poismylovepoi addict
196 posts
Location: cali

okay so i just recently started really get the hang of the mercedes, and i can do it pretty well now, but how do you make the long arm and trifoil switch hand without stopping it? ive seen it alot in videos and i just cant figure it out.

to spin or not to spin, that is the question.

Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member
Rampant whirler.
2,418 posts
Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia!

Change direction of your hands, poismylove!


6,650 posts

could someone pls point me out to a vid? because mercedes to me still is a car.... redface

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

Sister ElevenGOLD Member
owner of the group property
1,277 posts
Location: Seattle, WA, USA

FT: Extension vs. three petal antispin, hands together-same, wall plane flower.

Poismylove: it really is as simple as changing the direction of your hands. I find it easier at points where the poi are facing away from each other, i.e. between the points of the triquetra, but the main thing is to watch and play around with what happens to your planes when you switch. Tossing in a ttn motion can help, too.


e6SILVER Member
we are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams
45 posts
Location: falls church, virginia, usa

first you want to make sure you can do it in both directions cleanly. i find it easier changing directions at the petal, particularly one situated on the lower half of the extension circle. so, if you're doing one petal up and two down, try on one of the down petals.

poismylovepoi addict
196 posts
Location: cali

okay thanks very much guys smile ill need to practice the other direction some first i think before i work on changing the direction.

and for firetom. heres a vid of the mercedes

to spin or not to spin, that is the question.

Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member
Rampant whirler.
2,418 posts
Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia!


For poismylove ^_^


poismylovepoi addict
196 posts
Location: cali

thanks smile that is a nifty little trick. practice it tommorow ive been at school all night and im beat sleep1 need some sleep.

to spin or not to spin, that is the question.

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