baby_bear237BRONZE Member
6 posts
Location: Wisconsin, USA

Here's something to think about.

*3.5 billion yrs. ago - life on Earth

*545 million yrs. ago - Cambrian explosion of multi celled, hard-bodied organisms

*50,000 yrs. ago - mankind as we know it (post-Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon)

This means that if you shrunk down the history of life on Earth into one year, with the first single-celled organisms emerging on January 1 at midnight,

*The Cambrian explosion occurs at approximately 5:15 AM on November 6. Everything from New Year's past Halloween has been only celebrated by single-celled organisms.

*Mankind doesn't show up until about 11:53 PM on New Year's Eve.

What's even cooler? For the majority of the time when microbes ruled the Earth, they were actually synthesizing the oxygen we now breathe. Before photosynthesis, they used alternative methods in the nearly inhospitable conditions of infant Earth. smile

"I wanted to interact, to be more active than passive...I guess I spent all my time watching the music."

6,650 posts

Yupp - and still we lament over small periods of our lives, focusing on the instant of clouded skies in an eternity of bright sunshine (just if you shrink your own life down to a day).

Enjoy your day, go outside and make someone smile - you can make the difference, every moment.

Thanks for sharing your moment, baby_bear hug

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

baby_bear237BRONZE Member
6 posts
Location: Wisconsin, USA

Hey man, thanks for listening. biggrin

"I wanted to interact, to be more active than passive...I guess I spent all my time watching the music."

Rouge DragonBRONZE Member
Insert Champagne Here
13,215 posts
Location: without class distinction, Australia

I remember learning that in primary school! I think it's a great way to put life into perspective!

i would have changed ***** to phallus, and claire to petey Petey

Rougie: but that's what I'm doing here
Arnwyn: what letting me adjust myself in your room?..don't you dare quote that on HoP...

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

I like the one about showing a video in reverse at 24 frames per second where each frame is a year.

I forget the exact numbers and do not feel like working them out, but you would need to sit for about a minute to get to 0 AD/BC, about 20 to get to the start of men, about an hour for the dinosaur extinction and a few centuries for the Cambrian explosion. When I have had more sleep I will get more accurate numbers if someone else does not do so in the meantime.

Also assuming I remember.

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

MuckySILVER Member
Rum-Swilling Combustioneer
227 posts
Location: Macungie, PA, USA

I found the following geologic calendar in the archives of the old Dinosaur Mailing List... I thought it was hysterical:

 Written by

The 6000th Anniversary of the Creation of the Earth (4004 B.C.-1996 A.D.)is about to be celebrated by Congregations that cherish the memory of the good and great Archbihop Ussher. This seems bound to spill over into their Congressional Districts, with obvious ramifications for the funding of Geophysical research. So it may be prudent to amend Geochronology to fit a Biblically Correct 6000 -year format, at least for the fiscal year to come:

25 Oct.4004 B.C. : Encounter with Nemesis knocks Lucifer out of Oort Cloud.

1 Nov.4004 B.C. : Earth still largely molten; Adam and Eve invent Asbestos


3714 B. C. : The first biotechnologist, Cain, invents cyanobacteria.

3554 B.C. : Komataiites inundate earliest crust, Noah's Ark incinerated.

2724 B.C. :Archaean stratiform sulfide deposits form,ending the

neolithic.Bronze introduced.

2444 B.C. :Tired of reading graphic granite,Inkhaten invents heiroglyphs

2184 B.C. : Earliest sedimentation;discovery of slate leads to stone


2094 B.C. : Nimrod the Hunter erects the Geosyncline of Babel.

2004 B. C. : Breathable atmosphere develops;first sermon preached.

1914 B. C. : Advent of diapirism; Lot's wife turned into first salt dome.

1804 B.C. :Tubal Cain inaugurates banded Iron Age .Sphinx starts to


1794 B.C. : Children of Ham split from Israelites ,insisting that the

Burgess shale fauna are kosher.Chowder invented.

1704 B.C. :Charshumash the Hittite bitten by first vertibrate, lawyers emerge

from slime.

1624B.C.: Samson attempts Perovskite synthesis:Laboratory of the Philistines


1444 B.C. : War of the Chaldean Succession, Pangaea broken up in

accordance with the Treaty of Uruk.

1334 B.C. : Shang Empire abandons efforts to invent compass when China drifts

over south magnetic pole.

1264 B.C. : Moses invents hydrofracturing,opening of Red Sea rift drowns

Egyptian army.

1194 B.C. : Odysseus runs aground on Gondwandan riviera; Circe founds Club


1104 B.C.: Ezekiel see de Pterodactyl,'way up in de middle of the air.

1024 B. C.: Goliath stepped on by irate Barosaurus; David takes credit.

794 B.C. : Jonah swallowed by Carcharas Megalodon.

454 B. C. : Marble deposits form in Greece ,Parthenon erected.

338 B, C.: Aristotle publishes Air-Earth -Fire- Water phase

diagram,concludes that quartz is a polymorph of water.

64 B.C. : Pliny the Elder writes eye-witness account of the Alpine orogeny.

48 B. C. : All of Gaul is divided into three parts by the collision of

Corsica with the European plate.

A.D. 24 : Miracle of the Loaves and Ichthyosaurs.

A.D. 54 : Paul,formerly Saul the Tarser,undergoes identity crisis on the road

to Damascus and writes Epistle to the Cephalopods.

A.D. 344 : Vanguard of Attila the Hun perishes when Romans breach Gibralter

escarpment,flooding the Mediteranean Desert.

A.D. 494 : Snakes evolve and are driven out of Ireland.

A.D. 974 :Lief the Unlucky lost with all hands when his dragon ship is

mistaken for a female Kronosaurus.

A.D. 1066 : William the Conquerer invades England by walking through northern


A.D. 1215; Magna Carta eaten by Velociraptor.

A.D. 1324 : Gunpowder introduced,Dinosaurs hunted to extinction.

A.D. 1384 : Dante Aligheri describes core-mantle boundary.

A,D. 1484: Leonardo Da Vinci designs Archaeopteryx.

A.D. 1492 : Mesoamerica emerges just in time to block Columbus' discovery of

Hawaii and Japan; the Santa Maria is attacked by Ammonites.

A.D. 1494 : Flowering plants appear; Wars of the Roses commence.

A,D. 1522 : Cortez uses asteroid impact to conquer Aztec Empire.

A.D. 1588: Spanish Armada frustrated by continuing absence of English


A.D. 1636 : Earliest primates appear, Harvard founded.

A.D. 1664 :An English primate is made Primate of Ireland -Archbishop Ussher

deduces last four out of ten digits of the age of the Earth.

A.D. 1684 : First simian graduate of Oxford, a gibbon ,submits 'Decline and

Fall of the Roman Empire' as D.Phil. thesis.

A.D. 1698: Spain invades England via London-Bruges canal;Inquisition burns

Newton at the stake for Alchemy.

A.D. 1776 :Washington's Mastedon cavalry routs Hessians at Battle of the

Hudson Canyon.

A.D. 1835 : Charles Darwin attacked by giant Rattite in Galapagos,returns

home a convinced Neptunist.

A.D. 1894 : Awed by extent of glaciation, Cecil Rhodes proposes Capetown to

Cairo bobsled run.

A.D. 1914 : Younger Dryas sea level rise unleashes U-boats into the

Atlantic,Holy Roman Empire wins World War One.

A. D. 1948: Paul Nitze proposes using ice to contain Stalin,Cold War begins,

ending First Interglacial.

A.D. 1954 : Glaciers retreat from Fulda gap, De Gaulle invades Russia.

A.D. 1957 : Civil Rights movement challenges Jim Cro-Magnon laws.

A.D. 1961: Rachel Carlson links DDT to Glyptodont s'decline.

A.D. 1969: last sighting of Sabre-tooth in Central Park,Elizabeth Taylor

divorces Proconsul .

A.D. 1971: Warhol paints Cambell Soup cans on walls of Lascaux caverns.

A.D. 1983: Australopithicus wins The America's Cup .

A.D. 1988: Jimmy Schweigart signs up Homo Habilis as speechwriter.

A.D. 1990: Last Neanderthals perish in seige of Kremlin.

A.D. 1991 : Saddam Hussein discovers fire, creating Holocene tar sands in


A.D. 1996: Citing black smoker emissions, E.P.A bans continental drift.

Thermophilis wins Nobel prize for sequencing its own DNA while trapped in


EDITED_BY: Mucky (1214925917)

Bouncing Baby Pipe!

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

There was an interesting paragraph in a book I read recently ("Chaos"), that gives significant pause for thought.
If you take the original point about the incredibly short period of time mankind has been on earth, it's very interesting to note the even shorter length of time the earth has had the current meterological climate for.
Going back over the history of the earth, it's swung from Ice age (even Snowball earth), to super-hot since the formation of the atmosphere.
Our current climate of temperate zones, small polar caps and air-streams has existed for a shorter amount of time than we have.
Many meteologists believe the current climate is a fluke transitional period and another ice-age is on the way.
All previous ice-ages have lasted millions of years... Our current climate is about ooooo 30,000 years old.

Stock up on the scarves wink

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

6,650 posts

You're talking about it, as if you'd be able to live long enough to actually experience it - or (in case of reincarnation) could inherit it from your grandchildren... wink

--- goes outside to play ---

PS: amusing list, Mucky, thanks for the chuckles hug

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

I know I know, it's not likely to threaten our generation, but there's a very good theory that global warming will actually lead to another ice age (I should really not post these things at work where I don't have access to any of the references)

But it did suggest that most of Europe could potentially be in permafrost climate within 400 years.
Theory as such:
Gulf stream moves further South (already happening)
Cooler climate means more snowfall further South, and less/no thawing of existing snow.
Increased snow/frost coverage reflects more heat so temperature cools even quicker
Process repeats as above and accelerates.

It's commonly known that neolithic european man were living in a harsh winter climate in the not-too-distant past (probably about the time William the Conqueror was battling wooliy mammoths wink ) - so it doesn't take a massive leap of faith to assume that the current climate isn't the norm, merely a anomoly. I
t's only due to our (humans) perception of time (to tie it back on to topic) that we've taken the current climate to be standard, when in fact it's practically a nano-second on the year-calendar of earth


Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

newgabeSILVER Member
what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls.
4,030 posts
Location: Bali, Australia

I rather like this nano-second. It has flowers and pretty birds.

.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....

Rouge DragonBRONZE Member
Insert Champagne Here
13,215 posts
Location: without class distinction, Australia

and beer.

i would have changed ***** to phallus, and claire to petey Petey

Rougie: but that's what I'm doing here
Arnwyn: what letting me adjust myself in your room?..don't you dare quote that on HoP...

6,650 posts

*reclines in the sun* so let's enjoy that instant as long as we got it! sunny

Kind of funny how theories change from hot to cold and back to scratch

cool Not worth to get excited

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

EeraBRONZE Member
old hand
1,107 posts
Location: In a test pit, Mackay, Australia


There is a slight possibility that I am not actually right all of the time.

hamamelisBRONZE Member
756 posts
Location: Bouncing off the walls., England (UK)

 Written by :FireTom

Kind of funny how theories change from hot to cold and back to scratch

From what I've read, they reckon a lot of areas will get hotter, but Europe, and a few other areas, will get colder.. I mean, England is just as far north as Moscow, it's just the gulf stream that keeps it (mostly) warmer, so if that moves..

Areas nearer the equator, also most of the Southern hemisphere, are likely to get hotter..

Possibly we should attempt the suggestion in a guy's magazine I read- a campaign in the UK to get everyone to drive up to the Scottish coast, fill up the car with rock and soil, and drive it down to the south coast, see how long it takes us to reach the Med.. ubblol


If that's okay with you?

baby_bear237BRONZE Member
6 posts
Location: Wisconsin, USA

Since the topic has shifted to climate change (or the more familiar misnomer, global warming), I think it only appropriate I go into this as well...

There are a few givens...facts, if you will:
*The average temperature of Earth is rising. In fact, it's accelerating.
*Massive release of carbon dioxide is contributing to (perhaps causing) this change
*The population of the species behind this emission (human beings) has doubled in the last 50 years

Now, scale Earth to a more managable size, say a glass sphere the size of a basketball. Provide the conditions (as we now perceive them) of temperature interaction...i.e. layer the poles of this sphere with something cold (say liquid nitrogen) and the "equator" with something hot (a contained hydrogen belt). While this model does not reproduce Earth's intricate balance, it resembles enough to make an argument.

Within this closed system (as Earth is), the thermal energy generated in the equator not only migrates, but pushes the colder enviornment in the poles to other regions. As we all know, molecules become more excited when more heat is introduced. These interactions can be thought of as currents. Warm air travels fast, and when it encounters cold air (which moves much slower, if at all), it pushes it along such currents. In a stable system, these interactions would remain somewhat constant.

Now, apply heat to the entire system. What becomes most noteworthy are these interactions. More heat means warm air becomes warmer, thus raising thermal energy and momentum. When this hot air hits cooler air, the force is much greater, propelling these cold currents more profoundly. Those regions subject to cold currents become even MORE susceptible, as cold air is pushed harder, faster, and stronger. In effect, moderate regions become much colder as hot regions become sweltering.

The point? AN OVERALL RAISE IN EARTH'S TEMPERATURE CREATES AREAS MUCH COLDER THAN WOULD BE OBSERVED OTHERWISE. On the surface, it seems counter intuitive, but the principles of physics speak otherwise.


"I wanted to interact, to be more active than passive...I guess I spent all my time watching the music."

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