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Personaly, I know HOP has supported some nonprofit activities
in India by supplying basic spinning stuff.
Also once our group got patronate and donated by city district
What do you think?,
Fire_MooseSILVER Member Elusive and Bearded 3,597 posts Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Posted: What is your opinion on sponsoring of an art? I think it is good, I mean it is fairly common isn't it? Do you have an experience with 'fund raisng'? apart from desert parties to raise Burning Man money, no Would you get sponsored you / your group? Would we or are we able to? I think we would, and we have a thing with Flamma Aterna that sets aside a portion of refered orders and such. But other then that I am not entirely sure who would sponsor fire spinning. What kind of sponsoring would be acceptable? thowing money at us would be ideal
Owned by Mynci!
PeleBRONZE Member the henna lady 6,193 posts Location: WNY, USA
Posted: As in corporate sponsorship like athletes have for endorsements? As in govt funding sponsorship which is pretty much grant getting/fund raising?
I'm not entirely certain which you are thinking here.
What is your opinion on sponsoring of an art? It's very, very common. Gov't funding is more common for "smaller" performers like us, where as corporate tends to be for larger ones. BUT, because of the extreme nature of what we do, corporate sponsorship can be had, and are generally pretty awesome gigs BUT you have to weigh out your own principles for it. For example, many years ago, before the ban on public smoking, Camel Cigarettes had their 7 Pleasures Parties. I debated on whether or not this was something I could perform for. The parties were in bars for people 21 and over, who were not really about to be influenced *into* smoking, so I did them for 3 or 4 years.
I've also had an alcohol company as a sponsor for me to perform in bars. It was another moral dilemma I had to think through.
Do you have an experience with 'fund raisng'?
Yup. And grant writing. Fund raising is good for an immediate need, especially if you can be creative with it. Grants take planning and work, but have nice pay offs.
Neither are garunteed on a return, but they are both worth trying.
Would you get sponsored you/your group?
Have and would do it again in an instant.
What kind of sponsoring would be acceptable?
Money is always the first choice, of course. In kind is appreciated, meaning in exchange for something I need as well (tools, costumes, etc.)
I think those are the only ones I've done.
Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir "Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall "And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK
ElectricBlueGOLD Member Now with extra strawberries 810 posts Location: Canberra, Australia
Posted: I think the sponsership of art and art projects is good but i feel that we should be funding and supporting the artist rather than specific works.
All the grants around hear are for specific works so they don't really encorage development unless you can afford to do all of the planing and pre development and then apply for a grant.
I {Heart} hand me downs and spinning in the snow.<br /><br />
PeleBRONZE Member the henna lady 6,193 posts Location: WNY, USA
Posted: Blueberry, we have grants that are developement specific here, which is really nice. They are *super* competitive to get, and usually vary by location but range anywhere from $600 to thousands, which is nice. I've gotten a couple to help me defray travel costs of travel to development studies with dance instructors or performance instructors. In those cases the only thing I had to make a case for was how I was going to bring back what I learned and strengthen our artistic community with it.
Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir "Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall "And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK
StoneGOLD Member Stream Entrant 2,829 posts Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posted: Hi Richee,
I’ve done fund raising as part of a small annual Arts Festival. I think it’s a good idea, but with fire/spinning it may depend on the theme of the event or festival.
Fund raising is hard work. Working under the umbrella of a government grant, my experience has been knocking on the doors of local business. Then making a professional presentation and convincing the business that they will get great value out of sponsoring the event.
You can also try the VIP approach with the platinum or gold card sponsorship deals, to entice businesses to increase sponsorship.
I think it’s a good idea to find a patron (philanthropist), especially someone who has a lot of money and is well known as a supporter of the arts.
Make your sponsors feel special, give them free tickets or what ever you need to do to give them good value for their sponsorship. That could also include advertising.
Good Luck
If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh
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