HawkfeatherJYNothing is imposable to a sufficantly talented fool!
156 posts
Location: Bartlesville,Oklahoma, United States of America

I was looking at all the posts & thought that We need a Post just for Ideas, for, on, about, Poi! Just let them flow, like a river. Please don't hesitate. Even if you think the idea (on Poi stuff) is dumb, Please share them. I believe that people need to be creative & sould not be repressed. So Express What you would like to see for Poi.

My Ideas:
I would love to see more flame resistant or retardent clothing with new designs come out. I believe that would be, for style & safty, An ultimate boost in what gets out recognition of Poi & the things that make Poi great.
I would like to see poi instated in different settings as a standard for fitness. Like for example: Schools, Gyms, & other Institutions. I have more to say I am just exausted. lol Well let me know, I can take what you can dish. I would love to here your imput. Ideas Need a spot 2 so Hit it up & enjoy! please.

Perception is truly in the Eyes of the beholder... So dream on with no Fear. ~Hawkfeather~York~

Fire_MooseSILVER Member
Elusive and Bearded
3,597 posts
Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA

you can buy flame retardant to spray on whatever clothes you want...BAM fire safe clothes!

staff > poi


Owned by Mynci!

HawkfeatherJYNothing is imposable to a sufficantly talented fool!
156 posts
Location: Bartlesville,Oklahoma, United States of America

Oh cool I didnt know they made that. Thanks for the info, By the way Do you have any Ideas for Poi to share? I would love to here it.

Perception is truly in the Eyes of the beholder... So dream on with no Fear. ~Hawkfeather~York~

Fire_MooseSILVER Member
Elusive and Bearded
3,597 posts
Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA

oh yeah i got a couple...

drop the poi and pick up a staff....

drop the poi and swing clubs...



Owned by Mynci!

HawkfeatherJYNothing is imposable to a sufficantly talented fool!
156 posts
Location: Bartlesville,Oklahoma, United States of America

lol I would do them all as soon as I learn one at a time. But yes I will keep an open mind for them all.

Perception is truly in the Eyes of the beholder... So dream on with no Fear. ~Hawkfeather~York~

Wraith_DividendSILVER Member
Bunny Bane
205 posts
Location: i cant see because my head is up my posteria, Engl...

surley a river is no what you need when spinning fire?

on that note a good tip:
dont spin your poi near water when they are on fire

if life is for love then to love is to live
a quote from me!
god i love me
and i while typing this im just itching to get back to my toast
oh and by the way you just lost the game

HawkfeatherJYNothing is imposable to a sufficantly talented fool!
156 posts
Location: Bartlesville,Oklahoma, United States of America

Right Duely noted! thanks.

Perception is truly in the Eyes of the beholder... So dream on with no Fear. ~Hawkfeather~York~

HawkfeatherJYNothing is imposable to a sufficantly talented fool!
156 posts
Location: Bartlesville,Oklahoma, United States of America

I have another idea, Some one had mentioned sound Poi. Now that brought to mind some thing I have seen & expirianced. Some thing called A Bull rush, or Wolf Scare. What it is, is a piece of flat wood shaped like a ruler, with a hole in the bottom of it to tie a string through it & swing it around causing sounds to be made. now what if some one were to make poi like that? ...
Humm the possabilities.

Perception is truly in the Eyes of the beholder... So dream on with no Fear. ~Hawkfeather~York~

Mr MajestikSILVER Member
coming to a country near you
4,696 posts
Location: home of the tiney toothy bear, Australia

interesting idea, if i remember right different pitches can be achieved by varying the speed it is spun and the lenght of the cord. would be interesting to investigate, but painful too tongue2

"but have you considered there is more to life than your eyelids?"

jointly owned by Fire_Spinning_Angel and Blu_Valley

hamamelisBRONZE Member
756 posts
Location: Bouncing off the walls., England (UK)

Or try these


If that's okay with you?

HawkfeatherJYNothing is imposable to a sufficantly talented fool!
156 posts
Location: Bartlesville,Oklahoma, United States of America

Kick A**! will do!
Those look fun!

Perception is truly in the Eyes of the beholder... So dream on with no Fear. ~Hawkfeather~York~

Fire_MooseSILVER Member
Elusive and Bearded
3,597 posts
Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA

remember these?


Owned by Mynci!

XiuhtecuhtliSILVER Member
79 posts
Location: Guanajuato, México


another idea!
How about eatable poi?!
you play with them, and after that you can eat them...

Fire_MooseSILVER Member
Elusive and Bearded
3,597 posts
Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA

apples on hooks


Owned by Mynci!

XiuhtecuhtliSILVER Member
79 posts
Location: Guanajuato, México

but the hooks must not be so sharp, i wouldnt like a fishing hook down my throat... XP

why not just tie your poi to your wrist, then you would have your hands free for doing other stuff, like a rubiks...
that would be a challenge

HawkfeatherJYNothing is imposable to a sufficantly talented fool!
156 posts
Location: Bartlesville,Oklahoma, United States of America

HOLY Crap those are cool!!!

Perception is truly in the Eyes of the beholder... So dream on with no Fear. ~Hawkfeather~York~

HawkfeatherJYNothing is imposable to a sufficantly talented fool!
156 posts
Location: Bartlesville,Oklahoma, United States of America


why not just tie your poi to your wrist, then you would have your hands free for doing other stuff, like a rubiks...
that would be a challenge[/quote]

Sounds cool! get started. LOL

Perception is truly in the Eyes of the beholder... So dream on with no Fear. ~Hawkfeather~York~

XiuhtecuhtliSILVER Member
79 posts
Location: Guanajuato, México

Just bringing one from the other threat
that last one might be a bit heavy...
maybe if they were kids?

HawkfeatherJYNothing is imposable to a sufficantly talented fool!
156 posts
Location: Bartlesville,Oklahoma, United States of America

ROFL! Right Now there's an Idea twisted but funny.

Perception is truly in the Eyes of the beholder... So dream on with no Fear. ~Hawkfeather~York~

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