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DreadnautGOLD Member Dready Teddy 53 posts Location: London, United Kingdom
Posted: This will be the first big London fire meet of the year, to coincide with the April Full Moon and the Celtic fire festival of Beltane.. WOOT!
There is a facebook event page here: Full Moon Fire Spin
I'll be supervising my beginners poi course students in their first fire spin from 8.30pm, then everyone else is welcome to join us from 9pm onwards. We'll pack up about midnight.
The location will be somewhere on Clapham Common tbc (though probably near the bandstand), give me a call on 07914 489447 if you can't find us.
Please bring your own fuel and fire equipment if you have it. If you don't bring your own fuel I will need to charge you £1 for fuel costs. (or possibly more if you have particularly big wicks or do multiple spins).
There should be at least a couple of really good photographers if you want to be photographed, but if you don't want to be photographed just let them know.
THE SERIOUS BIT: If you have not spun fire before, please make yourself familiar with the safety advice widely available on the internet (including here on HOP), and let me know so I can keep an eye on you. Obviously if you are a total beginner then this meet will not be suitable for you. DO NOT WEAR SYNTHETIC FABRICS. And also cover your hair. I will do my best to make the meet as safe as possible, but spinning fire is dangerous and I will not be held responsible for any accidents.
DreadnautGOLD Member Dready Teddy 53 posts Location: London, United Kingdom
Posted: its tonight! the weather forecast looks great, no rain, 13 degrees C, and already we have over 40 fire spinners confirmed as attending, plus drummers and a didge player
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