Forums > Technical Discussion > How can I make my staff burn for longer?

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Hi guys.
I'm fairly new to this site, so if this question sounds silly, many apologies.

I do fire staff, and I've been having a problem with burn time. I'll be doing a performance, and my flames will go out within 2-3 minutes. However, I see videos of fire performers going for 10 or so minutes.
Any pointers?

Thanks very much!

hamamelisBRONZE Member
756 posts
Location: Bouncing off the walls., England (UK)


Well, having thicker wick will increase your burn time, as it can hold more fuel compared to the surface area. I don't think there's much you can do to increase the length of your burn without altering the prop.

But I have to admit, 10 minutes seems a bit high for a single burn - most seem to be around the 5-6 minute mark, maybe a little higher- as you said it was something you've seen from videos, are you sure that's all footage of a single burn, rather than having prop switches which are edited out?
Hope that's helpful smile


If that's okay with you?

OuchStaffBRONZE Member
65 posts
Location: The netherlands

it also depends on what fuel you use, if you use white gas or something simalar that might be the reason. use something like kerosine parrafin or lampoil.

Ouch o.O

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