia

I missed this thread but will pop a note on our board,

We meet on a Tuesday night if oyu want to come play with. Can most likely sort a lift to spinning and back if you arent working.

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Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
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Im in a lonely battle with the world with a fish to match the chip on my shoulder. Gnu in Binnu in a cnu

Juggling Jack FlashGOLD Member
1,207 posts
Location: Free falling through time, United Kingdom

That would be wicked, I'm really looking forward to running around aus with CDS. I can't really call it work, after all it's the circus, I think work should be something where you are paid to be there because you have to be there, rather than because you want to be there. Look forward to meeting you in Perth.


Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you land among the stars

SprocketGOLD Member
140 posts
Location: middle of the outback, Australia

First of all I want to comment on the "dinghy and diseased" when talking about hostels. There are always some black sheep out there but most hostels do a lot to give people a great time for VERY LITTLE MONEY. As I own a backpackers hostel myself I felt I have to write that.
Lots of hostels give weekly rates, usually between $100 - $150 per week. I can recommend www.hostelworld.com as you can also find customer ratings and comments.

Secondly I hope you enjoy your time with the Cirque but I doubt you'll get to see much of Australia...

hm, pinecones, my favourits!

Juggling Jack FlashGOLD Member
1,207 posts
Location: Free falling through time, United Kingdom

Cheers Sprocket, I'm hoping that I'll find somewhere good to stay, I'm sorted in Perth now with a couple of HoPpers being uber kind and offering to let me crash at theirs for a while hug to them.

There are a couple of weeks in between shows where I hope to see a bit of Aus, and there's always after the tour.

Which backpackers do you own and where can I find it on my travels



Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you land among the stars

SprocketGOLD Member
140 posts
Location: middle of the outback, Australia

Try Alice Springs, it's called Alice's Secret Travellers Inn. Small, friendly, lots of space and certainly disease free wink
If you want to see Ayers Rock it's kind of on the way... in Australian dimensions. We've just started our weekly fire/circus meets every Wednesday.

Hope you have a good time and we might see you in the centre...

hm, pinecones, my favourits!

Juggling Jack FlashGOLD Member
1,207 posts
Location: Free falling through time, United Kingdom

Woohoo, I'm here, finally. If there's a fire meet in Canberra, whereabouts is it and who do I get to meet first? bounce

Yay for travelling, boo for airports confiscating all my fire toys : (

whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop

Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you land among the stars

RoziSILVER Member
100 characters max...
2,996 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Say hi to Jules for me. She should be coming down from Sydney to work with Cirque.

It was a day for screaming at inanimate objects.

What this calls for is a special mix of psychology and extreme violence...

Juggling Jack FlashGOLD Member
1,207 posts
Location: Free falling through time, United Kingdom

Do you know which department she's working in?

Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you land among the stars

jessfaerieSILVER Member
37 posts
Location: Bungendore...near Canberra, Australia

 Written by: Sprocket

First of all I want to comment on the "dinghy and diseased" when talking about hostels. There are always some black sheep out there but most hostels do a lot to give people a great time for VERY LITTLE MONEY. As I own a backpackers hostel myself I felt I have to write that.
Lots of hostels give weekly rates, usually between $100 - $150 per week. I can recommend www.hostelworld.com as you can also find customer ratings and comments.

haha ive stayed in a few hostels in my time and i wasnt implying they were dinghy and diseased sorry if it comes across that way. Im actually a member of YHA myself smile although one place we stayed at in europe was pretty foul, blood on the sheets and stuff like like that...

anyway. bah. i really want to see varekai. it looks brilliant. a girld i know was apparently one of the dancers behind a screeny thing for the vip open night thingy? useless fact right there haha.

hope your enjoying australia, we've had a pretty hot summer so far...also it must be very brown compared to NZ but not so much anymore with all the rain canberra's had recently ubbrollsmile

"...life is like John Howard- too short to waste time worrying..."

Juggling Jack FlashGOLD Member
1,207 posts
Location: Free falling through time, United Kingdom

Where are the juggling meets here? I've heard about a monday night gathering, but does anyone know where it is and how to get there from civic?



Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you land among the stars

jessfaerieSILVER Member
37 posts
Location: Bungendore...near Canberra, Australia

never heard about a monday night meet...sometimes there will be meets in garema place in civic on a friday night, i used to do it there but i havent been able to go in ages...

"...life is like John Howard- too short to waste time worrying..."

jarleGOLD Member
Lv15 Ranger
1,489 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

I haven't heard of either a Monday or Friday night meet, but there's Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday meets around the CBD area, though I haven't been going as much as I'd like to.


Juggling Jack FlashGOLD Member
1,207 posts
Location: Free falling through time, United Kingdom

Hello Melbourne.

The time has come and I'm on my way, I'm arriving at some stage tomorrow and would love to know where any meets are and if there is a public library somewhere with free interent use (or anywhere with free internet, I'm not picky)

See you in the coming weeks


Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you land among the stars

4 posts
Location: Melbourne

Come visit us at the Melbourne uni juggling club! We meet every Thursday at 5:15pm at Melbourne uni. There's plenty of jugglers and twirlers and we love meeting new people. Check out our website for details on how to get there at www.juggling-club.com

GnorBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
5,814 posts
Location: Perth, Australia

So are you in Perth now?
Off to see the show on October 3rd. biggrin bounce2 bounce2 bounce2

Is it the Truth?
Is it Fair to all concerned?
Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

Im in a lonely battle with the world with a fish to match the chip on my shoulder. Gnu in Binnu in a cnu

ElectricBlueGOLD Member
Now with extra strawberries
810 posts
Location: Canberra, Australia

Hey Mr Point_Blank how are you?
I think i met you in canberra? yes? at circus space?
Any who, it was very loverly to meet you and see your uber cool contact skills.
Have fun in perth. : )


I {Heart} hand me downs and spinning in the snow.<br /><br />

Juggling Jack FlashGOLD Member
1,207 posts
Location: Free falling through time, United Kingdom

Indeed you did meet me in Canberra, and my contact was only just beginning there, I got really into it in Melbourne and have since gotten loads better. Sorry Gnor, I left the circus after Melbourne because they started getting rather rude to me, but enjoy the show, it's amazing.

Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you land among the stars

ElectricBlueGOLD Member
Now with extra strawberries
810 posts
Location: Canberra, Australia

So what is keeping you busy now? are you still in melbs?

I {Heart} hand me downs and spinning in the snow.<br /><br />

Juggling Jack FlashGOLD Member
1,207 posts
Location: Free falling through time, United Kingdom

Nope, I had a great time there, but had to leave to go back home (money prevented me from staying) Now I am Queenstowns' hottest magician and juggler biggrin

Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you land among the stars

GnorBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
5,814 posts
Location: Perth, Australia

O....was wondering why you hadnt contacted us.

Is it the Truth?
Is it Fair to all concerned?
Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

Im in a lonely battle with the world with a fish to match the chip on my shoulder. Gnu in Binnu in a cnu

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