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Posted: So ive been spinning for bout 2 months or so and have majority of the basics down, not all, but alot. I want to try some of the harder stuff because i guess you could say it looks cooler, and i'd like to start making everything flow together and i love learning new tricks... I noticed on stuff like the waist strap you have to spin the poi behind you and the back in front of you on the other side of your body.... I'm a heavier set guy, i wouldnt really call my self fat, but i'm sure not skinny, Im well rounded you might say. I cannot get my arm from behind me to make a beat in front of me, maybe due to my midsection being thicker then others, or maybe my arms are just to short? Does anyone else have any problems similar to this? Should i just go run or do i need to work on stretching my arms out or something? Thanks
T-S-ASILVER Member Magic Monkey Juice 252 posts Location: Saaf Ingerland Innet, England (UK)
Posted: I'm not the smallest of chaps and I have recently started playing with BTB and waist-wrap stuff. It's all about stretching your muscles and getting them used to going into new positions.
I am sure having a bit of chunk on you doesnt make it easier, but I would say it's certainly not impossible.
If you put your right arm behind your back, and stretch so that the back of your right hand is pressed against your left rib cage, press your left hand against your right palm and hold it there for 30 seconds - a minute, then do the same with your left hand stretched round and your right holding it in place and repeat a couple of times. I do that a few times a day (boring job sitting at a desk all night) and after a while it feels more natrual.
Practice each move you want to do with one hand, concentraiting on the motion your arm/hand/wrist need to do first, then once you have that try getting the poi spinning right, do the same with the second hand, and eventually as your muscles get used to it, it will become much easier.
IE for Meltdowns I will practice with my right hand, hold it behind my back for a min and keep the poi spinning at my left, then switch and hold my left behind my back, getting that poi spinning to my right. Once I feel confident getting them into the position and keeping them spinning smoothly it's time to put it together.
It will take some time, but eventually it wont be such a hassle getting your arms into these aqward positions.
I personally think that this bit of theory is mega impotant when it comes to any part of spinning.
Good luck dude, don't give up, it will come at some point. EDITED_BY: T-S-A (1252649099)
"We were making castles in the sand: Now we swim in the seas that swept them away"
Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member Rampant whirler. 2,418 posts Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia!
Posted: Interlink your fingers behind your back, palms facing up, lift your arms up and flex your shoulderblades. Once you feel comfortable with this, bend at the waist and bring your arms over your head.
Warming up before any movement you're not used to is a good idea.
Does the above make sense?
DISCLAIMER: I am not a professional movement instructor of any kind, if it doesn't feel right, don't do it, I take no responsibility for any harm anyone might come to from reading this. ^_^
T-S-ASILVER Member Magic Monkey Juice 252 posts Location: Saaf Ingerland Innet, England (UK)
Posted: Originally Posted By: Mother_Natures_Son
DISCLAIMER: I am not a professional movement instructor of any kind, if it doesn't feel right, don't do it, I take no responsibility for any harm anyone might come to from reading this. ^_^
What he said
Originally Posted By: Mother_Natures_SonInterlink your fingers behind your back, palms facing up, lift your arms up and flex your shoulderblades. Once you feel comfortable with this, bend at the waist and bring your arms over your head.
I may have to give this a try, can never be flexable enough EDITED_BY: T-S-A (1252649232)
"We were making castles in the sand: Now we swim in the seas that swept them away"
Posted: haha, one of my friends stopped by today and shes really limber and stretches alot and subject got brought up about my antilimberness and i told her my problem with poi and she told me about the interlacing fingers stretch method you gave me, im bout to start stretching and start spinning again, hopefully ill be able to wheel that poi around in front of me and makes the btb weave alot easier on me as well and i can start working on meltdowns and such, thanks guys =)
FlameSILVER Member addict 435 posts Location: VIC, MELB, Australia
Posted: lol i think you just need to stretch - i still have difficulties with this one but practice and your body should adjust
*In the car while Pink is playing on the radio* Tristan aged 4 : "Mum is this Pink?" Flame:"Yes mate this is Pink?" Tristan:"Are you going to Pink?" Flame:"Yes i am" Tristan:"Cool well I'm going to BLUE"
Bam_BamBRONZE Member Raver X 15 posts Location: Fort Worth, Tx. Usa
Posted: Yea i know how you feel i am a heavyer set preson with martial arts training and the btb weaves are more like playing nut cracker with poi EDITED_BY: Bam_Bam (1255820440)
Derek_FaughnDIAMOND Member DerekJF85 101 posts Location: Garland, TX, USA
Posted: Also....Learn how to turn between forward BTB and reverse BTB. A waist wrap is just that, but with the motion of your arms instead of your body. So learning just the BTB turn will help. And yes stretch!
"Dream as you will live forever, and live as you will die today" James Dean
Posted: So far, stretching has paid off ive increased about nearly 2 inches of reach around behind my back in almost a month, and i dont even stretch it every day like i shouldve done. But, about another half inch to go and ill the ability to spin my poi in front of me with out difficulties i hope. I still need to learn forward behind the back weave and such
philhewsBRONZE Member newbie 37 posts Location: England (UK)
Posted: I've been trying to get this sorted for a while and last night I realised that because I was trying so hard to push my arm as far round my back as possible I had tightened up all my shoulder muscles and was pulling/hunching my shoulders forward.
If you relax your shoulders and drop them backwards you can reach as much as an extra 3 or 4 inches round which helps no end! You may not be having the same problem, but it helped me.
Just got to do it without the constant turning round on the spot now!
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