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Occupation(s): Runs website, naturalistdesigns.co.uk Making and selling dreads, hats, headbands, clothing
Favorite Food(s): Chinese Chow Mein
Favorite Color(s): Purple and Green
What is the wing speed of an unladen swallow? African or European
Toys: Knitting Needles, Sock Poi
Hobbies other than the obvious: Knitting, Dread Making, Sewing, Reading, Being with the love of my life
Education: Left school with minor qualifications
Favorite Book(s): "The Sight" by David Clement-Davis
Favorite Movie(s): Practical Magic
Godzilla vs. a Star Wars Star Destroyer. Who wins? Why? Star Destroy hands down; it'll obliterate the planet Godzilla is on!
Favorite TV show(s): Scrubs, Lost.
Plans for life in general: (i.e. what you want to do when you grow up) Be a home-maker with a part time job
Favorite Music Artists/Composers: Wednesday 13, Motely Crue, anything glam, horror or cheesy ;P
Do you think these pants make my butt look too big? They make my bum look big, but not yours
Favorite ice cream flavor(s): Mint chocolate chip *dribble*
Marmite, Vegemite, or Nutella?* Marmite
Feel free to badger this newbie I'm here to learn and love the art of Poi x
astonSILVER Member Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League 4,061 posts Location: South Africa
Posted: Welcome.
Pull up a link somewhere.
'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.] "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here." - Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland
simtaBRONZE Member compfuzzled 1,182 posts Location: hastings, England (UK)
Posted: to HOP
"the geeks have got you" - Gayle
alien_oddityCarpal \'Tunnel 7,193 posts Location: in the trees
Posted: ello welcome to the mad house got any pics of your dreadlings?
SeyeSILVER Member Geek 1,261 posts Location: Manchester, UK
Posted: Hello northamptonshire person
I grew up down there. Just saw your post in the northampton meets topic. I'll be down soon. Would be really nice to finally meet some people in my old home town (although raunds is not exactly 'northampton', i know) who spin
alien_oddityCarpal \'Tunnel 7,193 posts Location: in the trees
Posted: *pokes seye* oi mister..........hit me up on msn clarrrrt!
PM me for details
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