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catzBRONZE Member
7 posts
Location: Malvern UK

Hi im organising a play day event for local youth in malvern 4th aug
and wondered if anyone can come and help entertain or teach poi? or even have a go at making poi with the youth is anyone is feeling particularly generous?!
i love poi'ing but am a bit rubbish ha ha!
community gardens website is
if anyone whats a space to meet/ practice in malvern! send me an email?

cheers cat

EDITED_BY: catz (1309087345)

meshunderlayBRONZE Member
612 posts
Location: Hicksville, New York, USA

Malvern.... where?

catzBRONZE Member
7 posts
Location: Malvern UK

The Play day event will be at New Town Football club, details will be posted on the community gardens web site nearer to the date.

the garden is Elgar avenue, the foot ball club is very near to the garden-

we meet down the garden every sun 2:30pm for all things nature and garden related- and if your local , great place to practice your poi'ing if you what! loads of space!


catzBRONZE Member
7 posts
Location: Malvern UK

Malvern UK!,
Sorry mate, not USA opps! ha ha!!!!, not really local!!!

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