Forums > Videos > New Contact Juggling Video! 9/24

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RaveRepresentSILVER Member
567 posts
Location: USA

It's been a while since I've made videos and spoke with the HoP'ers. I've decided to come back to Youtube after a long absence - due to school. I doubt some of you remember me XD Anywho, quitting the chit-chat and back to business. smile

It's time. Be prepared. 9/24/2008

With happiness,

John grin

"I don't know what you are talking about"

"Cardinal!!! Poke her... with the SOFT CUSIONS!!!!"

"Its not working my lord!"

"Have you got all of the stuffing on one end?!"

RaveRepresentSILVER Member
567 posts
Location: USA

It's time!!! Check this link!
It's going to be chop full of anti-spinny, flower-tutorially, awesome isolation-y goodness!!!

With happiness,


"I don't know what you are talking about"

"Cardinal!!! Poke her... with the SOFT CUSIONS!!!!"

"Its not working my lord!"

"Have you got all of the stuffing on one end?!"

dawndreamPLATINUM Member
The answers lie on the horizon
35 posts
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

Your isolation are good, slow, meditative, Its really nice to see it up close as you are. My ADD brain asks for quicker scene changes, but you pulled off the trance effect nicely.

foolosopher at your service!

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